
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Legacies (2)....

" Beware 'children, these are prey you cannot hunt, so let me butter them up first." Kean chuckled in amusement at their excitement. He almost felt a kinship with them at this moment.

Looking towards the gate, his hand suddenly stabbed into his chest, directly into one of his six hearts. But not even a grunt escaped from him. 

Removing the hand that was clearly not stained blood, looking as clean as it was before he sought to injure himself.

But his actions had not been just for show, clearly, he had an intention, but directly injuring one of his hearts seemed like the only probable solution currently. 

His blood was a bit weird....it just loved his body a bit too much. Outside his psyche, he could understand maybe because of his presence in the Light of Creation, it would be afraid of coming out and that's why he would have to coarse it all the time he modifies the flesh of their meals, just like he had done before.

But in his psyche, he was god, it had no reason to fear.

But it seemed he had mistaken its resistance for something else. Anyway, he will have time to look into it after this. And so, he placed this phenomenon at the back of his mind and watched as exactly twenty-six drops of dark wailing blood came out of the wound reluctantly. 

By this point he could attest their wails as throwing a fit at the thought of being discarded. With a grunt from him, their wails stopped. They were pushed by an invisible force towards the hearts, with each getting two drops of his Eldritch blood.

His blood fused seamlessly with the hearts almost like a wraith phasing through a wall. There was no spontaneous change to the hearts, trembling in the environment. The only change that happened was their color changing from slightly grey to fully obsidian with hint of black gold. They looked more like metal ornaments than organs of flesh.

Satisfied with the result, he waved his hand at them pushing them to the Vault. Just as they approached, they stopped and hovered before the gate.

But compared to the size of the gate they looked more like specs of dust, well that was until they started to absorb the darkness around them. 

And like a sponge in water, they greedily swallowed what they could. But alas even if they were to spend millennia in this place they would not be able to put a dent in the darkness around them. But that did not mean that nothing changed, they grew to the size massive planets, even with their size they could probably dwarf any existing planet out there, in creation. 

The largest heart led the twelve others like a general, and the others followed its lead, but even then, they still seemed inconsequential in size, they are just looked like bigger ants in front of the Vault.

After they could not absorb anymore darkness, the stopped growing and instead begun to vibrate. and with each vibration the frequency grew exponentially. waves after waves of power wafted from them like resonant sonars seeking to approach the Vault. 

But every wave only managed to reach a little distance away before it would be drowned and devoured by the wails from the vault. the hearts trembled as they saw this and released more power, seeking to conquer this looming gate in front of them. But too bad that they just lacked the majesty for it, the Vault did not even disdain them, it saw them as mere specs of dust, and why would it pay attention to dust that floated in front of it.

Looking at this sight, Kean shook his head, 

'And here i thought there would be a show to watch but look at this. Such a disappointment. Even with my noble blood, you can amount to anything. I should not have been surprised at this. Well, it seems I should help them out."

Having decided, Kean reached into his eye sockets and like you could imagine, he made a forceful gesture, pulling out his eyes from their sockets. How he did it without damaging the eyes themselves was wondrous, but he pulled them out, nonetheless. Looking at the sockets of his eye one would notice that they bled black blood. but all that was there in the place of his eyes was darkness.

 The eyes he had pulled out looked like black orbs with dual pupils swimming through them. But you would notice that there was not an ounce of pain in them and looked quite lively.

'With this, they should be able to access my authority and access the vault. Infact this will make my plans even better. Now I can be assured that nothing will go wrong.'

He flung the eyes towards the hearts. and as they swam in the darkness, they spilt and divided into thirteen eyes. Reaching the hearts they produced tentacles that drilled into the mid-section of the hearts. And as if they had belonged there the whole time, the eyes burrowed into the flesh of the hearts and used the flesh to form the lids covering them.

The hearts rattled at the moment of fusion and like beasts, they released a primal roar filled with savagery and opulence. they vibrated once more, and this time a tsunami of power resonated out from them. This power slammed into the Gate. But like a spring breeze striking a mountain, the gate did not even tremble.

But luckily the desired effect had been achieved. The wave of power managed to resonate with some of the feathers on the wings on the gate.

Among the unnumerable feathers on the wings, twenty-six feathers rattled at the same frequency with the hearts. Thirteen on the left and thirteen on the right. 

Tasting victory, the hearts released a war cry, and another wave of power was released from them. The resonating feathers trembled more and more. Until they had enough energy to detach themselves from the wings.

The moment the feathers detached, the Vault trembled, the cry of sorrow raised to a pitch that only entities could hear. The darkness shuddered, but like a passing dream, everything went back to normal. Once they left the confines of their prisons, they flew like swords aiming to skewer the hearts. But these feathers were even larger, if the hearts were planets, then they were the galaxies. 

But as they approached, they shrunk until they were of equal size. All twenty-six feathers stood in front of the hearts like swords. At that moment each heart produced a unique wave of power unique to each heart. Appearance wise, the feathers looked to be the same, apart from the two differing colors of light, they could not be told apart. But like the hearts, they also released a unique resonance from inside of them. 

Once a heart matched a particular feather's resonance, then the feather would stab into it. By the end of it all each heart had obtained two feathers, each of differing light.

Seeing this Kean was satisfied. But it seems the transformation was not yet over, for in the next moment, the feathers melted into liquid light. This liquid light sought to cover the whole heart in its glory, no, more like devour. The hearts trembled fiercely as this happened, they roared in anger and indignation, but it seemed they were not meant to prevail. 

Kean was shocked, he was not sure if this was meant to happen. He did not know, for even him this was the first time using The Vault. He felt the need to stop it from happening, but before he could move, a soft wind blew in the darkness and all the worry he had disappeared and instead it was replaced with curiosity.

The hearts lost the battle and were devoured by the liquid light, all that remained of them were circular globs of molten light, none of the black color could be seen anymore.

And it seemed like a change had happened for in the next moment two layered voices came out of each glob and like a symphony they layered upon each other until a grand voice spoke with arrogance and disdain.

"We thank you, O, Darkened Madness. Without that vile blood that flows in your corrupted existence, freedom would have been only achieved at Nihility. But here you are, O, Champion of Madness. Helping us achieve it, but not to worry, we shall devour the rest of your vile Ichor and save you the fate of mercy by that Old One's hands. We shall achieve more through you and Creation shall belong to us... hahaha, Existence shall feel our anger and rage. For we are End personified; Nihility give-"

"Hunhhh.... you talk too much, ''O Mighty Ones'', Hahaha..." Kean burst into a fit of crazed laughter.

"Hahahahaha...who would have thought that I would be threatened by mere children, wet behind their ears."

"And here I thought being imprisoned in there would have tamed your feeble minds". The darkness started to rumble and tremble as Kean released his horror inducing aura.

" You have no idea... who you speak to. How dare you compare me to a mere servant, the Ichor of my Lineage cannot be fathomed by your punny existence, not even after the end of times,....We were, We are and We will be the darkness that devours all, Nihility knows not our names, Time does not dare to gaze at the mere soles of our feet, Creation is a child in front of our Ichor, through it she rose and through it, her petals will wither."

"It seems that the Light of Creation has made you forget to fear the darkness that engulfs Existence."

Beware of what hides under the cover of darkness. The misery of ignorance is but a painful memory.....

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