
An Expensive Revenge

WARNING This novel contains 18+ and evolving. Readers please do take care. The works definitely will contain disturbing elements which might include gory, crazy ideology(maybe) or anything. Challengers are welcome. Read fully knowing that. Story Sypnosis: I am Daken. No. I was Daken, a soldier on his prime, but was framed for unknown reason. Was it my love for the kingdom's princess, Shiva Eternia Ethervalen? A soldier with the power rivaling a general tossed away just like that. Fortunately, a voice warned me the attempts of ambushes and an assassination. The voice told me to go into the Accursed forest, Gal A forest.The most dangerous place of all dangerous places ever known. Even getting close 50 meters from the forest was said to bring bad luck. Rumors said that will invite catastrophe. Some said it will erase the closest villages. Some, until the sightseer die. Some, the whole kingdom. Many rumors flying around, shrouding the forest with more mystery and fear. BUT. There is one fact, well known to everyone who knew about this infamous forest. The fact is not about it is or was cursed or anything. The fact is no trespasser ever come back as survivor. All dead, seen or not seen. That fact made it, a treasure forest. Like insects allured by sweet smell, humans allured by the resources and mysteries accumulated by the forest. From unranked directly to A after many adventurers below S rank failed to return. Then directly to SS rank until an S ranker's magic placate which indicating his life became ashes without warning. Greed fired up which then went to play the pride of the strong resulting in the hurt pride felt wrath toward the forest. It was said 7 vice guild masters along with the army of a kingdom tried to explore the forest all vanished just like that after all, except a messenger team consisting 5 S rankers adventurers, entered the forest. From 5 seemed to be wasteful messengers, only 1 survived. A sole survivor who wasn't the strongest of the 5 nor was the weakest. It was said he was the only to focus on escaping with not even the slightest care of the tragedy happening behind him. He was determined to return home to do his last job as a mere messenger to report the tragedy. It was said that kingdom was the strongest of in the history as well as the richest. That had been the story shared from generation to generation, not clear wether it was a legend, a myth or a fairytale. But, one thing for sure. That forest is the place i lost something important as a man.

BoredDao · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 7 : Heaven

Urgh.... a white ceiling... Where am I?

[Right! Lime!]

Eh? I can't rise?

What happened?


A door opening sound but it is way softer than any door opening I ever heard.

Unknowningly, I turn my head toward the door.

A man? He got a big build. He about the height when I was a man.

Damn that Gaea! Return me my man body!

[Big sis, you are awake!] (Big Build Man)

Huh? Big sis? Anyone's around aside of me? I didn't sense any other's presence around when I woke up.

Let's check around to confirm it.

My right side, only him present.

My above head side, wall, white wall.

My below legs side, wall and some empty space between my bed and the white wall like above my head.

My left side, some little space as well with addition of a window, where some bright light shines through it but too bright or more like too white to see what's over the window.

Never mind that.

That man called me "Big sis"!?!

Come to think, I did feel my chest area heavier than normal.

It can't be!

[Big sis, I am here to confess something to you.] (Self Proclaimed Younger Brother)


Do a confession need to be so face to face?!


Wait! Why this scene somehow familiar?

He wont be planning to attack me, will he?

I can feel my strength back!

I will push him.

[Get ... urgh... ]

He really pushed me down. Is a woman body always this weak? I can't break away and it's hurt!

[Sis, accept my love.] (Self Proclaimed Younger Brother)

Gross! He wanted to kiss me?


[I am a m.... ]

What happened? He succeeded?

Wait, who is he?

What am I saying? "I am a ... " a what?

What is this cool sensation on my forehead and head?

[You are awake. Thank goodness.] (Woman voice)

[Nnnngghnn.. Who is that?]

A beauty lady!

Why am I excited seeing seeing the same gender?!

[What happened?]

[You were unconscious, Absol.] (Pretty Lady)

[Absol? Who is . . Absol?

. . .

Me? Am I Absol? Why did it feel so unfamiliar? ]

The cool sensation from my forehead moved to right cheek. So refreshing.

[Who is Absol? Absol is Absol. My fated Absol. What else?] (Pretty Lady)

[Fated? Why?

Urghh. . .

My mind, blurry. Who are you?]

{I feel weak.}

[My head.....


Did i just felt a cool sensation on my right hand fingers?

The cold hand on my right cheek is gone as I move my right hand toward my forehead.

Could it be. . . her?

The pretty lady shines me her smile which is cute but somehow, I felt my spine shiver, my body tremble on the sight of that very smile.

[Meanie Absol. Let me refresh that memory of yours then.] (Pretty Lady)

The pretty lady kisses me?

soft lips. Lime's sweet soft lips.

Lime? Why do I know her name all the sudden? ...ly?!


[Mmmm.. mmmm.. mmmmmm.....!]

I have to escape!

She caught my hands, I can't escape!

[Ha.... Why are you resisting? You are a man, aren't you?

Yet, you keep on forcing me to make the move.

You are lucky that we are fate bound, If we are not then I would have it done between us.] (Lime)

[ *panting* You are too *pant pant* aggressive.


Spare me, *pant pant pant* can't you?]

It felt good but, I feel weak afterward.

Why is this happening to me?

<[I told you already, didn't I? That you need to pass the last step before you can be a "Chosen", a Main Character.]> (Gaea)

[That voice! GAEA! You bastard, return me my man body!]

<[You only need to think it in your mind like when you are narrating to speak to me though.

This time, it is still limited as you are yet to meet the requirements.

You took a good step. Now, I don't need to explain it to you. Just believe in Lime.

Good luck.

Hahahahaa...]> (Gaea)

Wait! Give me the explanation!

[He came, huh? I will cut it short then.

Let's trade our first times, our virginities, and start the trial.] (Lime)

I will be losing my virginity as a woman first? I will never accept that!

[First times? Virginities?! You are a woman and so is my body. How we do it? I am still normal, return me my man body!]

[I said first times, didn't I? It will be you losing your virginity as a man and as a woman. Of course, it can't be at the same time as I am still a woman.

Or you can't deny this chance and get raped by father to lose that only your virginity as a woman.] (Lime)


[You can't be serious, right?

That's too much!]

[He had made it difficult for both of us. So, just choose. Trade or no trade? ] (Lime)

[I will be back as a man, right?]

[Temporarily, yes.

Now, choose!] (Lime)

[Why temporarily? I am a man!]

[Was a man. We have no enough time to explain that. Pass the trial and you will get the answer.

I will give you the short version.

You are not a man neither are you, a woman.

I will count to ten. No more question.

Choose, trade or continue.

One!] (Lime)

[ I am neither?!! But, I have a woman body!]

[Two!] (Lime)

She is bluffing!


... You are not choosing? Don't regret it later then.

Six!] (Lime)

[You skipped four and five there!]

[Any difference? You are not choosing right? Yet here I am still giving you a chance.

NINE!] (Lime)




[Ok ok ok! I trade, I trade. Satisfied?]

Just believe in Lime, huh?

I can only hope that I wont be regretting this.

[Repeat after me then, Absol.

I, Absolum, will be trading my body with the woman in front of me, Lime, for pleasure. Starting with our first times.] (Lime)

[What a vow!]

The content sure is shocking.

[Repeat it, so we can start. ] (Lime)


I, Absolum, will be trading my body with the woman in front of me, Lime, for pleasure. Starting with our first times.]

[I, Lime, am accepting the trade request from the man in front of me, Absolum, for pleasure. Starting with our first times.] (Lime)

light shine brightly from the ground we are on.

This! Water?!

[Uaarrrggh... Painful! My body is ripping!!!

Lime...! ]

So.. painful... or not.

[Huh? The pain is gone. This familiar feeling.]


[My manhood is back!]

[Temporarily. I told you already. Relieve yourself of your man virginity by taking my woman virginity.

Do as you wish. Now, we are fully bound with the half sealed in you, we have the time before the trial start.] (Lime)

[Seal? half?]

[Don't ask too much. And make me wet first. Father told me, it would be painful if not.] (Lime)

[Now we have the time, right? Explain to me what have been happening till now!]

[Having your manhood back seems to have no meaning. You are still a worrywart. Need me to take the lead to help you lose that virginity of yours? This is a compensation prepared for you.

Father even numbed my flexibility of my lower region for you.] (Lime)

[You! I will take my revenge kiss.]

So soft. Her lips sure is tasty.

A woman body sure is delicate. So satisfying.

Her ample ass cheeks sure are inviting.

[Clumsy.] (Lime)

[Here comes our graduations, lady.]


[Hurts.] (Lime)

She twitched!

Hm... weird.

[You were a virgin, right? Where's your virgin blood?]

[Don't be cheeky, you. If it wasn't because of father, I wont even feel the pain from your penetration.

And, don't think all races are the same with the the human race.

Especially me. I am a unique race. I am a slime lady, I don't bleed that easily. I am basically resistant to all kind of damage. I could even say I am immune to them. ] (Lime)

[You are not tricking me, are you?]


Fine! Take it as your lucky day.

I, Lime, will not lie to this fated man in front of me, Absolum, when he asked me anything. But, I am allowed to refuse to answer his questions.] (Lime)

The slime lady in front of me giving me hints to play along and accept her sincerity with her displeased eyes.

[I, Absolum, am accepting the sincerity of the fated woman in front of me, Lime. She is allowed to refuse to answer my questions with no lie.]

[Count you smart.

Hmph...] (Lime)

Is she a woman that like to play it cool?

[So, how are you so experienced when you are a virgin, Lime?]

I push my standing manhood deeper into her, twitching her once again.

[Nnn. Bad Absol. Naughty. Pervert. You asked such a vulgar question to this delicate lady.

I Mmmmm... [Are you answering or not?] .. ahn..

You! You virgin pervert! How dare you take me by surprise by pushing it all the sudden!

I don't want to answer anymore. Just finish it and pour it out already.] (Lime)

[I will make you answer by force of pleasure then.]

Real one sure is different.

Pull push pull push.

I can't hold it in anymore

[Here I come.]

Letting it go inside sure is blissful.

[You came inside of me while doing me rough!

It is my turn then, isn't it? ] (Lime)

I guess it is her turn.


[You are afraid of getting pregnant with my child, Lime?]

[That will be my line.] (Lime)

[Kyaannnn.... ]

She is biting my ear with her lips.




No way!

I slip my left hand in between our nether regions.

There is nothing anymore!

Only slimy and sticky feelings from our juices mixing together.

I should confirm it more.

[My little princess is twitching from inserting a finger on her precious fountain. So cute.

I will let you taste your own way on me on your body.

Firstly, I will let you taste how should woman be treated.] (Lime)

[When did you get behind me?]

[Is it important than this?] (Lime)

That is!

[You are a man?]

[How rude! I am a woman, I told you already.

I am a genuine woman in both soul and body. Even in education. Father raised me as his daughter.

I am a slime lady, which means I have slime traits of body shape shift.

I will let you taste your rough way half way... anally.

[Kyaaaaa...! Hurts! too painful! Sorry, I apology. Spare me.]

Then I will show you the heaven with your womanhood.

I am not mad. I will even show you the blissful world twice.] (Lime)

[So rough... Kya! No.. please no more. Sorry.]

So painful.

Her tip still inside my ass.

[I will introduce to you the heaven I know now.]

She speaks on my ear before engulfing it within her mouth and let her soft tongue teases me.

She is playing with my breasts.

I am feeling weird again.

This feeling is the same feeling like that time she did with my nether region.

[ No!! ]

[Why hide them now? Their size indeed is modest but they are surely is sensitive.

Let me play with them more.] (Lime)

She forces through the gap between fore arms!

She is molesting me.

So... so... hot.

I am feeling hot.

Am I excited?


She gets hold of my wrists, not letting me go.

[Your resistance sure is cute. You ass has ejected my bulging womanhood.

I understand your wish of wanting to start the main attraction.

Next stop, heaven. ] (Lime)

She was letting me giving her some resistance just for this?

She turned my front to her front before giving me a kiss to muddle my mind before pierce through directly.

Forcing my voice out of me.

[Kyaaaa... !!! You are breaking me !!! ]