
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Beastly Beauty (1) ......

Kyrios knew that from the moment these kids chose to throw him under the bus, he would get played right into his Master's hands.

Though all that Kean did was to look at him, it was very effective in causing him fear. And he felt so peeved when he saw the snickering children who were celebrating his misery.

And as they went back to their seats, they made sure to pass by Kyrios as they made sure to gloat in his misery. Oh, how they enjoyed his plight and misfortune.

that's what you get for trying to order us around. they thought to themselves

Kyrios did not dare to lash out at the kids. For some reason, Kean attached so much importance to these kids.

Importance that even he, their brother could not say he could match. Well, he admitted that their circumstances were special, being born as a set of six twins, they were definitely special. But they were born frail and the only reason for even surviving currently was through the help of Kean.

From the moment they were born. He was the one who was feeding them. If Kyrios was left to feed all of them he would not have been able to manage it all. He would have had to watch as they died off one by one. Death by hunger. This world was not favorable to raise anything, especially a child and not especially twelve of them.

The Nameless world did not have a sun, nor any celestial bodies for that matter. They had no rains of fresh water. all the rain they received was a black rain. The winds were dry, the land was scorched the soils were poisoned and the waters were deadly.

No plant or fauna grew in their world. The light they received was for a short two-hour period. and sometimes, no, most times, the light came from the Light that sought to cleanse their world. They were in a constant state of war and the only food that people got to eat was the corpses of their brethren who failed to make it to the next day.

They built homes underground to persevere from the cold of the skies, and to escape the entity that was the Light. But the worries and plight of his people had nothing to do with him right now. he was enjoying time with his siblings.

After he stood up from the show he was forced to play, he waited until Kean sat first otherwise....

Even the children observed this small tradition where Kean was first to sit, before anyone else. They did not know why they did it, it was just ingrained in them. For the children, from the moment they were born. For Kyrios, from the moment he had started hearing those whispers all those years ago. 

Kean knew why, but hell, was he going to spoil his fun for the pettiness of mortals.... They treated him like an infallible being, and that, he was, thought their honor meant little to him. For people who were soon to be his strength, he would accept their silly traditions lest they run into madness.

Five years may have been short to another people out there, but each day was grueling and torturous if you born in the Nameless World. So, for them to survive and thrive this long, then they had to have to done something right in their past lives.

Kean moved his hand behind him and touched the dark viscous shroud on his back and with a violent tug into it, he pulled out a large thing. And all the children's eyes lit up with feral hunger once they saw what had been pulled out.

After he placed it on the table, light from the eerie torches that never went out hit the thing on the table. It turned out to be an extremely large beast.

"Wow...it is even larger than the last one." One of the children said. Kyrios was even more shocked than them, for he had never heard of any inhabitant of this world being able to grow to that size, he almost thought that Kean had hunted it in the other worlds, but there was a distinct scent on it, that was unique to this world's inhabitants. They all had that musty scent of death, blood and decay on them and for some unknown reason, hidden beneath all those layers there was a sweet scent also. Though he could not identify what exactly that scent was, but it was there.

Kyrios was amazed at the power of his master.

After the children woke up from their reverie, they swallowed hard and gulped the Tonnes of saliva that would have poured out from their mouth. They tried hard to remove their eyes from the body of the beast, but it was harder than climbing the temple stairs every morning.

The body of the beast seemed to invite them in, like the sonorous call of a siren, it called for them to sink their teeth in its body and drain it of every single drop of blood.

It did not help that its life was ebbing away, this attracted them even more. the way it labored to breathe made their spines tingle in excitement. Once a force nature now reduced to a mere meal.

Its fur, once a thick and majestic coat silky moon silver, was now matted with its own congealed blood, patches of the once lustrous pelt had been torn away to reveal its supple flesh. The kids' eyes almost went mad with hunger on seeing the exposed flesh on the table and the way the blood dripped on the surface of the table wishing to drown it in its blood but being unable to do so by some mystical power.

Its massive body a testament to its power and strength. Its body now riddled with deep gushes, numerous puncture wounds. And the fact that they had been orderly seemed to suggest a torture of sorts and not ones that would have come from the hunt.

Each wound oozed a light dreamish viscous white silver fluid, almost looking like ambrosia. Each breath it took was a struggle, its chest rising and falling with a grotesque, wheezing sound.

The eyes of the wolf beast once burned with an unearthly intelligence and fierce determination but now they were glazed and unfocused. They were dull and lifeless, they once shined with an ethereal silver but now they were just silver, a silver that had lost its shine. Pain and exhaustion had dulled the fire within them leaving behind only a hollow reflection of its former self.

Its powerful limbs that carried it swiftly through the dead forests of its hunting grounds were now splayed all over the table, its once lethal white claws were now cracked and chipped, a testament to the struggle it had to go through and only to end on the serving table.

The beasts muzzle, elongated and s\filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth, was stained with its own blood, its jaws which had once snapped with a terrifying force now hung open, each exhalation a cloud of steam under the observation of the thirteen pairs of eyes.

The air in the temple room was thick with a scent of bloodlust and decay, a metallic tang of blood staining the atmosphere with a twisted sense of deliciousness.

In its final moments, its mind drifted. How did it reach here, it was doing fine, it was just out on a hunt with its pack. But now here it was, being looked down on by what would have been its prey on another day.

She was a queen. A queen of a rare species of abominations, one's that were not born in this cursed world, but for reasons only known to its ancestors they ended up here. living like the scum of this world. According to her ancestors, they used to go by the name of Moon Bane wolves but now they did not even have the rights to go by that name any longer.

After her ancestor's reached this place, they found out that they did not have any more males and they would soon die out from extinction. And so, with much reluctance, they mated with the wolf species from this world thus fully integrating with the Nameless World.

The future generation were degraded, their Ancestral Legacy was broken, and they found out that this world did not support any Legacy, sure they had abominable bloodlines, but their legacies were cracked and dead.

But by the time they discovered this it was too late. Their bloodline had been tainted when they chose to mate for survival. This led to a situation where there had been no birth of a Sovereign Moon Queen in their species. They had lost hope and had reclined to dying out once and for all for without their Legacy. and they were as good as dead, but all this changed when she was born.

The plight of deary is motivation for the dead that roam the land of the living.

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