
Time to Think

After Ironwood had scanned the Dragon Ball, Ryder returned to training with Ozpin. The progress he's made in such a short time is astonishing. He does remember people saying he was a quick learner back on Earth, but this is insane. For the most part, he and Ozpin stayed with trying to learn Flight. Ryder mainly had to control his speed and gauge the amount of magic he's using at a time. He figured out that he wasn't staying airborne for long because he wasn't using the required amount of magic to do it. Turns out Magic requires a certain amount of magic flowing in order to fly. It was confusing to comprehend but Ryder's slowly getting it. He feels like he's getting a better grasp on flying but he's sure there's more to learn, especially with Magic. Ozpin is a great teacher so far, he's not really impatient nor is he harsh. Ozpin is taking things slow and matching Ryder's pace in a way that works for him. He's grateful that Ozpin is doing it this way as it's easier for him to learn. But as the day came to a close, Ryder had to end his training for the day. He's made a lot of very good progress. 

Ryder made his way back to his dorm room and when he reached it, he opened the door and walked inside. To his surprise, Kairos was in the room already taking his shoes off, most likely getting ready for bed. Kairos takes notice of the new arrival and looks at his teammate. 

"How did your training go?" Kairos asks. 

"Good, it went well. I've gotten a better grasp on my magic and I'm getting better at flight." Ryder said. "How was your training?" 

"Developed a few new techniques as well as gained a better grasp of my Semblance. I can feel my aura getting stronger as I train my semblance." Kairos said. 

"Yeah, whenever I trained my Semblance, I felt my Aura get stronger too. Not by much, just enough to feel it." Ryder adds as he walks over to his bed. 

Ryder sits down on his bed and takes his shoes off, then he takes off his hoodie. Kairos removed his trench coat and set it down on the bed beside him. A short but uncomfortable silence followed.

"Anything else come up?" Kairos asks. 

"Well, Ironwood scanned the Dragon Ball so he should be able to build a Dragon radar." Ryder said. "Though, I'm not sure how long that'll take." 

"What do you plan to do with the Dragon Balls?" Kairos asks. 

"I'll use them against Salem first. Salem should be my top priority." Ryder said. 

"Why? You can use them to send yourself home." Kairos said. 

"Don't' you want to go home?" Ryder asked. "you're from Earth too." 

"I know. I just don't like my home, nothing very favorable to go back to." Kairos said. 

Ryder wanted to know what he meant but he didn't press for answers. Kairos then carries on with his previous question, the one about the Dragon Balls.

"So, why not go home with them?" Kairos asks. 

"I just. Don't feel right, leaving this world behind when there's a huge problem. That and the friends I've made. So I decided to help them out by making sure this world is safer before i even consider going back to Earth." Ryder explains. 

Kairos doesn't press on with his questioning and just accepts it. It's best in his opinion to just leave it there. He shouldn't really focus on stuff like that anyway.

"Well, let's just get ready to sleep. I'd imagine tomorrow will be busy with more training." Kairos said. 

"Yeah, you're probably right." Ryder said. 

The two then proceed to get ready for bed. Doing their normal end of day tasks. As Ryder did this, he thought about the Dragon Balls. The search for them will be an interesting adventure. Whenever he watched Dragon Ball, he always wanted to make a wish to Shenron when he was a kid. But now an 18-year-old, he's matured and changed greatly from those days. The way Earth was matured him faster than other people. He saw how cruel the world was and his naïve self was shattered and turned to dust. Ryder honestly liked it when he didn't know how cruel the world was, but even he knows that's not a way to live. Remnant just seems to much better than Earth. Much more peaceful, less violence and Humanity is actually united. Well, kind of. There's still borders so there's that. But from what History Ryder has read about so far, he knows that the world is at peace. But he wonders, how long will that peace last? Back on earth, peace isn't a forever thing. It's temporary as someone is bound to break it down the line. 

Even though Remnant has the Grimm, he imagines that even with the Grimm, Earth's humanity would still be divided and still would fight each other. Ryder quickly shakes those dark thoughts out of his mind. He needs to not think about that stuff, he needs to be more concerned with the things here on Remnant. For all he knows, Earth is still tearing itself apart with World War 3 going on. He hopes that there's a world to go back to when he's done with Remnant. He then once again shakes the bad thoughts out of his head. Ryder lays down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling as Kairos went off to bed. Ryder calmed himself down before he drifted off to sleep. He needs to focus on the goal ahead and not get bogged down by thoughts of Earth. 


Author's Note: What could be some really good Theme Songs for Ryder and Kairos? I'm asking cause I listen to music while I work on this story