

Within a dorm room in Beacon Academy, three people were discussing nefarious things. These people were Cinder, Emerald and Mercury. Mercury and Emerald were talking about how Ryder interrupted their plan to evaluate Pyrrha Nikos, Cinder just listened intently. 

"And we would've gotten to know more about Nikos if it wasn't for that brat." Mercury said angrily. 

"Hm. What was his name?" Cinder asks. 

"Ryder Falcone. He fought Mercury without his semblance before the last few seconds where he activated it and completely defeated Mercury." Emerald explains. "His weapons are a set of gauntlets and boots that let him channels types of dust for different attacks apparently. Like a ball of Lightning." 

"Interesting, and what did his Semblance do?" Cinder asks. 

"We're not sure. But it seems to have amplified his abilities to an insane amount. He was so fast that he got behind me before it could even speak or reach him, he also beat me down within seconds. I just wasn't expecting it." Mercury answered honestly. "Next time, it'll be different."

"A Semblance that amplifies the user's abilities.... anything else?" Cinder asks. 

"It gave of a light show. A green aura and his eyes turned green as well." Emerald said. "At least I think his eyes turned green. I didn't get a good look." 

"That so?" Cinder asks, sounding interested. 

"He shouldn't be a threat to us... right?" Mercury. "You should be able to take him down, right?" 

"If the time arises, yes. But it's not about overpowering the enemy. It's about taking away what power they have, and we will, in time." Cinder explains. 

"I hate waiting." Mercury complains. 

Emerald then thinks of something as she's unsure about the situation with Ryder. 

"Cinder, I don't mean to order anything of you. But maybe we should call him. Perhaps he could give us some insight?" Emerald suggests. 

"Who are we talking about?" Mercury asks. 

"You know, the guy with the Evolutionary Semblance?" Emerald said. 

"Oh him." Mercury said. 

"Perhaps it would be wise." Cinder said before grabbing her scroll. 

After a few seconds, she calls someone. Eventually the person picks up. 

"Yes, Cinder?" a male's voice asks on the other side of the call. 

"We've encountered someone with an interesting Semblance and would like your input." Cinder said. 

"What kind of Semblance?" the man asks. 

"Emerald and Mercury describe it as enhancing his abilities and having a physical show. A green aura with green eyes." Cinder said. 

"Semblances are random, and each one is unique to a person. Not sure why you bothered to contact me." the man said. 

"Now, now Frost. I believe Emerald may have believed this character has a semblance similar to yours." Cinder said. 

"Impossible. Evolutionary Semblances are rare. One is rare enough but two at once is impossible. It's never happened once in Remnant's history." the man, now named Frost, said. 

"Didn't you say the same thing about our mistress?" Cinder asks. 

A pause ensues. 

"Fair enough." Frost said. "If they have an evolutionary semblance, there isn't much you can do. Learn their power, learn their weaknesses, and exploit it. That's the best advice I can give you." Frost said. 

"It's enough, Frost. Thank you." Cinder said, calmly. 

"Yeah, yeah." Frost said before ending the call. 

[Simulation Room, Beacon Academy] 

About 30 minutes had passed since Ryder spoke with Ozpin. Right now, he was in the Auditorium which thankfully doubled as an arena. When it's used by the Combat Class, it's an arena, but most of the time it's a gathering place. Right now, Ryder was using to for training. Thankfully Glynda and Kairos decided to train elsewhere, he doesn't know where that is, but he doesn't think too much about it. His mind had been stuck on what happened in the Forever Fall Forest during that field trip. He flew somehow. His mind had been stuck on it for days, even weeks. But today he was going to try and do it again. He didn't know how he did it, but maybe if he tries to replicate the feeling of it, he can do it again. He vaguely remembers what it felt like to fly from that brief moment in the forever fall forest. Ryder stands there as he attempts to replicate the feeling of flying. It goes nowhere so he closes his eyes and calms himself down and just focuses on himself. 

It takes some time, but he zones everything out. After a few moments of silence, Ryder felt the feeling again. He opens his eyes and sees he's levitating off the ground. His eyes widened. He managed to do it. He then immediately drops down and lands on the ground. He got it for a brief moment but that's all he needed to prove he could potentially fly. How this is, he has no idea. He doubts someone could just fly whenever because other people would be doing the same thing. He attempts to levitate again and manages it but can't hold it for long and he doesn't know why. Maybe he needs to keep practicing to get a better grasp on his newly discovered flight ability. 


Author's Note: Chapter's shorter than others, but that's okay.