
An Ancient Saiyan in Marvel

as Noah lay down beside the road, in unbearable agony  He reflected in his final moments. "Finally, it's over, no more suffering, no more pain." "I just hope that if there is a next life, I could live freely." Follow Noah on his journey through Marvel, My Hero Academia, Bleach, and other realities. Please be patient as this is my first time writing and English is not my first language. I own nothing; this is merely a fanfic.

solibus_orba · Filem
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47 Chs

Chapter 13: What's in it for me ?

On the outskirts of New York, high in the sky, inside the X-Jet .

"We're almost out of New York, at our current speed it would take us seven minutes to arrive at Los Angeles " Mystique said to the rest of the group seated behind her .

They all nodded and remained silent.

These people on this jet, from the pilot to the last passenger, are X-men powerhouses.

Bobby Drake, an Omega-level mutant and also known as Ice-man.

Ororo Munroe, the one and only Storm, is also a mutant of the Omega level.

Raven Darkhölme otherwise known as Mystique the shapeshifter a pseudo Omega-level mutant .

Peter Nikolayevich Rasputin The Colossus and the one with the biggest heart in the x-men also pseudo Omega-level mutant .

after a few minutes of tense silence Mike spoke up.

Bobby: " Could someone please fill me on what is happening exactly? All i understood before Peter dragged me out from my bed that we going for a rescue mission "

Raven put the Jet on autopilot and then turned to face Mike .

Raven: " Around fifteen minutes ago Logan had reached to the professor about someone or something that reeking havoc in Los angeles and requested for reinforcement just in cause if they couldn't win .And as he described it, the city is being hit by a man made earthquakes and thunderous clash-like booms; so at first, the professor planned to send a team of three alpha and two pseudo Omega mutants against whatever causing this mess but..."

Bobby: " But ? "

Raven: " but we had to change our plan after we lost contact with Logan Team "she said her eyes were filled with concern

Bobby : " WHAT !!" mike exclaimed

Raven:"The professor attempted to contact them telepathically several times but was unsuccessful; Kurt and Scott seems so to be out cold from what he had seen, and Logan and Rouge appear to be locked in a fierce battle and any direct contact might cause them to lose focus and get hurt in the process, So, considering what he saw, he scrapped the old team and sent us instead ".

Raven: " I just hope we get there in time before anything bad happen"

Hearing Raven response the group went quiet once more, and the atmosphere became even more gloomier than before.

Peter, seeing his fellow X-men becoming gloomier by the minute, attempted to lift the mood by saying.

Peter: "There's no need to be so gloomy; I'm confident that Logan team will be fine." " And Bobby. Maybe after this, you could finally ask Rouge tor that date you were always been telling me about."

Bobby began to panic and moved his hand right and left under his chin, begging Peter to stop talking.

Raven's eyes shifted into her mutant form, a cold flicker could be seen in them.

Raven: " What's that i hear about you wanting to take my daughter to a date ?"

Bobby : " Wait it's not what you think it's....."

Peter: "Come on Bobby, honesty is the best answer. You used to tell me over drinks how badly you wanted to ask Rouge out but were afraid of her mother, so what better time to ask her mother's blessing than now? " Peter said then proceeded to laugh in Russian

[A/N Don't ask me how someone laughs in Russian i'm already pulling Bullshit out of my ass to build up something for the next chapter]

Bobby tilted his head towards Peter. And while glaring at him with bloodshot eyes, he gritted his teeth and whispered under his breath "I will end you".

Raven began lecturing/scolding Bobby, while Peter continued to laugh in his own unique way, pleased that he had changed the mood in the plane, albeit at the expense of Bobby's mental and physical health. Ororo was looking out the window with a faint smile on her face when she noticed something that made her say, "What's that pillar of light?"

---Back to Noah ---

"So what's that about absorbing my power ? " i said as i came back from my Oscar worthy acting.

Logan's stunned expression when he saw me move around is Priceless, I tell you. I never imagined the wolverine's jaw could drop that far.

"How?" mummed Logan

" How what ?" i responded


" Sheesh man, you think the touch of a women would knock me out ? And here I thought i made better first impression than most people you guys usually fight " i sarcastically replied '

"THAT'S IT!!" Logan shouted

(Snikt) [ A/N This is the sound of Wolverine's claws emerging] (Snikt)

"I HAD IT WITH YOU, YOU MOTHER FUCKING MONSTER IT ME OR YOU NOW, BRING IT ON!!" Logan shouted again with a savage expression on his face .

"Buddy. While I'd love to go for another round right now, I believe you have a more pressing matter on your hands." I said that while pointing behind Logan.

Logan turned around to find Rouge on her knees with both hands on her chest. blood is dripping from her eyes. Nose . Ears. As well as from beneath her fingertips.

Logan immediately turned back to face me this time his whole face is twisted in anger .

" WHAT DID YOU DO!!" Logan Screamed

" Mother fucker, have you seen me even approach that girl since I started fighting you guys? No! So the better question is, what did she try to do back then?" i replied to Logan

Logan opened his mouth to shout again but before he could say anything his attentions was brought back to Rouge

" :Cough: :Cough: L-Logan :Cough: help :Cough: :Cough: " Rouge weakly said while Coughing Blood

" it alright kid everything will be alright just stay with me don't close your eyes " Logan urged Roug

" Interesting " i said as i appeared in front of Rouge

" Why does she have part of my power ?" i asked Logan while tilting my head

"What?"Logan replied

"Im telling you this Girl has part of my power and that power is wreaking havoc inside of her as we spake right now " i explained to logan

"But I thought the Absorption had Failed!! " Logan exclaimed

" the Absorption ? ohhhh you mean the tingle i felt when she placed her hand on my back ?"

"Tingle? Wait you said it was your power ? Can you take it back then ?" Logan asked me a light of hope could be seen in his eye

"Sure i can do that easy as pie " i replied

" Then what are you waiting for take it back !!" Logan hurried me

" What's in it for me ? " i replied to Logan in nonchalant tone

" What do you mean what's in it for you !? she ended up like this because of you " Logan replied

"Uh no. You are the reason she likes this. You came out of nowhere and picked a fight with me, and now that you've bitten off more than you can chew, you're Running to me for help? yeah No chance in hell i'm doing this one for free " after i was done saying that i pointed toward Scott and continued " At least for that guy he had the Guts to go one vs one against me , and even when he was beating up he doubled down and tried to break his limit, it was such a nice show of spirit i had to fix him up" .

"So, what the fuck do you want, Money? I'll give you as much money as you want if you just heal this kid "Logan stated.

"Fuck money i want Alcohol!!" i replied while trying to stop my mouth from watering

" What ?" Logan said with a blank face

" Alcohol man you know the stuff that make you sleep with the ugly chicks " i explained to logan

" are you fucking with me right now ?" Logan replied

" Listen here you lil shit Do you want me to heal the girl or not ?" i replied to Logan irritation began to take root in me.

"If that's all it takes to save her, then I'll give you enough alcohol to last you a lifetime," Logan said.

"Sweet, let's shake hands on it" i said while stretching my hand toward Logan .

Logan took my hand and shook it, and before we stopped shaking, I said "no backsies," and he immediately began healing Rouge.

I waved my arm, and Rouge began to float in the air. I then began to examine her body by infusing my ki into my eyes, and after a few moments, I turned my head and said to Logan.

"She is past the point of me taking back my power and applying first aid after. ill have to fix her Body with the energy she absorbed from me, is that okay with you ?"

Logan took a deep breath then replied "Just heal her ".

" ay ay Cap"i nodded my head in agreement

upon receiving the green light to start the operation i waved my hand again and threads of ki begun wrapping rouge until she was put into an opal shape Ki ball .

After a few moments, the ball began to fade away lil by lil, revealing Rouge in better shape than she had ever been.

Well. I took the liberty to change .... some assets if you catch my drift, good thing Logan is focused on her safety otherwise he me start swinging at me again.

after the ball completely disappeared Rouge begun to slowly float down and by the time she floated close to us i caught her in a princess carry

:Boing: : Boing :

Nice. i thought to myself , i was going for another shake but before i could logan interrupted me

" Is she alright ?" Logan asked worriedly

"She better than ever and should be waking up any second now " i answered Logan

After a short while, Rouge slowly opened her eyes and scanned the area before turning to look at me.

"Hey Girl didn't your mother teach you not to steal ? " i said to her jokenly

she froze for a second before taking a deep breath then .


Rouge began to wail.

Logan: " What "

Noah : " The "

author : " Fuck"

Hey dear readers i was editing some past chapters and some comment got deleted sorry about that .

anyway il be heading to bed right now i hope you enjoy the chapter and if you really liked it throw some stones my way

wish you all a nice day and untill next time

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

solibus_orbacreators' thoughts