
An Autobiography of Ten Thousand Bees in a Cloak

Follow along on an adventure through the forgotten realms, with T.ThoBIAC, aka Tobiak, or Toby. Follow their life, from their creation, to their adventures, to their own explanation of life, through their strange experiences, and Point of View on life.

Cassian_James · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Questioning the Foreigner

The 4 of us exchanged uneasy glances when Nao said, "It seems that King Bjorn has had a change of heart this year…"

It must have been clear on our faces, because Nao, looking confused, asked "Is everything ok? It seems that your attentions have shifted."

Lavender cleared her throat loudly, and smiled at Nao, and in response, she said, "Yea, we're fine. I think we do have a few questions for you, if you don't mind, though. Nao, was it?"

Nao smiled at Lavender, and said "Yes, Jengin Nao is my full name, but Nao is my… as your um… bee-man said, 'designation'."

"Certainly. And it's a beautiful name. You said you're from Kara Tur, and you're here to visit Novar, and participate in the champion games."

"Guardian Games." Maevris interrupted. Lavender shot her an annoyed look and said "Yes… Guardian Games… My apologies. So my first question is, what exactly are The Guardian Games?"

Nao looked behind Us, looking sad and worried; and following her gaze, we found Ezri in the carriage. She had just unlocked the chest she took, and was pilfering its contents.

We sent a single bee over and stung Ezri, who yelped and said "Ow! Hey! We earned this! We saved her life, and I did most of the work. Don't sting your companions, bee-boy!"

We shook Our head, as Nao sighed defeatedly, seemingly writing it off, and responded to the question.

"The Guardian Games are a series of Trials, Matches, Battles, and Challenges that are nearly world-renowned! I'm not surprised you don't remember them, however, as it's been just over a decade since the last one."

Nao looked slightly uncomfortably at Lavender, who was seemingly taking notes with her magical quill, while talking to Nao. Nao chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck before continuing.

"Nobles from all over the 3 continents come together once every 4 years, with a group of their chosen champions, and compete in the games for glory, money, and fame."

We spoke up this time, saying "Excuse Our rudeness, but if you are supposed to be here with a group of chosen champions… Where are they?"

Nao sadly and quietly looked back at her destroyed cart… On the ground just a few feet from the wreckage, there were the bodies of 4 men. We could tell they, too, were from Kara Tur.

Nao wiped tears from her eyes before, with a shaky voice, she responded, saying "My family… We are nobles in Chao Yeng, but… We are poor.

We are suffering… And we could not afford to hire powerful champions… Those 4 brave men volunteered to compete on behalf of our family.

They have truly earned their qualifications as 'Guardians.' They died as heroes, and will live eternally with the gods as champions, in the afterlife."

While We were listening to her explanation we noticed Ezri sniping around the bodies of the men we killed. If we had eyes we would roll them.

"Furry Flesh. Must you desecrate the corpses? You already stole the poor woman's treasure." We groaned in annoyance.

"Piss off." She replied, continuing to loot the corpses. As she did so, came across a scarlet-red piece of paper with foreign writing on it. "Hey, bee-boy, did the body you stole know this language?"

Annoyed, Our bees buzzed around Us as We responded in kind, "Excuse me, I don't steal, I am not the Furry Flesh. This body was willingly given, we are a rare and amazing crea-"

"Fine, whatever. Did the body that was 'willingly given to you' speak this language, or not?"

We growled and glared at her and crossed Our arms, saying nothing. Nao walked over and interrupted us, saying, "Uh, Ezri, was it? That is Karatese… I could tell you what it says, if you wish."

"Great, please do, if it means I have to be less annoyed, I'm all for it." Ezri said, handing the note to Nao.

At first, Nao was happy to translate for us, but as she continued to read, we could see the color drain from her face. Her face changed from smiling to looking terrified, and slightly sick.

"Uh…. Yes. Well. It appears that this is an assassination note… An order of death. For me… and my sister." She said shakily. This bit of information sparked Our interest.

"Hm… Why is it… That someone would send assassins after you, and why did they wait to attack you until you were almost in Novar?" We said with a menacing tone.

A small itch, like an alarm bell, went off in the back of Our mind, saying she was lying… But We suppressed it.

Maevris walked up to us, and put a small but firm hand on Our arm. As we looked at her, she shook her head, and said, "Tobi… be nicer. She's clearly traumatized, AND she's hurt."

Our gaze softened and We responded to her, "We are Sorry, You are right. You are both hurt. Here, let Us help you."

We reached out and laid a hand on one of Maevris' Shoulders and one of Nao's shoulders, praying to The Luxon for Light and Healing.

Their wounds closed before their eyes and they both looked healthier and happier. "There. Your Flesh has been repaired. We are sorry for being… aggressive."

Maevris smiled at us, then turned to Nao, saying, "So, Tobi isn't wrong. Where you were attacked isn't relevant right now, but do you know who sent out this order?

And… Where is your sister, hun?" Maevris' face held a lot of compassion, which We found was strange, considering we JUST met this Flesh.

Nao looked sad, and wiped a tear from her eye, before saying, "No… I am sorry, I do not know who EXACTLY has sent this order out… And I also don't know where my sister is."

That alarm went off in the back of Our head again, and we sighed. We prayed to the Luxon, and spoke, saying "Circulus Veritas," activating our holy magic; as a large sphere, 15 feet across made of golden energy materialized around us.

"Let's try that again… And We would very much like for you to tell Us the TRUTH, this time."