
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Love They Had....

As she thought of him, she wondered where he could have gone, abandoning her and his child at such a moment. Though she could agree that being used solely for essence for a hundred years was not so pleasant and would be basically trampling the pride of any male being, she thought they had developed something special after all and maybe it would be able to outweigh all his anger, but it seemed it was just wishful thinking on her end. 

But she just did not have enough heart to care so much about his puny feelings, after all she was a goddess. And goddesses do not beg for love, she would make sure to find him, bring him back under her heel, to serve her for the rest of eternity, no man who has tasted her warmth would dare escape from her clutches. 

A feral grin took hold of her face, and a hint of cancerous madness could be seen flashing in her cloudy eyes. It seemed that Malaki was onto something, but he missed to know the extent of how deep it had rooted in her being. And it only got worse the longer she was pregnant.

Snapping out of her useless thoughts, she had to lose those idiots first otherwise she would not get a chance to rest. and so, like a curtain of light and colors she disappeared far off into the trees, leaving nothing behind but the scent of earth and burning light.

Far off into the distance, graceful silhouettes of hundred or so men could be seen racing each other, shuttling into the forest. But unlike the graceful charm that Elvyra was using to glide through the forest, these ones felt the full brunt of the power of nature.

Almost at every turn they would get hit by a branch or run into a beast or some forest dwellers, the whole Origin Soil and the realms it harbored were against them, they were lucky that they were powerful otherwise a few would have died long before.

"Fuckkk...that bitch must be messing with us." an angry voice sounded out from one of the men. But the voice of the man was almost rosy to the point of being confused for a woman's voice, it had a sort of gentleness to it that just did not seat well with anyone. if it did not have a sort of deepness to it, then surely....

The man who spoke had a graceful bearing, A man so handsome in his own right, his bearing was slim and sleek with a well-endowed height of 6'9 but even then, he was easily the shortest among them. He had hair that was of a rosy-pink shade with a hint of gold light glowing at its tips. His lips were pink and luscious, his eyes were soft and gentle, with pink irises and radiant pupils. Truly a beauty among many.

He gave off a rosy vibe like a flower waiting for the light of day to bloom, surely many would fall him. There was not a hint of masculinity on him except his hardened frame and sharp but delicate features. But his beautiful features were graced with an ever-present scorn.

As the other men heard him speak, they looked at him with disdain and disgust. One of them even went on to say. "Ambrose, surely you do not think that when we get a hold of her, you would be allowed to have a taste of her might I dare say even a whiff of her scent. HAHhh!"

The delicate man became so angry at the man's words that his delicate skin turned red. A red that was more rosy than red, one would think that he was blushing more than he was angry and all the other men joined in at laughing at him...



They laughed so hard that they almost forgot what they were supposed to be doing. But they did not mind, they would eventually catch up to her, and when they did, they would surely make her regret, making them run like they were some animals, they loved her so much that they would give up everything for her, but she clearly was not taking them seriously.

It was not until one of the men whose presence stood out like a beacon " Alright that's enough, you very well know that if the young Prince is to get angry, most of you would not be able to step out of this realm with your manhood's intact so keep the teasing it to a minimum" The man said causing Ambrose to develop a snicker on his face while looking at the others clearly flaunting his status.

But it seemed the man was not yet a done, and so in the next second before he could even react, a punch came straight for his abdomen and before his body could fly off, a firm grip held it in place. 

"But that's no way to talk about my queen, speak any degrading words against her and I'll make sure that that inept bloodline of yours sees you as it last inheritor." The man said in a voice that was cold and aloof as if looking at dirt on the roadside.

Ambrose made a quiet yelp of pain but did not dare to retort at the being before him.

To survive with a simple warning, was more than all his karma could do to keep him alive. He tried to reduce his cries of pain to a bare minimum but that was not easy as he bled form his mouth.

A rosy-violet liquid slurred out of his mouth in small streams and once it hit the air, the smell of roses filled he whole part of the forest they were in, even the earthy scent that was perpetual in the trees and the ground was suppressed, and once it hit the ground, roses of all colors, species, forms and sizes grew in reckless abandon wherever his blood spilled. 

 But they did not last long, after they glowed brightly for a short moment, they produced some pollen that dissolved into the dark of the night like little stars, spreading faraway. The roses then wilted and disappeared into the wind like fireflies.


The men grumbled in annoyance, and yet some seemed to secretly enjoy the beautiful sight and while some tried to hide their intoxicated faces as they inhaled the smell of roses that came from the blood of Ambrose. 

But it did not stop them from saying what they had to say.

"Why does your bloodline even allow men to be born in it, clearly it is meant for the fairer sex. it was clearly wasted on you"

"Tsk...if only...."

Seeing that they were about to become rowdy again, the man who punched Ambrose in the gut raised his fingers and the group descended into silence once more. Clearly, they were more respectful of this being.

"We do not have time for this, she will escape us once again. and considering the size of this realm searching for her might take centuries." 

Elvyra....what game are you playing at right now. We do not have time for this. Why don't you understand that my love for you is eternal, only I love you so. I must make you mine even if takes scouring the whole damned mountain if I have to.

While the man was lost in his thoughts, he did not seem to realize the crazed expression that flared briefly on his visage painting it grim.


But who would have expected that it would actually take them a centaury to even get a hint of her presence, but none gave up. Time was something they had in plenty. And so, like dogs they continued he hunt for her.

The anguish of passion so profound that heralds weep. "Why must you scorn the love I hold so deeply for you"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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