
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Kean Cletus.....

Time had come to a stop as Elvyra looked at the infant. She saw that he had her eyes, even at his infancy the Aurora he had in them flashed with power and beauty that would put hers to shame, similar to her, he had no irises, no pupils, only a black expanse of dark void with the curtained lights of Australis swimming in every direction.

He had her intrinsic glass skin and where hers was transparent and almost clear, where one could see her crystal veins all over her body and her equally glass like organs, his was a bit dark tending to a dark grey hue, possibly a result of his father's genes mixing and balancing out with hers, forcing the skin to take on a metallic glass like quality. But it did not stop it from looking tender and delicate.

She even noticed the buds of horns on his almost hairless head, they were faint but there, nonetheless. On his back the pair of obsidian metallic wings were crumpled together and wet, but they still managed make up the biggest percentage of his body, she worried of the weight and stress they would put on his immature body.

They would drip with a sootlike substance that would disappear once in contact with the air. she wondered why that was, but she ignored it, placing it on the likely hood that he inherited his father's wings and considering his origin then likely there was an explanation for this.

Down to where spine ended even though it was covered mostly by the large wings, she could see a small fleshy tail peeping out from in between them. But unlike his fathers which had blades on it his had just some almost unnoticeable protrusions on it, probably they would grow as he matured. Looking to where his small feet were supposed to be she noticed that he had feet of a wolf like beast she thought, the paws and its claws looked tender and red, and would shake from the soft caressing of the wind on their surface. 

Her child was beautiful no matter what strange features he had on his body, luckily for her mental state his hands were normal and fair like any other child. but she could not make sense of the swirling patterns of otherworldly light that sought to cover his whole body, the feeling she got from them was not holy, neither was it divine, it just felt natural and boundless, just like how a mountain simply existed or the sun or moon or even the sky.

This is how she perceived them and as she kept on observing them, they reacted as if in agreement of her revelation and so, they condensed and collected themselves to occupy only his upper body, but they still made no meaning to her as they had no distinct form or design, but once they had finished collecting, they settled and lost their splendor, turning black and unassuming becoming akin to strange faint black tattoos.

But what she did not know was that it was only her that could look at them without losing her life and mind, many of the hooded figures whose power was on the weaker spectrum lost their lives and essence by simply looking at them and it took the death of about a dozen for the others to finally gazing at the child's body, it seemed only the powerful were safe from that fate but they did not go unscathed either, they would fall into a sense of vertigo if they sought to try and understand their secrets.

The joy Elvyra felt as she saw his small chest rise and fall every minute was one only a mother would understand. To say that this was the most joyous occasion for her was an understatement, she had sacrificed everything to just experience this. She did not allow herself to experience the joys of immortality, she had not travelled the world like her predecessors did, she accepted the terms of this insane cult when she found out that childbearing for her was simply impossible, and it had taken the death of a hundred men who died in her bed never to see the light of day, to find this out.

She had teetered on the edges and fringes of madness but all that did not matter to her as she had finally been successful, she had a son, no, in fact she had three children. She did not forget about the two eggs that lay in his arms laying side by side with him almost like protectors. She did not know what lay in those eggs but whatever they would be, she would treat them like her children regardless, she just cared not much of the weird things happening, she was glad to be a mother.

But as she looked at the open eyes of the baby, the coldness in them scared her, she was afraid of what it meant but in the next moment the coldness melted and thawed and the child finally had the innocent spark that filled her with a mother's instinct, and she finally told herself, she would not mind, whether he grew up to treat her indifferently.

Her love for him would remain and nothing would change that.

How the hell did she give birth to eggs, and how was it even possible, she did not know. All the knowledge she had did not seem to make any sense out of this. But then again, their fathers' racial lineage might just be that overbearing, and considering how long she had gestated them then likely all this could be explained, she would wait for the day they came out of their shells, and she would finally hold all three of them, the brood of her Ichor.

Elvyra failed to notice the disgruntled gaze of the hooded leader as held onto the child. While looking at her he noticed her weakness and he grinned to himself.

'Not just anyone, is worthy to carry our Lord in their womb and come out of it unscathed, I do not know why he chose to use your pathetic body instead of my daughter's. Oh, what an honor that would have been, I could have boasted to having my blood run through the body of our Lord, but it was wasted on this wench... but that doesn't matter, I will end her peasant life here and my daughter will raise the lord as his mother, everyone will recognize our importance and my position will become unshakeable. Sorry you had to die in vain like this, but in the larger scheme of things, you are insignificant.'

'At least in death, you can be proud that your meager life had been useful. huh.... you claim with pride to be a goddess, but arrogance is what has gotten you killed today. if only you had allowed to become my woman after all this. Then... I would have spared you, killed that arrogant demon and we would have made a happy life with you as my wife, but no you disdained me and almost killed me back then, but not to worry ill will avenge myself today, blame your pride in your next life bitch.'

And so, with his free hand, he reached into his robes, pulling out a dagger. He approached her who had eyes only for the child not noticing the looming death upon her head,

But as he sought to plunge the blade in her neck, ending her life. he felt his concentration snap and forcefully.... or more accurately ruthlessly pulled to focus on the child's eyes that had turned to look at him with a gaze that he could tell was not one for a child who had just been born a few moments back'

And as he held the child's gaze a feeling of dread overcame him, his body trembled at the powerful presence that appeared and before he could even ascertain what the presence was, it disappeared leaving his robes grim with sweat and blood that had seemingly poured out of his pores.

Seeing this the child's eyes shifted away from him, turning back to the woman on the altar, seeing this he sighed in relief.

If he did not take this as a warning, then he would be the most foolish person to have ever been born and so he hid the dagger in his robes and placed a pacifying smile on his face to hide his trembling and rage. But he dared not to shake the hand that held the child lest he enrages him again.

Turning to the woman who was still distracted but had somehow regained energy to sit up, and though she was still dripping with sweat, her robes drenched in blood and sweat and her body still reeling from the pain of childbirth, she sat and looked at him waiting to be handed the child.

He spoke "Mistress, you have given birth to a son and two others, though they refuse to hatch right now. It seems they require certain conditions to fully hatch."

Not giving her a chance to say anything he continued on "And surely you should know that he must be given a name as soon as possible otherwise the right moment will pass us by."

Again, refusing her a moment to speak he continued. "And since you agreed to our terms. I will take upon the liberty and burden to bear the fate of their names, well his only. Since I cannot name the others while I have not seen what they are."

At this moment Elvyra was truly pissed off but there was nothing she could do about it, they had an agreement and she had not thought about it back then, but now she regretted not reigning in her excitement at that time. In the time she had spent in labor she had thought of many names to give her child, and some were quite powerful but not like the one that had come to her like a whisper, it felt rich, it felt boundless, it felt magnificent and all encompassing. The name was Kean Cletus.....

How it entered her mind she did not know, but it intrigued her for she had not heard of such a name in all her years of existence, she herself could formulate many others using her powerful mind but she would not come close to this one. And so, she wanted to give it to him.

But now, the chance was not hers anymore. She would have to live with the despair of having to call her son by a name given to him by an outsider. she sighed to herself as she listened his words.

"For his name, I will use an ancient method from my universe. It is a method that has been used by godkings when naming themselves upon ascending their thrones. Surely this would be better than anything you could have come up with." he mocked.

He signaled to the one of the hooded figures behind him, and that figure brought with him a large chest that had seemingly been there since the beginning, setting it down Infront of the altar, he looked towards Elvyra whose beauty had seemingly started to recover slowly, he lost himself in wild fantasies for a moment there, not until he heard a cough from the leader.

He hurriedly hid his embarrassment and then looked to the leader who still had child and eggs in his hands seemingly having no intention of handing them to their mother. 

Having gotten the signal from the leader to begin he opened the chest. Elvyra tried to look but from the position she satin she could not see inside it, but she noticed that all the others dared not to look inside as if they feared what was inside. She felt a slight fear, how could she trust these people to give something as important as a name. But she would not interfere, as long as she could have her child with her in the end.

The mystic chest that was curved with images of beings she could not really see. They were blurry and her skull felt like splitting open the longer she kept on looking at them. She gave up trying but not without the notice of the leading figure, he held himself back at snorting at her attempt to gaze at things she was clearly not worthy of. 

Speaking of the Leading figure, he did not like the woman and despised her lineage though he himself knew little about it, in fact there was little known about her. He knew almost nothing other than her basic information. That she came from a race they called Aurorans, and all he knew about them was their connection between them and the natural phenomenon they called the Aurora Australis, and the other thing being, their almost maddening desire for knowledge, if dragons craved treasures of the earth and sky, then this race craved knowledge.

From what he knew about them in the history books of this universe was, that they craved knowledge so much that they would become terrifying beings if they were denied what they craved. But other than that, there was next to nothing about them, apart from their extremely small number.

And yet they occupied a quarter of the universe on this mountain all by themselves, and yet no one was bothered.

Shifting his thoughts away from her secrets that he disdained to even contemplate about, he focused on the issue at hand.

He was going to come up with a name and influence this treasure to bind his Karma to the name he wanted and make sure it did not manifest any other name. Though it was no easy feat, heck he could lose his life if he failed. But he had his pride to worry about.

Thinking of a name he once saw a godking use, he felt happy with himself. 'I shall name you Sachiel Bath, one who supersedes gods.'

Biting his finger he produced a drop of blood, containing a majority of his power essence, karma and carrying the name he had thought of, he flicked it towards the chest. 

The chest absorbed it and radiated a gorgeous dark light. And without waiting for the figure below him to remind him, he prickled the child's finger with his dagger to produce a drop of blood that also went into the chest.

The chest groaned under the strain of the infant's blood, managing to sound like a living thing, it was under a lot of pressure, but it held on and finally managed to produce a scroll as dark as night. It had a name written in the light of the cosmos.

And as he read the name, he felt terrified.

'Kean Cletus----'

Our MC has made an appearance......am so excited.

Who would like to guess what hides in the two eggs?

Put your thoughts in the comment section.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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