
American Exorcism: The Scientific Approach

A congregation of priests, clad in their holiest of robes, gazes up at Father Anderson, their eyes blazing with curiosity. With a mischievous grin, Anderson responds to their query about scientific exorcism. "Scientific exorcism, you ask? Picture this: we're bringing demons into the digital age! We'll blast them with Bible verses through speakers, leaving them squirming and uncomfortable. And don't even get me started on holy water – it's like demon kryptonite, folks! We'll be power-washing houses with it, creating a holy H2O tsunami!" "But wait, there's more! When push comes to shove, we're breaking out the big guns – quite literally! If bullets don't cut it, we'll upgrade to cannons, and if all else fails, we'll drop a nuclear bomb on those pesky spirits! Who said exorcism couldn't have a little firepower, huh?" Amidst the chaos of vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural shenanigans, Father Anderson's mantra remains: when in doubt, let science (and a healthy dose of holy water) do the talking!

fanficmaniac · Filem
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11 Chs

Paranormal Events

"At the end of the path on the right is a small room. This small room serves as his lounge and resembles a typical office. It's equipped with office desks, chairs, sofas, and bookshelves. Additionally, this small room also holds things he uses daily, such as clothing.

Looking at the closet on the left, Anderson walked over and casually placed his backpack inside, then proceeded to take out his teaching shoes and put them on first.

In comparison to ordinary individuals, priests' attire is quite meticulous. It consists of daily robes or ceremonial robes worn during ceremonies, ceremonial ribbons, collared shawls, vests, and religious shoes. Each element is carefully chosen.

Unfortunately, similar to before, Anderson also intended to skip it. He only donned his teaching shoes, closed the closet, and then picked up the Bible from the desk to enhance his appearance.

As the saying goes, 'clothes make the man,' a horse relies on its saddle, and a shotgun substitutes for a cannon. His entire demeanor instantly transformed, and a compassionate, loving priest emerged.

Anderson looked away from the nearby mirror, smoothed his clothes' hem, and continued to walk to the other side to pick up a plate.

Already on the plate were a silver cup, a bag of salt, and a bottle of pure water.

Since no one might come early in the morning, he planned to prepare holy water first. This was also part of his daily routine. If nothing urgent arose, he liked to ensure he had enough holy water, salt bullets, silver bullets, lead bullets…

The efficacy of holy water is needless to say; it's a standard for exorcism. Similarly, when it comes to categorically distinct ammunition, carving a cross on the bullet's tip, followed by blessings, prayers, and enchantment, the effect is remarkable. Salt bullets kill spirits, silver bullets kill demons, and lead bullets kill monsters. He enjoyed making these small items the most. In the underground warehouse at home, there wasn't much besides bullets, as he feared a shortage of firepower.

Anderson pondered this as he slowly left the small room with a plate in one hand and a Bible in the other.

As expected, there was still no one around in the early morning. After glancing at the empty altar in the hall, Anderson began the rhythm of making holy water, placing everything on the table.

The materials and production of holy water are actually quite simple. Its main components are a combination of salt and pure water. The most crucial step in the entire process is the consecration, because only by completing this step will the holy water be effective.

Following the scale, Anderson calmly poured purified water into a clean silver cup, and then mixed it with a ratio of 100 ml and a small spoonful of salt until the silver cup was full.

"The only thing left is the consecration…" Anderson glanced at the statue of Jesus, then picked up the Bible and prepared to start the consecration.

However, just as he was about to take this step, a voice sounded outside the church.

"Father Anderson! Are you there?"

Anderson raised his eyebrows slightly. He knew who the owner of the voice was – a young man delivering express packages. What's important was that he had helped find this young man a job.


With that said, Anderson turned around and saw a young man wearing a hat and uniform, holding a cardboard box in his hand, cautiously poking his head out.

Seeing the other party's cautious demeanor, Anderson put away the Bible and smiled gently.

"Aiwen, don't be afraid, come in."

Little did he know, when Aiwen saw him, he shrunk back.

"No, there's no need, Father. I have your express delivery. I'll just leave it here first."

As he said this, he quickly placed the cardboard box in his hand on the bench near the door, then hurried away without stopping.

Seeing Aiwen's evasive behavior, Anderson twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling a mixture of emotions.

"Well, isn't it just a lesson in physics to guide you back to the right path…"

Anderson shook his head, walked forward to collect his express delivery, sat on the bench, placed the cardboard box on his knees, and prepared to open it. However, the sender's name on the top made Anderson raise an eyebrow again.

"Is it from Ed? Is something wrong?"

If it was sent by someone else, it would be fine. But if it was sent by Ed Warren, it likely indicated a different scenario. Perhaps he encountered a situation involving evil spirits that he couldn't resolve personally and sought Anderson's help, or it could be an incident that required the church's exorcism permission.

The reason was simple. Although Ed was an ordinary person, he was recognized by the church as a demonologist. Moreover, Ed's wife, Rowling Warren, possessed an ability that ordinary people didn't have – she had Yin and Yang eyes, enabling her to see ghosts, apparitions, revenants, evil spirits, monsters, and other supernatural beings that others couldn't detect.

Thinking back, Anderson seemed to have heard of the Warrens in his past life, but he had no memory of them, only a sense of familiarity.

At that moment, a cellphone rang inside his priestly robe.

Anderson sensed something and retrieved his cellphone from his pocket to check the incoming call.

"It's indeed Ed…" Anderson smiled and answered the call smoothly.

Once connected, Ed got straight to the point. "Father Anderson, have you received what I sent? I just got the notification."

Anderson glanced at the unopened cardboard box and calmly responded, recalling his previous exchanges with Ed.

"Well, have you encountered trouble again?"

"Ahem, it's a coincidence." An awkward cough came from the phone first. "Father, I did indeed encounter a clear case of a demonic incident. Please take a look at the evidence inside first. If possible, I'd like to apply for the church's exorcism permission through your channels."

"Understood, I'll take a look first." Anderson responded calmly. After hanging up the phone, he felt a tinge of regret. Nonetheless, the mission still hadn't materialized.

Placing the cellphone beside him, Anderson set aside his regrets and began to unpack the cardboard box. As he opened it, a radio, tablet, and an envelope appeared before him, with a note attached to the tape recorder.

"Father, please fast forward to the end."

Obviously, Ed's recording process hadn't been smooth.

Anderson narrowed his eyes and pressed the play button. The recorder started making sounds, but they were all normal. Anderson pressed the fast-forward button again, allowing the recorder to rapidly scroll through the tape. When it reached a certain point, abnormal sounds emerged. Anderson suddenly stopped.


Silently, Anderson turned off the recorder. If it were him, he would acknowledge this as a genuine case of a demonic incident. However, the church required more concrete evidence.

Anderson looked at the second evidence tablet, then opened it calmly and clicked on the video file specially marked on it.

As the screen dimmed, a scene unfolded: a group of adults chasing after a gliding girl.

If it were a normal video, it would be fine. However, the girl's body was lying on the floor, her hair being pulled back. It appeared as though someone was grabbing her hair and running, but there was nothing behind the girl…

"It's a very compelling piece of evidence." Anderson silently turned off the tablet and picked up Ed's third evidence envelope.

Opening the envelope, he found several photos inside.

These photos were more straightforward than the videos from the recorder and tablet.

The first photo depicted a little girl walking in the dark with her eyes closed, but a pair of hands appeared out of thin air on her shoulders.

The second photo showed a little girl with her eyes closed in the dark, seemingly walking up stairs. However, a shadowy figure appeared behind her – a little boy with black hair, black eyes, wearing ancient century attire…

Anderson pursed his lips, tossing all the photos back into the cardboard box. He then proceeded to pick up the phone next to him and dialed Ed Warren's number.

"This family is in a very dangerous situation. Give me the exact address…"