
An Expensive Revenge

WARNING This novel contains 18+ and evolving. Readers please do take care. The works definitely will contain disturbing elements which might include gory, crazy ideology(maybe) or anything. Challengers are welcome. Read fully knowing that. Story Sypnosis: I am Daken. No. I was Daken, a soldier on his prime, but was framed for unknown reason. Was it my love for the kingdom's princess, Shiva Eternia Ethervalen? A soldier with the power rivaling a general tossed away just like that. Fortunately, a voice warned me the attempts of ambushes and an assassination. The voice told me to go into the Accursed forest, Gal A forest.The most dangerous place of all dangerous places ever known. Even getting close 50 meters from the forest was said to bring bad luck. Rumors said that will invite catastrophe. Some said it will erase the closest villages. Some, until the sightseer die. Some, the whole kingdom. Many rumors flying around, shrouding the forest with more mystery and fear. BUT. There is one fact, well known to everyone who knew about this infamous forest. The fact is not about it is or was cursed or anything. The fact is no trespasser ever come back as survivor. All dead, seen or not seen. That fact made it, a treasure forest. Like insects allured by sweet smell, humans allured by the resources and mysteries accumulated by the forest. From unranked directly to A after many adventurers below S rank failed to return. Then directly to SS rank until an S ranker's magic placate which indicating his life became ashes without warning. Greed fired up which then went to play the pride of the strong resulting in the hurt pride felt wrath toward the forest. It was said 7 vice guild masters along with the army of a kingdom tried to explore the forest all vanished just like that after all, except a messenger team consisting 5 S rankers adventurers, entered the forest. From 5 seemed to be wasteful messengers, only 1 survived. A sole survivor who wasn't the strongest of the 5 nor was the weakest. It was said he was the only to focus on escaping with not even the slightest care of the tragedy happening behind him. He was determined to return home to do his last job as a mere messenger to report the tragedy. It was said that kingdom was the strongest of in the history as well as the richest. That had been the story shared from generation to generation, not clear wether it was a legend, a myth or a fairytale. But, one thing for sure. That forest is the place i lost something important as a man.

BoredDao · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 7.1 : Gaea First Movie

Absolum sure is newbie.

He penetrated her just like that without making her wet first.

And here he is begging for forgiveness to get leniency.

Hopefully, he will be to pass the trials and fulfill the requirements.

He is born in Adultina, yet here he is acting like a people of Kiddinia.

I will definitely having a great time with him.

Ho.... She let him go before giving him an 180 turn by letting her hands go and grabbing his left hand with her right hand for the turning axis.

A quick passionate kiss before the deep penetration. She sure has made him so wet.

He is losing consciousness yet another one is born.

He sure is a "chosen". Really is unique, he is.

Is he getting a little sister? Or is he going to get a big sister instead?

A little sister, Get!

Interesting development it is.

[Big sis. You are so forceful. Is big brother too good to not be teased? ] (Woman Absolum)

His new little sister sure is bold. She put both of her hands behind Lime's neck.

So passionate.

[He developed a new persona? A fully separate one as well. This going to be even more complex than it already is. But it definitely is going to be even more interesting.

Pardon this big sister's little rambling.

Since you are your brother's little sister, how about Solum as your name, little sister Solum? ] (Lime)

[Big sis Lime sure loves big brother. Solum love it and will treasure it. ] (Solum)

Bold yet obedient? That quite rare.

Come to think, Solum seems a little smaller than Absolum's woman body.

Solum raises her body to give Lime a deep kiss. She definitely is a mischievous one. I should be prepared for her mischievous tricks.

[What a bold little sister big sister have here?

Tossing her first kiss to her big sister like it was nothing.

Let big sister give little sis Solum a quick taste of adulthood, since father is peeking. ] (Lime)

! ! ! ! !

Woman's intuition sure is something. She even sent me a little glance.

O, my daughter Lime, your father Gaea will accept your show to enjoy with all his heart.

[Father? Father in law? Where where?

Nyann... Big sister is a bully. Meanie. ] (Solum)

Lime just slammed her hip to Solum's, making Solum let out her cute voice. I wonder when is my chance.

[Hahahaa.. little sister sure letting out a cute voice.

How about this, little sister Solum speak with cat - ish way of talking until this sister pour her cum in little sister's precious place? If you do, big sis will do it gently while guiding little Solum slowly to her pleasure heaven.

Deal, little sister? ] (Lime)

{And father, you are not allowed to relieve yourself with your hands, if not I will make you regret it.} (Lime)

Uuuuoooooooo. . . . . !!!

I got teased behind the scene, but.... I will dig in to the feast prepared for me!

I will sent her my OK signal.

[Meeooww. Nyan..] (Solum)

Cat Solum gives her agreement by meowing and munching on Lime's ear!!!

Amazing. What a sign. This worth the movie but it is torturing in a sense.

[Nnnn... Bad kitty. Let's begin my part of the deal then.] (Lime)

Lime returns Solum's ear munching with her deep passionate kisses.

Solum twitches a few times on the process.

This getting bad....

No hands for the sake of the brighter future.

She is giving kisses on Solum's neck area.

Solum kept on meowing as she goes. She sure is a dedicated one.

[Meowwww...!!! Sisss... too. . mu...ch! ] (Solum)

[A cat has no grip. Only cat paws.

One ear munching coming. ] (Lime)

The bad has became worse!!!

She cat pawing Lime sure is a gold.

No hand no hand no hand....

No hand... .. .. .. ... Yes thighs....

Yeah thighs not off limits.

{Bad father!} (Lime)




She can still whisper to me?!

[Meow... ..nnnn myannnn... Meoowwww....! Big sis meowwwwww...! ] (Solum)

Three people surely have made a mess.

Will have these point something chapters for outside of Absolum's and Solum's PoV.


BoredDaocreators' thoughts