
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Light He Sought.........

" Mother..., why do all the other children not want to play with me?"

Sob, sob!

"Why dont they want to play with me..... mother. Am i a bad boy and thats why they dont want to play with me?"

A boy, looking around five years old, curled himself in a corner. he hugged his knees and every few moments his body could be seen trembling as his sobs echoed through the small, dimly lit room. His cries were not just sounds, they were the wails of heart already burned by a world he was too young to understand

A beautiful woman knelt in front of him, her eyes were filled with a deep sadness as she shook her head slowly, "No, child, they do not hate you. You are not a bad, sometimes people do not understand those who are different, but that's their own worry, you have no fault in this my dear child." 

Her voice was soft and delicate like a soothing wave, her words were tender and full of love. She reached out her hand, it trembled slightly as she placed it on his small shoulder, and tightened her grip, strong enough to assure him of her security and yet gentle enough not cause him pain. Her smile was warm and soft, filled with a comforting feel, but there was pain in her eyes. Pain from seeing her child suffer with things she could not do anything about. But hidden behind that pain was anger so fierce that it burned with fervor.

"Look at me" she said softly, lifting his chin with a tender touch, "You are special, my sweet child, so very special. And one day the world will see you for who you truly are. Never doubt your worth because to me you are everything"

Her words hung in the air, a fragile promise, a mother's love trying to shield her child from the world's bitterness and harshness. The boy looked up at her. His tear-stricken face reflected a glimmer of hope, and for a moment, the shadows in the room seemed to recede, pushed back by the warmth of her love.


Oh, Malakai how I wish you were here, can't you feel that our son is in pain, how can you be so hurtless..... he needs you, but you left us, do you know how lonely he feels. You bastard if I find you, I will kill you myself, should you dare to appear before me ever again. 

Elvyra's rage smoldered like an infernal, she had never felt so much anger towards a single being in the whole of her life. She would burn the world to its ashes, if it is what it took to make her child happy, these worthless scums did not have the right to make her child shed tears. 

But rage was only going to take her so far, how was she supposed to handle this? All the knowledge she knew came from the books she had read, she knew nothing about how to raise a child. The books would only tell her that she had to be delicate, especially with one at this stage otherwise she could do unrepairable damage to the child's growth.

She was alone, she was not experienced, and worst of all, she was weakened. But that was nothing to worry about for the time being especially considering the lifestyle of things in this universe. 

It was just too tame.

Nothing ever really happened in it.

The only use power had here was to help you live longer and nothing else. Well, that was the foolish perspective of most idiots in this universe. They never realized that every single day they breathed they just happened to sharpen the guillotine that hung above their heads. 

And what was worse was the fact that the moment the blade descended, they would smile with content. The pathetic satisfaction of an uneventful life could be seen on their expressions in that moment, She had never felt so revolted by others.It was among the resons she never interacted with them and spent her life in solitude in the mountains of her domain.

Origin Soil gave her comfort like no other and there was little she could really do about them. Her ancestors had realised the problems early on but they chose to do nothing, why it was like that she did not know.

But she cared little of their intentions.

She knew the truth and even more so than the others, she knew the horrifying reality of things, but what scared her most was the fact that, what she knew was only the tip of an iceberg. The secrets that ran in this universe ran so deep that they caused her to feel dread. 

Her only light, in the fear and dread that surrounded her, was her son, Kean. He was her everything. And now, you could imagine the pain and anger she would feel seeing him suffer for things he had no control over.

He should be standing with his head held high, oozing of pride so profound. None should have the right to look down upon him,afterall his home overlooks the entire universe.

No heavens, no stars, no suns or moons and light stood higher than the peaks of his home world. There was no being inside this material universe that dared to step foot on their home world and him being the sole heir to that world, then the pride he should posses should know no bounds. 

But here he was, crying in pain for the disregard of others.

How she longed to tell him that the idiots he wanted to play with were drinking and drowning in their own blood but were too stupid to even realize that they were already dead, leaving nothing but empty husks to live their lives for them. 

But she could not, being well versed in the knowledge sector she knew, that sometimes knowing something could be detrimental. They lived fates worse than death, but they had no inkling about it. 

All she could do for him now was, to prepare him for the times ahead, she will prepare him for the worst to come.


She could not forget the grim words that cult leader left behind before he left after Keans' Birth. They rung and echoed in her mind endlessly like waves on an ocean.

He had said, "Your world is headed for ruin, Mistress. And before you or anyone else realises it, the end of what you now know as reality would shatter like a mirror and the horrors you sought to hide will become your undoing. Mistress, you have brought ruin upon your world....hahaha. Ruin! ruin! Hahhaha you are the cause for your downfall."

"May the darkness that knows no bounds guide your path, do well to love our young Lord. For a time will come where you will rue the thing you gave birth to....hahaha. Mistress when that time comes, i dare say, the pain in your heart will be the least of your worries"

The leader's harrowing voice was like a whsiper that endlessly scratched her ears, not willing to be silenced, and it took everything out of her not to descend into madness.


It had been five years since then and things had changed so much. Kean had grown so much, being a giant among children of his age, his body was bigger, and larger and yet it still showed his age. She attributed this growth to his father's genes, after all he was a giant among many, and it seemed that their son had inherited his physique.

Other than that, his wings had grown larger and still dwarfed his gigantic body, but they were too heavy since they were made of metal. And since his body could not yet handle their weight yet, she was forced to tie them up with a special treasured rope, fastening them together folded well onto his back.

His wolf paws for feet had grown larger to accomodate his total weight, and had grown some tender claws that would only appear if he brought them out. He had grown a tuft of black hair on his head hiding the bumps on his head that had shown no growth in these years. His glasslike skin had grown richer in its dark obsidian hue.

Overall, he was a beautiful, delicate but heavy child that would illicit love from others, as long as they cared little for his differing features but those were few and far in between. 

They no longer lived on Origin Soil, why they no longer lived there anymore, was quite simple or not depending on how you would look at it. 

The scions of many powerful clans had gone missing in Origin Soil, and usually this would not have been a problem since she could just hide in the mountains and they would never have been able to find her, since no one that did not have permission could enter it, due to the presence of the mighty and tyrannical Aurora the showered the whole range in its light.

But then a few years after she conceived it disappeared, living nothing but a blank expanse overhead the mountain top. And now any could enter as the wished. She did not worry for it, because it was capable of protecting itself.

But the Aurora's disappearance is what had allowed those scions to enter the range in the first place leading them to become unwilling participants in the sacrificial ceremony that was Kean's birth.

And now their clans had realized their disappearance leading them to seek for answers. That alone would not have been a problem but, she had sensed the presence of many powerful entities paying attention to the place, most likely due to Kean's birth and the phenomena that happened on inception of his name.

That day, reality shuddered and Havenlight went dark for a moment too long.

She suspected that they were looking for the reasons for this phenomenon at Origin Soil and that it is why she had to escape with the child, otherwise if they were to get wind of him, things could develop in ways she was not ready for.

And now there here in a remote world, occupied by a race she had once read about, apparently, they were called humans.

And in order to fit in, she took a job as a librarian at one of their biggest libraries. In these halls she has raised Kean and looked after him, with the other two eggs, that seemed to just grow bigger in size every year, almost like as if they were imitating Kean's growth or accompanying him, she was not really sure.

The other kids shunned him since he looked different from them, for they had never seen anybody who looked like him, so they chose to isolate him out of spite and racial propaganda. 

Keeping her thoughts to herself, she said to the child, "okay, let me take you bed. You have to wake up early so that you grow strong and healthy."

"But mother, I don't want to grow any bigger. If I grow bigger, then no one will talk to me.... I don't want to"

Looking at his expression that showed anguish, Elvyra could not keep back her laughter anymore, and like the ringing of bells, it echoed throughout the small room, seeping even through the cracks of the wooden door. The laughter seemed to give life to the books in the library, encapsulating the whole building into a realm of untold knowledge.