
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Twelve Gemini Twins(2).....

After the girls, came another pair of children. Unlike their siblings, these were a boy and a girl. Younger than the girls and it could be seen by the way they tried to maintain a basic sense of etiquette, but you could see that their eyes were clearly on the beast, if they could help themselves, they would be petting it right now. They were around eight to nine years old.

But they held themselves back from doing anything. While they did look alike, it was easy to tell them apart.

The boy had glassy orange-gold hair that made it look like melting flames instead of hair. But by some mystical method, the wind seemed to always blow at his hair even when there was clearly no wind in the temple. It was cold and eerie, but there was no wind to warrant such a phenomenon. What probably made it barely acceptable was the fact that it never grew longer and always remained as just a handful of messy hair, but what most would fail to notice was the shade of jade green at his tips.

Just like his hair one could tell that when he grew, he would have such a boisterous personality, but right now it was not so noticeable and could be confused for stubbornness. His eyes, just like his siblings' were unique. His sclera was colored like his hair but unlike his siblings, he had irises and pupils. His irises were colored like his twin's hair, but the pupil was abyssal black in color.

His sister on the hand was reserved and cool like a moon, almost tending toward the iceberg type of personality but not quite reaching there yet. 

Like her brother, her personality was reflected in her hair. It had a moon like glow, that was added to the blue-silver color it had. Her hair went to look like the waves of a blue-silver sea, and there would be flashes of grey and blue in her hair from time to time.

Like her twin, her sclera was colored like her hair with an iris looking her twin's hair and the same abyssal black pupil. She sat on the right of Kean and her brother on the left, after the girls. But like their siblings one could tell that they would be beautiful once they matured.

The next set of twins looked to be six or seven years old. But unlike their Kyrios and siblings, they did not share the same obsidian, stone-grey color of skin, but instead had their own unique color.

But like the difference between night and day, they contrasted each other to a horrifying degree though having the same exact physical features.

They were also a boy and girl. The boy had obsidian blue skin with what looked like stars mapped across his skin looking quite like the constellations or star charts or a starry night sky. 

His hair looked like locks of molded black gems, that would shine even without the presence of light. But unlike the rest of his body, his eyes were as bright as stars. It felt like he stars for eyes, you could not look directly at them lest you lost your sight. Even though they were quite dull due to his frail body. One could not even tell whether he had irises or not.

His twin sister on the other hand, had a white flawless skin that gave off its own light, almost like as if they used the sky to form her skin, her hair was like the shifting sky, it could be bright like a sunlit morning, as blue as he is evening sky or as a bight as a mid-day sky. 

Her eyes on the other hand were totally different from her body, for they were dark like her brother's skin. They were obsidian blue with swirls of a nebula. look too deeply and your soul would be gone for eternity. She sat on the left and her twin on the right. Though young, they had an aura of ingrained superiority the wafted from them.

The next of twins were a boy and a girl. who looked to be four or five years old. The boy had normal black hair with black irises that would flash gold imperceptibly and white gold pupils. He happened to have faint markings of black gold chains on his obsidian stone grey skin around his arms.

The girl on the other hand, had soft white hair with a shade of soft green haze that wafted from it, making her hair look like it was breathing in green light. And like her twin she also had faint markings on her skin, but unlike him, hers were that of white gold rose petals their color contrasted beautifully with her dark skin tone.

Heer irises were white with flashes of green, and black gold pupils. She sat on the right side he sat on the left.

And finally, the last set of twins were of toddlers no less than two years old with an awareness that did not fit their age. But at some point, they had started sleeping off and so Kyrios had caried them in his hands to help them sleep well. In their minds they did not understand why all this hustle was necessary for just putting yummy food in their bellies.

They were a pair of beautiful boys; one could argue that they would easily be the best looking out of all their siblings in future when they grew. like every other set of twins in the family, they contrasted each other well, but still have enough to have an uncanny resemblance to each other.

One of the boys who was being held in Kyrios' left hand, had maroon colored hair with streaks of golds, a single marking on his obsidian stone-grey colored skin. The marking was located on his back but calling it a marking would be an understatement. It was more like a half-completed tattoo of an ancient map.

And if you were to open his eyes right now you would see a black-gold slit for pupils in each of his eyes with a crimson sclera.

The other boy had white-purple hair with similar streaks of golds in it. And just like his twin brother, he also the same incomplete map on his back. The only different thing was his was masked in purple-gold while his brother's mark was in crimson-gold. 

If you looked underneath his eyelids, you would see a purple-gold iris with a crimson-gold pupil.

These twelve children made up the Twelve Gemini Twins of the Khan family Household and the younger siblings of Kyrios Khan. And though not noticeable, what identified them as family was their resemblance to each other and for some reason, the phoenix shape of their eyes, it seemed to be a mark of their family for they all had the same shapely eyes. 

Their beauty seemed to defile the cursed world they were born into. They looked to belong to a world far away from them.

While they could not becalled abominations because of this, in a world where a person could be born with two heads, membranous wings, antennae, beast parts and different amalgamations of all things bizarre, they would truly be abominations in this world.

What a curse it is to endure the ravages of destiny!

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