

Author's Note: This one might be a long one


The next day, Ryder got up early as he wanted to do some warmups before he started training with Ozpin. This time he's bringing his weapons as he wants to try and use them alongside his magic. While he got fully dressed into his combat outfit, Kairos got up. He rubbed his eyes a little before noticing Ryder all suited up and geared up. 

"What's the occasion?" Kairos asks. 

"I want to warm up before my training starts today." Ryder said while he finished equipping his gauntlets and boots. "What do you and Glynda have planned today?" 

"Practice mostly." Kairos said while getting up from his bed. 

Kairos stretched but stopped when the two heard an alarm. They look out the window and see smoke coming from the city. Both warriors' eyes widen before Ryder books it for the door. 

"I'll meet you in the city!" Ryder shouts as he quickly leaves the room. 

Kairos then quickly moves around to get dressed in his combat attire. Ryder ran out of the dormitories and was running towards the landing zone but decided to do something else. As he ran, he leaped into the air before he rocketed off into the sky. He flew towards the city as fast as he could, he didn't know what was happening, but he was going to help. As he got closer to the source of the smoke, he saw Team RWBY fighting off a lot of Grimm. But one of the Grimm catches his attention. A Warden. The Warden swipes its claws at Yang who jumps back to dodge it before she sent two shots at the Grimm. The Warden's armor took the impact and seemed unharmed. Yang was surprised. The Warden began to gather flames in its mouth. But before it could fire the flames at Yang, Ryder came flying in with his Semblance activated. With a war cry he punches the Warden in the side of the head and launches it at a building thanks to the momentum he built up from flying in. 

Ryder lands on his feet and glares in the Warden's direction. The Warden crashed into a building. 

"Woah! Nice save!" Yang said. "But uh, how did you get here so fast?" 

"Not important right now. Deal with the other Grimm, I'll handle the Warden." Ryder said. 

Yang nods before running off to fight other Grimm. The Warden screeches as it climbs out of the building it has crashed into. The Warden snarls as it glares at Ryder. Ryder gets into a fighting stance while his semblance's green dragon ball styled aura danced around him. 

"Let's dance, Warden." Ryder said. 

The Warden roared at him before it came charging in. Ryder charged the Warden but when the Warden threw a fist forward, he jumped over it and landed behind the warden. Ryder chambered wind dust into his right gauntlet before he turned around and punched the Warden in its weak spot. With the added Wind Dust and amplifications of his Semblance, the Warden is launched a few feet forward. The Warden stops its momentum before it brings its wings out. The Warden turns around and snarls at Ryder. The Warden then screeched into the air loudly. From the breach in the ground where a train had crashed through, two more Wardens emerged from the hole. They look over to their Warden ally and see Ryder who looked shocked. 

"More Wardens!?" Ryder said in shock. "How many of these things are there!" 

Warden 1 charges Ryder and tries to claw him with its sharp fingers, but Ryder ducks down before he rolls to the right to dodge a follow up attack from Warden 1. Ryder brings his Semblance to 4 times power amplification before he turns to face the now charging Warden. Warden 1 punches Ryder who twisted his body enough to dodge the attack before he drives his fist into the face of Warden 1. Warden 1 stumbles back while clutching its face. Ryder pressed on and sent another punch into the Warden's gut before sending an uppercut into the Warden's jaw which caused the Warden to be sent into the air a little before Ryder jumped up and kicked the Warden back. As Warden 1 hit the ground, the other two Warden's charged Ryder. Our Earth born warrior sees their advance and prepares a quick plan of action. He leaps into the air and uses his magic to fly into the air. The two Warden's spread out their wings and chase after him. 

Ryder chambers Wind and Lightning Dust into his gauntlets before he claps his hands in front of him sending a shockwave at the Wardens. Both Warden's flew out of the way before they both launch their attack. Both Wardens throw a punch at Ryder who crosses his arms out in front of him in an X shape to block the attack. His gauntlets get a tiny crack on them which stuns Ryder. Ryder then withstands a barrage of punches thrown at him by the two Wardens. Ryder then chambers Lightning dust into both gauntlets before he threw his hands aside generating lightning. He then unleashed a barrage of lightning at the Wardens. Thank goodness he had Lightning Dust already stored in his gauntlets. The two Wardens are shocked by the lightning before they both launch streams of fire from their mouths at Ryder. Ryder quickly stops his lightning attack and dodges the flames. Ryder then flew further into the sky and the two Wardens followed him. 

Warden 1 looked up at this fight and spread its wings to take flight, but a violet energy spear hit the ground in front of it. The Warden looked at it before turning to the left and seeing that Kairos had arrived. 

"You're fights with me, Grimm." Kairos said. 

Kairos coats his hands in the violet energy that his Umbrakinesis grants him. Kairos uses the energy around his hand to create two swords. He then assumes a battle stance with his twin blades. The Warden launches a Sonic Wave from its mouth at Kairos. Kairos sees this and prepares to counter but he is tackled out of the way by Pyrrha. The Sonic Waves hit a car and smashed it. Kairos and Pyrrha get up off the ground. Nora charges the warden and swings her hammer, but it's caught by the Warden who punches her in the chest and launches her back. 

"Nora!" Ren cried out. 

Nora crashed into a car. The Warden tossed Nora's weapon aside before roaring at its new challengers. Kairos conjures more violet energy in his hands before he shapes an arrow shaped projectile in his hand. He then fired the projectile at the Warden. The arrow stabs into the Warden's shoulder before Kairos fired two more arrow shaped projectiles at the Warden. Both projectiles impeded themselves into the Warden before Kairos snapped his fingers. The projectiles then exploded. The Warden is launched into another building as Ren rushes over to Nora to check up on her. Pyrrha stood at the ready with Jaune standing by her side. Kairos put a handout in front of them. 

"The Warden is mine. Help Team RWBY and the others." Kairos orders. 

Pyrrha and Jaune nod before they rush off to join the fight elsewhere. The Warden stumbles out of the building it crashed into revealing much of its armor was cracked and broken. Kairos smiles. 

"As much as I hate it, seems brute force can shatter your armor." Kairos said. "Good to know." 

The Warden has faded breath before it launches a powerful Sonic Wave at Kairos. Kairos formed a barrier with his violet energy and blocked the Sonic Wave. The Warden stopped its attack. Kairos dropped his barrier and conjured a blade. Up above, Ryder dodged another punch before slapping away another. He then arced his heel up and around before driving it down onto the head of Warden 3 launching them towards the ground. Ryder then caught the fist of Warden 2 before he spun around and kicked it away. Ryder descends and lands beside Kairos. Warden 2 lands on the ground as Warden 3 gets up off the ground, its armor cracked. 

"Resilient bastards." Kairos comments. 

The two turn and face their opponents with their backs together. Ryder smiled. 

"Ready?" Ryder asks. 

"For what?" Kairos asks. 

"For Thunderdome." Ryder said, mentioning one of their created plans. 

Sun Battery was among many and Thunderdome was another. Kairos smiled without looking at Ryder. The two then assume a battle stance and prepare to enact Thunderdome.