
An Eldritch Legacy: Sacrilegious Darkness

Creation just has too much light! Or so it seems. Will it be up to the Dak Ones to bring balance to creation and existence, or drive them to fall to their knees? -------- Kean Cletus is an Eldritch child who is on the search for his mother. But it is proving to be difficult, her Light has been scattered, and she has become warped and twisted. A husk of her former self. He knows that there something wrong with her, but the Light of Creation does not welcome him, and so he has to be reborn in a form that will be accepted in Creation's Light. ------- "Awaken your Honored Legacy my child.....the times to come are not for those faint of heart." "The fight for your mother will prove harder than anything you have ever known my child" The Eldritch Heavens await the rise of The Bottomless Depth! Will Kean be worthy of The Throne, The Crown, The Wings and the Legacy of His Sacrilegious Ichor.

DarkOceanRage · Fantasy
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30 Chs

A Broken World....

How did it come to this?...

What did we do to deserve this....



"Iris... snap out of it we have to go NOWW!!!"

A beautiful young woman whose hair seemed to glow with the light of the sun, snapped awake.

The light from the sun blinded her eyes as she fought to fight off her drowsiness.

Oh, how thankful she was of David for the timely save, the nightmares were becoming worse every single day.

Rarely could she get time to actually sleep and more so when those 'things' were after them. Every day they had to fight for their dear lives, no time for respite nor a moment for contemplation.

Looking at the sky she could see the dark blue outline of the sun among the even darker clouds. It hung in them like a slithering serpent, shining its slithering light on the creatures below it. Its light did not bring hope nor warmth, it did not bring the cold either. 

But it brought a feeling of dread, every being under its light was cast into a realm of despair and fear. If not for their sheer will, many would have chosen to forfeit their lives and given up and accepted the advances of 'that Being'. 

Unfortunately, not many had the will to hold on and so many chose to give in. Those that had accepted to go under his rule were referred to as 'the 'Forgotten'

Why forgotten, simply because any that chose to do so would be forgotten by any who once knew of them.

At first it was not noticeable; but it was not until someone powerful was able to detect the discrepancies in memory, of many others, that it was realized that many people they once knew could no longer be remembered. 

And even then, it did not change anything. Just because they knew what was happening did not mean that anything could be done about it. Those that were forgotten remained forgotten and so they simply chose to call them collectively as the forgotten.

The sun of their world was a bright beacon of hope and splendor, bring so much light that it almost reached the point of becoming excess. Many took its light for granted but many now wished for the days of Old when it's spilled for a greater part of the day.

But all they could now was to regret not seeing things happen, not listen to the warnings it sent and ignoring its cries for help. 

But now there was nothing that could be done. Its Light had been corrupted and its meaning had been warped, descending to something they knew not of something that they never knew could exist. Something their beings screamed in fear of, but they still could not recognize the feeling. And so, they were fated to remain in ignorance.

She thought back to the stories her father used to tell her when she was young.

He used to tell her that their world was not like this in the past. he used to say that it was a world filled with joy, and wonder. light occupied every inch of land, creatures of light frolicked the wild lands, even the plants themselves seemed to soak in light as they grew, many beings used to swim in condensed light. 

Things were so peaceful. So peaceful that it was a tad too much. But they did not complain, they were happy with their lives. She was young then and everything her father told her brough her no end of excitement. but looking at it now, she realized that though her father used to tell her these stories, there was always a hint of malice in what he used to say. When she grew older, she would choke it up to the fact that maybe he was annoyed that they could not live life like that anymore. 

But thinking of things right now she understood that maybe there was more to his malice she just did not understand why. But unfortunately, there was no more chance to ask him why it was so. He had long disappeared living her in the hands of his friend and she has never seen him again. She did not believe that he was dead, no, he could not be.

 Death was something so fleeting in the past. In fact, many did not know of the existence of death.

The closest thing they knew to death was that whenever someone became too old, they would be taken away by the servants of their gods. And they would never be seen again. But no one minded, they would even be jealous of the chance that the old would get by being taken to the Kingdoms of their gods.

But in the years that followed his coming, death was introduced in a way that many did not know could exist.

 Five hundred years is what it took to destroy any semblance or illusion of the peace they once held.

Her father said that it begun with some worlds growing dark. The inhabitants of those worlds were never heard from again.

And then like a cancer, the darkness spread engulfing more and more worlds, it was not until it was too late that they realized that things were not normal, but by that time things had gone beyond repair.

They tried to fend to find out the cause of the darkness and possibly get rid of it by sending in their most talented beings of the apex races of light and at first it worked for a short time,

But they did not return, and so they sent in more beings and this time they sent in droves and droves of armies to the different armies, but they did not realize that they were just feeding it, making it stronger and stronger.

The ruling monarchs choked it up to the fact that they had likely entered a situation where they had to fight but since the most had spent a long time without fighting and maybe that's why they were defeated

And so, they started to train their people in ways of fighting, teaching them how to become undefeated warriors. And after hundreds of years, they felt they were ready, so they sent in more armies to the ever-increasing dark worlds.

But things did not become better. The more people they sent in, the larger the darkness would grow. And when they realized this, everyone now sought to protect their own skin, each race was left to fend off on its own. 

And now they were being hunted from everywhere, their gods were falling like grass, they control over the Aether is wanning, and Solaris is being replaced by something darker and colder. Strange things have been begun appearing and many more are dying out never to see the light of day again.

The celestial bodies are being corrupted beyond measure and now they can only watch on as their world dies out slowly. She even heard that on other worlds things are even worse, people have begun giving in to despair as they have chosen to take on the worship of some dark entities.

And this has caused them to lose their morality, order has fallen so far behind.

How have things come to this she did not know. 

All she knew right now was the fact that she would not give up, she would find the cause of all this misery and be sure to get rid of it.

Like how she knew that her father could not be dead. That is just how much confidence she had in their Legacy and that was considering that was her father's side only. She was a rare Dual Legacy holder, the first of her kind to have ever existed, she was sure that her mother's legacy had to be just as powerful as her father's though he refused to ever say anything about it. But she could not tell anyone about her potential or her Legacies'.

She realized that keeping somethings to yourself might just go a long way to saving your life especially in this world that has changed.

She would use her talent to end it all, she would find the source of all this misery and make sure that he would not have an easy death.

But first she must awaken her legacies and undergo her Legacy trials. But that has proven to be harder than surviving under the corrupted light of the dark blue sun.

The things she needs are not available anymore and she knows not where to start from. Her white crystal eyes flashed with nonchalance. She would not be stopped. Her, Iris will save the universe.


Six hundred years ago. In the realm of Origin Soil.

In one of its uncountable glittering forests, containing mountain sized emerald trees, a fast-moving silhouette of colors and lights could be seen jumping on the leaves of the forest trees at an unconceivable speed.

Upon closer inspection one could see that it was a heavenly woman with glasslike skin that gave off its own light and hair made of ribbons of emeralds sapphires crimsons and amethyst lights.

She moved so fast that light accompanied her every movement. She had a certain grace to her that nature was so in tune with her, almost bowing to her presence. she had a certain gravity to her that made the forest quake with her every movement.

She was Elvyra Australis. and today would mark half a century ever since she became pregnant. And these Fifty years have been nothing but grueling to her.

Malakai was gone, those insane freaks had seemingly abandoned her, even the Aurora was gone. 

And at a time like this, this was worst possible thing that could possibly happen to her. She was weak and defenseless, and those stuck-up pricks chose to hunt her at this time.

But luckily, she could at least run, Afterall they were in her home, her domain.

And it did not favor them that it was so large that their ancestral worlds could not amount to even a fraction of Origin Soil. 

She just had to hold out long enough to produce her child and then she would be able to fend them off.

But it was becoming harder and harder every day, the child in her womb felt a little bit too heavy to carry and that was saying something especially considering the power of her flesh alone.

But she would blame all these problems on Malakai for being such a giant. And now she had to carry something that large inside her.