
An Autobiography of Ten Thousand Bees in a Cloak

Follow along on an adventure through the forgotten realms, with T.ThoBIAC, aka Tobiak, or Toby. Follow their life, from their creation, to their adventures, to their own explanation of life, through their strange experiences, and Point of View on life.

Cassian_James · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Off to the Outpost! …Maybe? Part Two

The woman shrieked in surprise, but continued to run towards our carriage, as the bandits all stopped in front of Us. We buzzed angrily, and two of the bandits, who were standing 10 feet behind the one directly in front of Us, pulled out Bows.

They began knocking arrows and firing them, almost inhumanly fast, as We had noted, at the others who were all near the carriage now.

Truly, we must also note the effectiveness and heroics that Our party had managed to pull off next. In response to being shot at, Lavender summoned some kind of arcane armor that covered all of the weak points on her body.

Ezri was literally deflecting arrows with her quarterstaff, as she made her way up to join me at close range, and Maevris… Well, We may be most proud of the Short Flesh out of all of them.

Maevris took a direct shot to her forearm, which she expertly and perfectly raised at the last second, stopping an arrow from striking her in the head. She responded by gritting her teeth, Snapping the arrow, removing it, and then chucking her peculiar boomerang directly at the one who hit her.

Like some sort of children's fairy tale, the boomerang hit him perfectly in the head, knocking his helmet sideways, AND injuring him; and then the boomerang returned to her, almost perfectly.

We made a note to ask her if it was magical, but chuckled and turned our attention to the bastard in front of us. He swung his sword down at us, but we quickly evaded, and delivered a series of venomous stings to him. Almost immediately he began to stumble, as our Venom took hold.

Ezri had moved directly up next to Us, and as she ran by, she swiftly swung her quarterstaff at the one We were attacking, and he fell dead in front of us. "That was quite rude, Fuzzy Flesh. Clearly, he was my mark."

"Be faster next time, Bee-Face." She called back over her shoulder. We heard what sounded like the whistling of wind growing louder, and the air almost started to grow colder; very quickly; and We instinctively hit the ground. Where We were just standing, We watched as a large icicle came flying through the air.

We followed its trajectory and it sliced perfectly through one of the men who was firing arrows, and then promptly exploded into icy shrapnel, injuring the other.

Ezri took a little bit of damage from the frozen shrapnel too, and cried out to Lavender "Hey, GUILD-HOLE, watch where you're casting magic! You almost killed me and Tobi, You Idiot!"

We saw Lavender standing next to the carriage, the fingers on her right hand, and her eyes glowing a frosty blue color; while she held her spellbook in her left hand, preparing to cast another spell; all while clearly intentionally ignoring Ezri.

The last guy was the one that Maevris hit with the boomerang, and just as he had managed to fix his helmet, he was met with Ezri's Furry Fists of Fleshy Fury… Eh. We will workshop that name.

Ezri wiped her brow and we both made our way back to the carriage. As a whole, we were mostly unharmed, except for Maevris, and the mystery Karatese woman. We walked up to them, placing a hand on each of them, and using our latent Paladin abilities to heal their wounds, by praying to the Luxon for light, regeneration, and guidance.

The woman smiled at Us, and said "Oh, thank you kindly, friends!!! I surely would have been slaughtered, were it not for your help. You are quite strong, indeed. Please, what brings you to this area?"

We nodded, responding with "Yes, well, you're not from this area either, are you? Based on your garb, and the markings on your skin and carriage, We can deduce that you are from Kara Tur. Correct?"

She nodded, "Yes, I am, sir. I am from the city of Chao Yeng, the 3rd largest city on the continent of Kara Tur. It's not too often I meet travelers here in Faerun who recognize me as Karatese. Warriors… My name is Jengin Nao, and I appreciate all of your help. May I have your names?"

"Certainly," We replied, "These Flesh are called Maevris, Lavender, and Ezri. We are not Flesh, We are a hive of bees. Our designation is Tobi. Now that We have exchanged pleasantries, We request that you tell us why you are here; 1200 miles away from your home."

"Uh.. you're… You know what… no, never mind, you're strange. Nonetheless. I am here in Faerun, to go to the City of Novar.

You see, there are world-famous matches, tests of skill, and fights of glory that are held there; known across all of Abeir-Toril as 'The Guardian Games'.

They're held every 4 years, but they have been canceled the last two times the season came around. It seems that King Bjorn has had a change of heart this year… And we are here to compete."