
Alternate Narutoverse: Saruto’s journey

A young man named himself saruto after arriving at the ninja world accompanied by a guiding voice. he start his journey to save the world from danger and Conquer the girls of the world on his way _________________ A/N: if you enjoy this translation pls don't forget to give us a power stone, or maybe something more. and don't forget to follow my other work tnx

Uchiha_shisui · Komik
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35 Chs

Chapter 14.Genin to Chunin

At the Hokage's bureau, team 27 led by Uchiha Itachi was called. For their first mission. The Hokage gave the mission scroll to Itachi. He read it out loud.

"A missing cat, huh?"

Saruto said it before disappearing. The real him wasn't even there in the first place. That was a clone. When everyone in the room was thinking about where he could have gone, Minato turned his gaze to the window. Saruto came with a cat. "Here's the missing cat!"

Itachi grinned "Our first mission is a success. Yondaime-sama, you can call the owner of the cat"

"You are already here so here's your second mission"

Shikaku took a C rank mission scroll. He gave it to Itachi. "We're guarding the food wagon. Our workers are transporting food outside Konohagakure"

"Let's go!"

Saruto hopped inside from the window. They hurried up to the site. Shikaku noticed that Minato was worried. "Yondaime you do know that Saruto and Itachi are more than jonin level shinobis"

"It's not that. I am worried about the other two. What if they never had an actual combat experience before? Saruto is taking big risks to achieve higher ranks"

"How did you find those two refugees anyway?"

"You won't believe who suggested them"


Saruto, Bima and Mei with their captain Itachi accompanied the food wagon. Some of the workers whispered, "Don't you think they are too young to handle protection"

"What are you talking about? See those two others, they look like adults"

"Guess what, their captain is only thirteen"

"What are you talking about? He looks matured"

"That's Itachi, Fugaku-san's eldest son. The older guy is still a genin"

"Why did the Hokage appoint a weak team to protect us?"

"You two, keep it quiet! They might hear you"

Saruto scratched his head and talked, "Captain!"

Itachi turned to look at him. Saruto frowned. Itachi took his kunai as two bandits jumped from the trees. Itachi knocked them easily. Two others jumped from behind. Saruto felt them arriving. He grabbed Bima and Mei's hands with both his hands and threw them toward the bandits. They collided with the bandits in mid-air throwing them away. Saruto quickly used,

A mud wall appeared with Saruto's face smiling and showing a thumbs-up on it, stopping the thrown bandits. Bima and Mei stood up removing the dust off their clothes. The workers had their eyes popped out of the shock at what just happened before their eyes in seconds. Mei tied up the bandits with a rope. Itachi said, "I sent a messenger crow to Tou-san. He'll send his men to take them into custody"

"Remember the good old times we had to finish bandits off to continue the missions"

The bandits screamed and cried. "Please, don't kill us!" ×4

Itachi walked up to the workers and said, "Stop judging people without knowing them well!"

The workers who talked shit felt ashamed. Team 27 made sure that the wagon and the workers were safe during the journey. They finished the mission early.

Itachi asked his team, "Are you guys tired?"

They didn't even break a sweat during this mission. Bima said, "Can we do another mission?"

Saruto said, "Let's go home and do another mission!"

"But it will take some time," said Itachi.

Saruto smirked as he covered his teammates with his markings. They disappeared from where they were to Saruto's dimension. Saruto guided them to a door. Itachi noticed something wrong there.

"Saruto-san, two of the cocoons are missing"

Saruto looked at what he was talking about. "Don't worry about it. They'll be back"

Saruto opened the door and they were inside Saruto's apartment. They then went outside. "Wow, this would save some time"

"You do realise I am using my chakra to do this, right?"

"Why do you even care? You have plenty", said Mei. For one whole week, they were doing missions nonstop. They did some little pauses to recover. As was planned, Itachi recommended them for the Chunin exams. There were objections because the team was just formed one week ago. Itachi convinced his colleagues. Saruto successfully entered the chunin exams.


On the day of the first examination, each participant was sent to a room. With the darkness surrounding the room, the participants should endure mental torture by experiencing the violence and deaths of being a shinobi. Ibiki took care of this test. Participants were put on a genjutsu. They must resist the mental pain for the sake of the mission. If a member of the team fails, everyone on their team fails with them. Among two hundred participants, 72 participants passed the first stage. The second exam happened in the forest of death. Some chunins have been placed inside the forest, a total of 10 and two jonins. Participants must beat one of these guys and take their scrolls to enter the final stage. This stage of the exams was supervised by Inoichi. The second stage started as all the remaining 24 teams entered the forest.


Team 27 was running blindly in the forest to find an opponent. Bima asked, "Saruto, are we fighting a jonin?"

"We're fighting a chunin. So that we can end this stage faster"

"You do realise that this stage will end if all the Chunins and jonins are taken down, right? If we let a weak genin team handle the Jonins it will take longer"

Saruto paused and let a deep breath out. He then yelled, "Why didn't I think of that before?"

Mei sensed movements around her. "Saruto, we're surrounded"

Saruto's expression changed. "I see, other teams are working together and attacking us", said Bima. Saruto spoke, "If two teams or more beat a chunin or a jonin together, they will have to fight against each other to get the scroll"

Two teams from Kusagakure appeared in front of them. Bima and Mei dashed toward the two teams. Saruto sat on the ground, letting his head rest on his hand's support as yawned. At the same moment, Bima punched one of his opponents and kicked another on his chin. His body took off from the ground, flying upwards. After slamming another opponent on his knees, Bima quickly turned to the one who was still in the air and,

Fireball burned him and he dropped to the ground. The other two after witnessing Bima's talent started to flee. "Hey, take this guy with you!"

Bima threw the unconscious guy at his teammates. They took his body and fled.

Meanwhile, Mei appeared in front of her opponents and jumped as her feet struck two of her enemies. Still, in the air, her body turned around to knee the third one.

Her chakra turned the wind around on her fists, and with wind covering them, Mei punched her opponents. Three of them went unconscious. After finishing their fights, Bima and Mei came back to see Saruto. "If you're done watching, come fight us"

Bima and Mei noticed who he was addressing. A jonin from Konoha jumped from the tree. He was a tall young man. Saruto said, "You guys should take a rest! I'll take care of him"

Saruto ran toward his enemy. His enemy blocked his attack, countering him with a push. Saruto landed on his knee. His enemy took his kunai and kept it in front of his face in defending stance. "My name is Orochi Yamamaru, an elite jonin. I was hoping to see you fight before fighting against you"

He licked his kunai. Saruto stood on his feet and scratched his head. "The name is Saruto. That's all you need to know"

Soon as three clones appeared, they dashed toward Yamamaru.

 _______________ Author here: Thanks for reading my novel if You love this novel don't forget to save it to your library for more updates and pls don't forget to give a nice review and some gift like power stone or cions nd try my other works tnx