
Ancient Demon King Instructor

Walter is a orphan living a miserable life from childhood he became mature faster than other kids. Having no friends , no family he spent his time mostly alone. If that wasn't enough even gods didn't give him blessing , being unawakened in this cruel world was like a curse to him . Everyone start treating him like trash. Being bullied by his own classmate ,even then while saving them he fell of the cliff he thought that finally he can find happiness at least in afterlife . Everything started to turn dark around himand he felt his consciousness fading until... [System integrating...] ____________ please support this is my first time writing a novel i am not that good in English so try to ignore mistake please

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4 Chs

2. The First dungeon

As they crossed the portal Walker fainted because of his weak body .

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain he tried to open his eye and saw Roy and his friend kicking him.

"you can't even do a single work why don't just die trash " Roy said with an angry expression

"yah that's why his parents abandoned him Roy , hey you bastard go and pick up our bags also if you try to run if will personally kill you " jimme and david says and started walking toward the dungeon with others school groups.

Walter just nod toward them it's not because he is scared of them it's just he is weak he tried to fight them in past but in the end he got his several bones broken, with continuous pain and suffering having no purpose to live he just wanted to die he try to committee suicide but he wasn't brave enough.

With the weight of bags and due to weak body he was barely able to walk.

After few minutes the school reaches near the dungeon named " The First Dungeon" it called the first dungeon for a simple reason it was one of first open dungeon. Open dungeon are the the place where beast appeared from the space cracks live . Because the first Crack appeard near the Indian Ocean beast targeted the nearest country "Sri Lanka" and soon take fell in breast's hand because of less protection power, after humanity gain power it became to conquer their lost land and after many raid in the place once called Sri Lanka all the powerful beast were killed now its just a F-rank Dungeon used for training newbies.

After gaining blessing system of power divided into ranks - F, E ,D,C,B,A,S and SS rank their is only 7 S-rank awakenrs from which 4 are Generals of human army and 3 are of leading family and only one SS- rank awakenr - The King " Alexander Crowford".

" Students this is just a F-rank Dungeon you can form team of 4 people and start heading inside , you can contact us in need by the watch we have given you " a teacher said to the students before leaving .

Roy, Jimme ,David and Walter were in the samne group. Walter knew that they keep him with to carry their bags, serving them as a fucking slave and it was enough to make his blood boil but he remained silent.

Soon the groups started to head inside the forest. Roy awakened fire element by the blessing of god of fire similarly David awakned earth element and Jimme got wind element and all were F- rank awakner . An F Ranker has slightly more strength than an average human , two F Ranker can easily defeat an F- rank beast.

Walter and his group soon reached the middle of forest but still they didn't have seen a single beast . Although Walter was unawakend he still have high intelligence that is also a reason why he was able to enroll in academy. He is getting a strange feeling about about the situation he says to Ray , " hey Ray i think we should return now it may be dangerous to went further"

But instead he got a slap on his face, " how dare you say my name by your filthy mouth, we are not pussy like you if you don't want to follow us then why don't i just send you to hell " Roy said with annoyed face .

Having no choice Walter again start to follow them.


After a short time they all heard a heart chilling roar and giant wolf of high 6 meter jump out of nowhere in front of them .

Whole group stand there as if they had seen a ghost and without saying a word they started running.

"isn't it's an F-rank Dungeon what the fuck is E- rank giant doing here " Jimme said while running.

" It's and low E-rank beast i think it evolved just a few days ago " David shouted.

No matter how much they run wolf was faster than them , suddenly Ray's leg got stuck in tree branches and he fell down.

"David ,Jimme HELP ME" no matter how much he shout but they didn't even look toward him . Seeing Giant wolf approaching he pissed in his pants, just as wolf was about to attack a hand grab Ray and pulled him away .

Ray turned towards the person and saw Walter grabbing his shoulder. "Wa...."he was about to say something just then Walter shouted at him " Run away! i will buy you sometime" and then started to run in opposite direction to distract the wolf .

Ray also started to run away with complicated feeling in his heart.

After running for a while Walter found himself standing at the edge of a cliff. When he looked down he say nothing but darkness. Having no choice he decided to attack the wolf 'if i am going to die i will take you with me to hell '.


With a heart chilling war cry wolf started to blindly charge toward Walter. Just when Walter was about to get hit he gathered all his strength in his leg and kicked the ground . With that a small piece of land started to started to fell down from the cliff with Walter and the Giant Wolf.