
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

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123 Chs


Chapter 166: The Reappearance of the Handsome Boy

"I know that Peter's incident has hit you hard, and I'm very sad about it, Gwen, but people can't always live in the past. We need to look forward," George told Gwen, calling her to the table and speaking very sincerely.

"Peter is not dead, Dad," Gwen replied slowly after a moment of silence. "I remember very clearly that he seemed to have been taken away by someone that day." She frowned, recalling the scene from the Battle of New York. "I don't know who those people are, and I don't know why they took Peter away, but I will definitely find Peter again, no matter how much time it takes."

Listening to his daughter's firm words, George couldn't help but sigh softly. He understood the importance of Peter to his daughter and felt very sad about Peter's disappearance. But as a father, he couldn't watch his daughter wallowing in the past decadently.

"But you've been studying that gadget for more than half a year, haven't you? Even Stark got involved, but there are still no results," George said, looking at Gwen. "You know, Gwen, I just don't want you to be so downcast anymore."

The gadget George mentioned was a small device left by the Time Administration that Gwen had picked up at the scene. The other party seemed to rely on these devices to transmit. This thing must be indispensable if they were to find Peter, but it was mostly damaged and completely unusable. In desperation, Gwen had no choice but to bring it back, trying to study, analyze the technology, and repair it.

But no matter how smart Gwen was, she couldn't avoid the reality that she was just a high school senior about to graduate. Her knowledge and skills were insufficient for this kind of work on her own. Therefore, it became necessary to bring in other members of the Justice League to study together.

Fortunately, the technology contained in the device itself was of great research value. Additionally, this was to find the missing Peter, so everyone invested a lot of effort. This included Tony Stark, the chief scientist of the Justice League. Other contributors included Connors and Banner, who was fighting the Hulk in a different world. They also paid attention and offered their thoughts and opinions.

Even though it was the busiest time after the Battle of New York, with the country and the world in chaos due to the alien invasion, post-war reconstruction, loot distribution, and technological analysis, Gwen improved her scientific research skills significantly along the way.

As everyone knows, in terms of science and technology, Stark's research and development capabilities are unmatched. After an initial period of analysis, he quickly repaired the device to every detail, thoroughly exploring its technical foundation. Although the underlying technology of the device was unachievable with current human technology, and even Tony couldn't do much about it, the existing parts were functional.

Everyone determined the device's function: it could open a passage to the multiverse, allowing users to travel through various parallel universes. The research soon entered its next phase. To replenish energy, after careful consideration, the Cosmic Cube was borrowed from Asgard again for a period.

Gwen was ready. She knew that after the device was turned on, she might have to face one strange and different universe after another. For a long time, she might have to travel between parallel universes to find information about Peter. But she would never regret it.

However, to everyone's surprise, after everything was ready, the device failed to start. Despite thorough checks and accurate calculations, Gwen just couldn't open the channel. There seemed to be a layer of isolation blocking everyone, and the research was stuck at this point. Even Tony made no progress.

In addition, Tony himself had many responsibilities, including iterative upgrades of the Steel Armor and the Destroyer Armor, the future industrial impact and development of the company after the war, the positioning of the Justice League, and running around to study magic. Pepper's pregnancy also required his attention as a husband and father. He couldn't keep his eyes on this.

This caused the research to be stuck at the last step, with only Gwen still trying. The reason she got up late was that she stayed up late playing with the device.

"It's just the last step, Dad. I'm just one step away from success," Gwen explained with a smile. "And I'm not decadent at all. I was admitted to the Imperial University. My results in each subject are still among the best. I haven't missed any clubs, competitions, or honors. I've also learned a lot about relevant theories, techniques, and practices."

She had done even better than when she was Spider-Woman. But in this regard, George sighed deeply. He showed a rare bitterness on his face and asked, "What about Spider-Woman?"

Gwen fell into silence. After the Great War in New York, Spider-Woman, everyone's favorite friendly neighbor and honorary police officer, had not been seen for more than half a year.

Outside the apartment, Peter looked at Gwen in the room, a trace of distress flashing in his eyes, and then began to think about what he should do next. It seemed that only the identity of Black Superman had been forgotten. Peter Parker still existed, but some details had been corrected. He could have just returned as Peter Parker, as long as he could explain his disappearance and return. The other issue was how to remove the magic of "Forgetting Black Superman." But in this regard, he was not a professional and might need to talk to a certain Supreme Mage.

Coincidentally, as soon as Peter finished his thoughts, electric sparks suddenly flashed out of thin air, opening an arc portal clockwise. The handsome Ancient One walked out with her trademark bald head. Peter was not surprised that the Ancient One came to him. With his current status, breaking through the boundary and re-entering would naturally attract the attention of the Supreme Mage.

It's just that now, with the hidden buff given by [Eternity], explaining his identity to the Ancient One might be tricky. There might even be a fight, which Peter didn't mind. By the way, it could unlock an achievement of beating the Supreme Ancient One.

"I think you're thinking of something very offensive, Black Superman," the Ancient One said, seemingly noticing something. Peter was a little surprised, "Do you still remember me?"

"I did forget," the Ancient One replied, understanding what Peter asked and explained, "But I just used the Time Stone to flip through the timeline."

Good grief, Peter thought, the administrator used the Time Stone to exploit bugs. He felt a little pity, as this way, he wouldn't have an excuse to beat up the Supreme Mage.