
Elemental Army

"Divine Magic: Grand Elemental Summon."

As soon as Rey uttered those words, several entities began to emerged from the depths of the ground—almost as if rising from an abyss that connected them to another realm.

The vast, darkened plains that existed right beyond the Elven Camp, now gradually became populated with the entities that came forth from Rey's call. In their hundreds, they rose to their feet, their daunting figures at least five meters in height.

Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, and Lightning Elementals all gathered in their vast numbers—thousands of them—and stood still at Rey's commands.

Before long, even the darkened ground began to fade off. The Miasma that was creeping upon the land of the Elves retreated away from the group thanks to the Mana that Rey pulsated into the ground.

Before long, the plains—despite being stripped of the plants and other gifts of nature—returned to its original state.
