
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Dark Legionnaires.......

A momentous change took place the moment Kyrios was named. It was like as if, everything was waiting for his addition for everything to finally click.

Because the moment Kyrios fell into slumber, the bodies of all the children and Kyrios started to morph into a dark golden liquid. More like their bodies melted, from their skin to their flesh down to their bones even down to their souls. It was quite bizarre and horrifying at the same time, but the feeling of wonder it invoked was not lost.

What they turned into looked more like molten metal. Their bodies melted until there was nothing left of their original bodies. The molten liquid was filled with colored runes that flashed intermittently in between moments like a beacon of light.

The molten liquid trembled as a Dark Symphony started to emanate from within the liquid. The Dark Symphony sounded a lot more like the marching of an army of demons seeking to conquer the Grand Gates of Heaven, as they escorted their King into a battle of conquer, a massacre of untold multitudes, a great purging and the ushering of a new era. The voices were so numerous to count, and yet the source being only thirteen molten pools of dark gold metal. 

As the singing continued the pool of molten metal, morphed once more until they formed the shapes of large eggs. But they did not have a fixed form. The surface of these eggs rippled in tandem with the symphony.

It looked so unnatural and frightening. But what would scare a soul more was the crazed expression that had appeared in the lifeless eyes of Kean the moment the symphony begun. 

He seemed to enjoy the dark symphony to the point that it almost brought out his instinctive nature, and that would not bode well for anything, any life, anything that had meaning on this planet, they would join him in madness as they fell further away from the purpose of their existence until they were twisted beyond recognition. But luckily, he managed to reign it in. 

"QUIET...."He roared at the spheres. And at once they hardened becoming no less as hard as precious metals. The symphony died off as the temple returned to its eerie silence.

"It is not yet the time, when the time comes, you shall sing my so Glorious name as I conquer Creation's Light."

Kean turned his attention away from the floating eggs and looked into the empty space

"Now to move on to the next phase of the plan."

"Guardians of the Dark, My Eternal Dark Legion, I summon you from Eternal Rest. Come forth, pride of my Lineage."

Like a calling, the space in the temple vibrated intensely, just from the sheer weight of his intentions, but it could do nothing but bend to his will. Space cracked like glass and from these cracks thirteen humanoid shadows walked out.

 One could see that their bodies hid the mind crippling darkness behind those cracks in space.

It seemed that even their origin was not so simple. The darkness behind them had an uncanny resemblance to the darkness in Kean's subconscious realm, but this darkness felt more ancient, more horrifying and dreadful.

And certainly, more powerful.

if we were to compare, the darkness in Kean's mind was like comparing an ant in front of the immensity of the universe, Kean sometimes wondered why there was such a big difference, for fucksake they shared the same blood, he literally sired him, but the difference was insurmountable, but he always chocked it up to the fact that he was basically still considered a toddler to him, quite literally at that. 

From a mortal comparison he was just a child who had been born recently and so one could only imagine what kind of meager power he would hold at that age.

Probably the reason his father refused to grant him a name. It just did not work like that and honestly, their father would rather have them prove that they actually deserved the names he would be giving them.

Kean looked at these thirteen shadows and said to them.

"Take these children of mine and spread them out to the far corners of this broken Universe. Hide them from the gaze of those that steal Light."

" And by their side you shall stay, because from now on you shall be their Eternal guards, their Dao protectors, their life is your life, how far they can reach will be up to your individual efforts, how far you can impress me with the help of your master's depends on your willingness to serve. Serve and you will be serving me as well."

The thirteen shadows all knelt on a single and said in a peculiar, unified voice, "As you wish Boundless One"

"Now go, take them. Find suitable hosts and, make sure they grow up well, but make sure that they stay focused otherwise I cannot afford to make a loss after having invested so much into them."

Standing up the thirteen shadows approached the egg like structures that floated in the air. Like clockwork they seemed to have made a choice long before they came here.

Approaching their chosen eggs. In the unified voice of a thousand ghosts and warriors, they said to the eggs as they sought to imprint and bind the eggs. "Rise, Heralds in whom the claret of the Boundless flows. The Lineage of the Dark One is not to be trifled with."

"Come and sow the seeds of chaos, together we shall bring chaos to this wretched universe."

"A journey to return the light that was once stolen, and darkness we shall bring once more, for the mourning of this universe has driven creation to the brink of madness."

Grabbing hold of the eggs, the shadows then went on to swallow them through what looked like a mouth. 

In that moment they became akin to pregnant women for a bump rose in what would be assumed to be wombs. But the change did not end there, for they continued to morph until they became a singular black feather floating in the air. 

A feather that dripped with dark miasma, this miasma caused reality to groan in pain for it was being tainted and corroded. The light from the temple and the immediate surroundings was taken leaving nothing but darkness behind.

And like a stone sinking into a calm lake, the feathers, sunk into reality causing ripples of reality to spread out.

The ripples spread far into the Nameless world, reality was shredded apart and everything those ripples touched on simply disappeared, erased from existence.

But Kean remained unharmed. He looked on at the world with apathy, just his presence alone in the world or even the whole universe at large was going to have far-reaching consequences, but he cared nothing for it.

Proving himself to his father, his brothers was more important, he as the eldest in the family had responsibilities, and he had to make sure he became indomitable in the family otherwise there would be no meaning to having started all this in the first place.

He had to find their mother, the fact that he felt only a small piece of her here, worried him to no end, and had it been any other situation, he would have likely made sure to bring this universe down just for the fact that it harbored her broken presence.

But he had to take things slowly otherwise getting her back will become impossible if he was to burn everything in sight just because of his anger, and who knows, he might even be the one who ends up killing her.

And so, he chose to go the long route, with it he will be able to find out what happened, reap benefits from infiltrating Creation, earn the Name his father promised, create a power and Legacy that belonged to him alone, unearth the legacy in his very being.... huh so many things to do and yet look at how am wasting time here.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he looked at the place one more time, and sighed, how wonderful it was to feel the warmth of family in a place that did not wish to devour you at every turn.

He may look at them as puppets now, and surely, they will do great as tools but, deep inside he always related them to his brothers.

Time had not allowed them to have family like this and so he tended to get lost in these fleeting moments on many occasions.

But just the fact alone that he had grown attached to them, then he would make sure they become the best that Creation has to offer, even if it meant to first break their souls, warp their existences, he would do everything to see to it that there is no one that can question them. 

With their might alone, they will be feared not because he was their master, their god, but because they fought and traversed hell literally, to reach where they would in time to come. Time will tell. And Creation will know that it was a mistake to allow what happened to his mother in the first place.

And just like desert sand, his vanished, leaving nothing of his presence behind. Nothing to remind the world of the monstrosity that once sat within these halls.

But his 'anticlimactic departure may not have been so anticlimactic after all, for what he did not notice was that. While reality had been frozen as he Named the children.

His aura spread throughout this world, the forgotten tongue he used did not seem to want fade away without announcing its presence.

The emotions that had been gathering for eons now reacted violently. Like a beast that had been released from its cage. they poured down like floods.

The emotions came pouring from the skies and the atmosphere. They sought to drown the entire world with their waters, and that they did. The Nameless world was devoured by floods of extremely dark and potent waters. the whole world was devoured leaving nothing behind. 

Almost like they were celebrating the terrifying future, And the terrifying thing about all this was that the living beings here did not make any noise, nor their screams of indignation.

They welcomed death in a sort of cynical happiness. the whole world became a land of death, the earth and skies were devoured by the dark waters. If one was to see it from above, the world had become a murky and malevolent dark orb. But no sound came from it. It was silent and there would be not sound from this place for more time to come.

As for what would become of this world, only time would tell, maybe only surprises awaited us the next time we see it once more.

This marks the end of the Prologue, next on comes the begining of our tale.

I have been working on an auxillary chapter that woulld be used for the future and will probabbly release it later on, to prevent spoilers.

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