

(AN: not only Naruto's date was changed but who else's fate will change forever.)


While the other anbu were applauding and congratulating him fox, there were four others who were in the back. Seeing them fox recognized them 'lion, owl, deer, and Nemo-nee.'

Lion seeing foxes stare just nodded as he motioned for fox to come over. Doing so fox stood across from the four. As everyone started to quiet down lion spoke "I am the captain of team RO and your squad leader."

Bowing fox spoke "I look forward to working under you captain."

"And I look forward to having you fox. I've seen great potential within you as a child now it's time for me and the others to harness that potential." Lion replied

"I won't disappoint you captain." Fox stated with determination while thinking 'these people respect me, I won't loose that respect even if it's only because they don't know who I am. I don't want to be alone again.'

"Good now dragon-sama has given a basic layout of what your training will be yes?" Lion asked as he lead his team out of the room.

"Yes captain, dragon-sama told me that they would be working on my physical conditioning. While clones of mine will learn the anbu hand signs, and go to the library. Another few clones will study the scroll in my room." Fox replied

"Hmm good well you'll also have clones training under us. We all know who you are and don't care. So you will be working your kenjutsu with cat, your taijutsu with owl, battle strategy and infiltration with deer, and ninjutsu with me." Lion stated rather bluntly.

"I see…thanks." Fox spoke in a low tone.

Cat who was next to him just ruffled his hair affectionately. Fox leaned into it out of instinct. Smiling behind her mask cat thought 'it's kinda cute that he thinks no one knows who he is. Pretty much every anbu here has been on Naruto watch duty. Also that hair and those baby blues are a dead giveaway.'

"Your training for the next week or two depending on how long it takes for us to fix your health issues will be less physical and more mental. So while clones memorize hand signs and speed up your use of hand seals and those anbu hand signs. More will be sent to the library. Finally the real you will be doing teamwork exercises. We are not five solo members we are a team…" Lion started than remembering what dragon told him about foxes mental state he continued. "No not a team a family and your now part of this family. So you have to learn how to play your part."

As lion finished foxes eyes gained a fire as he thought 'don't worry I won't be a burden. Not any longer I'll be strong for family.' As he thought this his hand squeezed cats on top of his head.

Seeing all of this owl decided it was time for him to introduce himself "you know you'll make your boyfriend jealous acting like that with another man. Especially after you two flirted at the academy."

Looking at each other fox and cat spoke at the same time. "Eww why would I date my big sister/little brother."

Than looking at each other again they spoke at the same time again "hey it's a privilege to date some one as amazing as me."

Than growling at each other they spoke "hey stop copying me."

As they looked about to pounce on each other deer held up a hand sign. His shadow extended to both foxes and cats. Stopping them dead in their tracks. Speaking in a lazy and tired tone deer stated "troublesome will you two stop it we're at our training room."

Coughing a little both fox and cat tried to nod but when they couldn't move spoke in unison again "yup clear as day."

"Good now line up." Lion ordered as they entered the underground training facility. It was the size of a football field. Within it were fake trees, fake bushes, an advanced obstacle course, and a open field. Following the others to the open area part fox stood next to cat at the far right. "Alright let's go over team formations and what to use and when to use it."


"So your telling me that you let a malnourished and fragile minded child into anbu." A blond haired woman stated slowly. Getting dragon to nod their head. "And you want me to fix him within two months." She added just as slowly making dragon nod again. "While the child has major trust issues for anyone he doesn't consider family."

"Yup easy right." Dragon stated sounding proud of themselves even through the monotone voice.

Palming her face the woman groaned "and how do you expect me a total stranger to the boy to gain his trust, get him to spill all his problems, than completely fix him within TWO MONTHS!" The woman finished with a yell

"I don't know your the therapist work your magic." Dragon replied

"Does the boy know of his parents?" The woman asked messaging her forehead

"He knows his mothers name and that he had a clan." Dragon added

"Hmm bring him to me tomorrow I'll treat this as a exchange at first till he gets comfortable with me." The woman stated

"Alright thanks yumi." Dragon thanked the woman

"No problem just help me fix my daughters fan girl mentality she's worse than me as a child and I'd rather my daughter not to have that mentality destroyed the same way mine was." As the woman finished as covered herself a little and shivered.

Putting their hand on yumi's shoulder dragon replied "don't worry I'll take your daughter on a tour through the phsyc ward of the hospital. She'll be shaken but…"

"Not left beaten and raped." Yumi finished as she took a few deep breaths. "Thank you dragon you've always been a good friend both before and after that mask."

"No problem old friend just be ready to comfort the girl. But don't coddle her to much that could offset the hole purpose of my little field trip." Dragon added before leaving.

"I won't it's inoichi that coddles her." Yumi replied with a good natured laugh

*underground training ground*

"Three." Lion called out from the side as he watched his team and a clone of him complete the next formation. "That was better fox but your eyes focus to much on where your going to be. That's a dead giveaway for any experienced ninja. Never telegraph your next move. Now again but slower, there's no shame in taking it slow now and getting it perfect for when you really need it." Lion criticized.

"Yes captain." Fox replied as he went back to his starting spot and did the formation again.

*few hours later*

"Blue." Lion ordered as deer used his shadow to hold a clone of lion down as owl launched out from a tree and used taijutsu to throw the clone in the air. Taking this moment both fox and cat jumped out of the trees and cut the clone in three pieces. As the head torso, and legs fell a pit formed beneath them as the real lion slammed his hands on the ground. As soon as the clones body parts fell in the hole it closed up burying the clone. "Good now we take it up to chunin speed." Lion stated as the others nodded.


Looking at fox he just spoke "don't worry captain I can keep going." Fox stated as he bowed

"Hmm how much have you ate today?" Lion asked

"Nothing." Fox replied nervously.

Sighing lion looked at the others than ti the clock on the wall. "It's already 10:00 PM. Let's go get dinner I'm sure we're all hungry." Getting nods from the others lion added "there's a anbu only restaurant that's open 24/7 it's ran by ex anbu who retired. So they know how shitty and random our eating hours are."

"I don't have any money though." Fox nervously stated while the others just looked at him.

"Don't worry it's free the hokage gives them more than enough money to run the restaurant and pay its workers." Cat spoke while walking up to fox. "Now come on they have the food of the gods…. Sushi."

Narrowing their eyes behind the mask fox growled out "ramen is the food of the gods."

Narrowing her own eyes cat replied with "sushi."

"Ramen." Fox rebuffed

Before this could go on any longer they both froze as "Troublesome, how do you two argue so much yet work together in almost perfect harmony when training."

Both trying and failing to shrug their shoulders fox and cat replied with "don't know." Than "stop copying me."

Palming his head making fox and cat do the same deer spoke "there's both sushi and ramen at rambo's now come along or do I have to drag you both with my shadow."

"You can let us go." They replied in unison.

"Good." Deer replied as they released the technique.


As the team entered the restaurant and took a seat they started to remove their masks and put them down. Looking around fox saw that all the anbu in the restaurant were wearing either civilian clothes or anbu gear but they all had their masks on the table. "It's ok fox you fox you can take it off." Owl spoke.

Looking at him fox saw "hyuga?"

"Yup my real name is haru hyuga." He replied

"I'm Shane Nara." Spoke deer but their voice was different more feminine. Fox narrowed their eyes at deer. "Yes I'm a woman. I pretend to be a man on the field, less likely to be raped if I'm captured." Deer replied bluntly.

"I see." Replied fox as he winced. 'Ya makes sense than why doesn't Yugao do that.' He thought wiggle looking at Yugao.

"My tits are to big to be suppressed by wrappings like Shane's are." She replied seeing his look.

Looking down a little fox spoke "I can see that now." Making Yugao slap the back of his head. "What it's nothing I haven't seen before you used to bathe me."

Making Yugao blush a bit as owl let out a few laughs and deer chuckled. "How do you remember that."

Giving her a blank stare fox replied "it was only six years ago."

"Oh right you little shot was that why you would get all dirty and not take a bath without me." Yugao asked while glaring at fox

Wincing fox looked away and mumbled "no the orphanage den mother never let me bathe said I'd infect the other kids. The only people who would let me get a bath were the old man, weasel, and you. Nah bathing with the other two felt wrong." While shane, haru, and lion didn't hear fox over haru's laughing Yugao did hear him.

Putting her hand in his head she replied "I see we'll I don't blame you than."

Deciding to lighten the slightly somber mood that he felt from his big sis fox added in a teasing voice "the skin ship you gave me also helped."

"Oi you little perv." Yugao stated with a small smile her mood improving.

Than looking at his captain fox saw a man with metal headgear like what he saw the second hokage wear in pictures. He also had large eyes and brown hair. Seeing fox look at him he spoke "I am Yamato no last name."

Nodding fox looked around than touched his mask. Seeing how everyone else had theirs off and he was getting a few weird looks he took a breath. There was a small poof of smoke that went unnoticed by most in the restaurant as he took off his fox mask.