
An Ancient Saiyan in Marvel

as Noah lay down beside the road, in unbearable agony  He reflected in his final moments. "Finally, it's over, no more suffering, no more pain." "I just hope that if there is a next life, I could live freely." Follow Noah on his journey through Marvel, My Hero Academia, Bleach, and other realities. Please be patient as this is my first time writing and English is not my first language. I own nothing; this is merely a fanfic.

solibus_orba · Filem
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47 Chs

Chapter 16 : Kaboom

In a covert operation facility run by the U.S. Army, Hidden under mt. Rushmore .Deep within it , one could find the place bustling with activities. Scientists moved about while holding files, tablets, cups of coffee, and so on. Then there were groups of army personnel. Patrolling the facility, keeping an eye on the test subjects, and ensuring the overall safety of the facility.

This place is one of the many up and coming secret facilities funded and owned by the U.S. Army and the latest division in human weapons experiments Aka they attempting to recreate Abraham Erskine's Super-Soldier Serum. But what make this facility stand out from all other ones you ask ?

Simple. The facility's lead researchers are among the best in their respective fields. Biology, biochemistry, and particle physics The list could go on and on, but the most important thing to remember is the name of the project this facility is working on, as it could come in handy in the future.

The name of the Project is.....

Project Troubleshooter .

You. Yes, you, the person who is currently reading this report. I could tell you all about this research facility, but I'm feeling lazy right now, so I'm just writing this short report for the sake of S.H.I.E.L.D protocol so the higher ups don't fry my behind.

PS : Do me a favor and don't tell the one eye demon I've been slacking since the last thing I want is for him to transfer me to some hellish area for the rest of my agent career lol.

Agent Rock signed off

[End of report]

In a spacious office in the heart of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, a one-eyed demon placed a report on his desk and began to Mother fuckingly look at the name of the agent who wrote it before raising his phone and dialing someone.

Nick Fury : Coulson. I want you to transfer someone for me "

Phil Coulson : Who and where Sir "

Nick Fury : "Agent Rock, send him to The Death Valley S.H.I.E.L.D base. Make sure to put him on patrol duty " .

A moment of silence for our fallen Agent (╯˘ -˘ )╯

[This happened few weeks before mc arrived to earth]

---Back to Noah---

" Glad You awake kid i thought i'll lose you today " Logan said in a relieved tone .

" Yeah i'm Back " Replied Rogue with a teary eyes .

And here I am, standing like a stone statue, entirely ignored by the Moth— father and daughter Logan's eyes are filled with relief, and his poster began to relax, as did Rogue, who, for some reason, didn't mind me holding her or at least tell Logan to carry her. She was just wiping her tears with her sleeve while talking to Logan. Its kind weird If you ask me, getting comfortable in some random person's arm, but oh well, more side BB for me.

Witnessing both of them behaving like a father and a daughter made me wonder what my parents were like. I closed my eyes and tried to remember anything them, but all I could recall was someone throwing a slipper at my head with veteran sniper-like accuracy while yelling at me .

I tried to remember for a while, but the same image kept popping into my head, so I gave up and opened my eyes to find Rogue deep in sleep and Logan lighting a cigar not far from where I stood. I approached him and asked him.

Noah: " Whats up with her ?"

Logan: "She said she was tired and went to sleep; I tried to ask you about it, but you were so deep in thought that you didn't even hear me calling " Logan replied after blowing out smoke.

Hearing this i pondered for a bit then replied .

"I guess she was mentally exhausted and couldn't stay awake," Noah explained.

Logan: "I had the same thought" he replied, nodding.

Logan and i proceeded to stand still in silence for a few moment before asking him again.

Noah: " Can take her off my hand then ? I kinda have to go otherwise an old lady gonna be mad at me " .

When I said that, I swear I heard the ancient one curse "Damn Rascal" but I chalked it up to my imagination.

Logan looked at me weirdly before awansring with something that made me scratch the back of my head with my tail.

Logan: " Trust me i tried , but she refused and told me she felt safe like this and might start to cry if i took her away "

i took a minute to let that sink in before an anger mark appeared on the side of my head .

Noah: " Since when i became a babysitter for your goddamn child ??" i asked

Logan: " Since now apparently " replied with a smug grin and continued on smoking.

upon seeing his smug face i became even angrier but i calmed myself down because if i done anything to him i could say bye bye to my alcohol .

Noah: " I swear on shenron i'm blowing a mountain today " i whispered under my breath

Logan: " You said something?" Logan asked .

Noah: " I said how long am i going to hold her ?" .

Logan: " I asked professor to send some people to help us So they i'll be here at any moment".

I grunted in annoyance upon hearing that and said nothing .


The sound of the X-jet echoed throughout the place.

Logan: " There here " Logan declared while throwing away his cigar

Noah: " Finally " i replied

Logan: " Now then, hand Rouge over "

Noah: " It would be better if you brought stretcher or let me put her somewhere in that jet of yours"

Logan: " Why?" Asked Logan confusion apparent in his eyes

Noah: "The power she absorbed made her stronger than she was before, when she woke up the first time and began crying she held my hand and squeezed them. Fortunately it was me and nothing happened but if that was you she would crushed your entire arm into powder before you or her even realized it" i explained to Logan .

after a bit of silence between us Logan took a long breath and asked .

Logan: " Will this power harm her in anyway ?"

Noah: "No, it won't. All she has to do is learn to control her strength; it will take time, but it will be worthwhile in the end."

Hearing me say that Logan nodded his head then replied

Logan: " il go grab the stracher then"

Noah: " Alright"

Logan headed towards where the X-jet was going to land. And there he was met with four individuals who he then talked to briefly before heading into the jet and grabbing the stretcher. After about a minute he came out the jet pushing the stretcher. So I approached him and placed Rouge on it. Unknowingly to him that i can sense him, a guy cladded in ice was looking at me with a hint of jealousy and hatred emitting from his eyes.

After i was done i looked at Logan and i said

"I have a few things I need to say to someone who will be with her 24/7, should I say it to you or someone from this group?" i asked

Logan: " Then say it to Raven She is her mother " he said while pointing toward a redheaded blue skinned bombshell of a woman.

Noah: " "Your daughter will be having night terrors and sleep walking for two weeks to a month, so make sure someone who can calm her will be sharing a room with her ideally someone who has power over people's minds, if you can't find someone like that I advise you to have a good builder on speed dial because the amount of times she will be breaking walls in her sleep will drive any normal family into poverty. Next, she'll need to learn how to control her new power. My advice is to let her make pottery, which will help her learn how to control the output of her power in no time. after that she will have to use what she learned in day to day activities and then she will be back to normal. Any questions ?"

Raven didn't say anything for a few moment then proceeded to point at two bodys laying down on the ground like a sack of potatoes .

Raven: " What about Scott and Kurt ?" She asked

Noah: " Fuck em " i replied

Raven: " Excuse me ? " said in confusion

Noah: " Lady i was paid to heal only the girl ,the rest are irrelevant . Now as it stand, i have done everything asked of me and i'll be visiting that guy on later date to collect my payment, goodbye "


As soon as I finished speaking, a bright golden portal appeared not far behind me. So I started walking toward it, but before I could get to the portal, a wall of ice appeared in front of me, preventing me from moving forward. I turned around to find the guy who was sending me hateful looks had transformed into some kind of ice form and began to monologue.

Bobby: "You think you can injure our friends, force Logan's hand into a deal, and then walk all over us? Do you believe the X-Men are an easy target or something? that you can get away after everything you've done? Over my dead body i am telling you!! either heal the rest and come back with us to be punished for what you done willingly or i'll beat the shit out you myself and bring you back with your tail hanging around your neck!!"

Logan: "NOT AGAIN!!" Logan screamed .

Logan: "Bobby you fucking idiot it's not what it looks like he didn't force me to ----" But before he could finish by he was interrupted by the killing instinct i began to emit .

My figure was outlined in red aura, my face darkened, and my eyes turned crimson red.

I Looked the ice for brain dead in the eye and spoke in demonice tone .

Noah: " You have two choices Right now , One: I'll kill and make a necklace with intestines for your loved ones to wear for your funeral and believe me i will Enjoy gutting you like the dog you are . Two: You will remove the ice wall and after that i will come over where you stand and break both of your kneecaps and an arm and that is letting you off easy if you ask me. So please Chose the first option that will make me a happy man for a few days at least " .

Everyone except the ice for brain had frozen in their place as a result of what they had just heard, but bobby ego wouldn't let him see how big a hole he had just dug for himself, so he doubled down by replying.

Bobby: " You and what power ?" Bobby said mocklingy

Noah: "This power," I replied, stretching my arm toward a mountain that I learned later on was Mt. Lee, where the Hollywood sign was located.

Then in one smooth motion raised both my index and middle fingers up.


A massive pillar of golden light erupted into the sky, instantly vaporizing Mt. Lee and everything on it. The pillar continued for a full minute before disappearing, leaving behind a massive bottomless pit.

After that, I returned my arm to Cross-arm and turned around just in time to see everyone's faces drained of color . Raven hugged the sleeping Rouge while giving me a terrified look. Peter has unconsciously transformed into his colossus form, Storm has put both of her palms on her head and started shivering, while Logan is fighting for control against his instincts. and then there is Bobby who hid himself inside an ice block when he first saw the explosion .

So I approached Bobby, who was still in his ice block, squatted slightly to look him dead in the eye, then said to him .

Noah: " Feeling comfy in there? Good, because I'm going to count to three, and if I don't hear your response, i'll take it you chose the first option and kill you immediately " i said menacingly.

I returned to where I had stood before, took a stance, and began infusing Ki into my right arm.

Upon seeing that Bobby began to panic and started making layers and layers of ice around him .

Noah: " ONE!" Brighter!

Noah: " TWO!!" Brighter!!

Noah: " THR--"



Before I could finish counting, Peter and Logan appeared out of nowhere and hit booby as hard as they could, breaking the ice around him and sending him face first into the ground, knocking the light out of him, whereas the wall that was blocking my way dissolved into water and the path became clear again.

I stood up and retracted all the Ki I had infused into my body before looking coldly at the duo.

Noah : " What's the meaning of this ? " i asked a cold glint is apparent in my eyes

Peter walked toward me and spoke.

Peter:"Friend, the X-men will give you a formal apology and compensate you for the inconvenience we caused you, so please spare Bobby; he is to blame here for how things auscultated, and I will do everything in my power to correct his behavior, so please let this one mistake pass."

The entire place fell silent then and after few moment i gave him my answer .

Noah: " I guess you guys picked Number two for him then "


I vanished and reappeared in front of the unconscious Bobby, stepping on both of his legs and breaking them before any of them could register what had happened.

(Crack) (Crack)


Bobby awoke immediately and began howling in pain.

Noah: "Thank your luck you had such good friends who begged for you, or I would have taken an arm as well," I said to the screaming Bobby while looking down at him. I then turned around to face the rest of the group.

Noah: "Well, we're even now, so I'll be taking my leave, so until next time" I declared as I began walking through the portal and vanishing from everyone's line of sight, and after few moments the portal vanished as well .

For a few moments, the group was on high alert, fearful that I would appear out of nowhere again, as I had done before , but when it became evident that I had indeed left, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Logan then went into the jet and after a few seconds he came back with stracher and spoke

Logan: " Come on let's head back home, we need to inform the professor of what happened " .

Damn, this was a long chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm going to sleep now, as I always do after each chapter, so have a good night or morning, I'm not sure to be honest my room has no windows.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

solibus_orbacreators' thoughts