
Alpha Quirks (BL)

Warning: BL, Boy x Boy, Yaoi Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction Izuku went to sleep an Omega and woke up an Alpha. Not only that, he's younger, in an Alternate Universe and his teacher smells really, really good. Quirk!Izuku. Alpha!Izuku. ABO Universe.

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12 Chs

Chapter 6

Shouta groaned upon waking up, feeling aches everywhere in his body. It felt like he'd been put through one of the most strenuous workouts, but it was a good kind of ache. It felt different from every other time he'd had a rut. Usually, he was relaxed, but this time was a whole different level of relaxation. He felt loose-limbed and completely unwound in a way he couldn't ever remember feeling.

As his mind slowly caught up with him, his cheeks went a slight pink. Holy fuck, did Izuku's rut really end up triggering his own rut? His rut wasn't scheduled for another two months. What was his body thinking, going into rut just like that? He wasn't a hormonal teenager for fucks sake.

He rolled over, coming face to face with the sleeping teen. He traced features that had grown leaner, become more mature, with just the barest hints of baby fat left in the face. His mind involuntarily played back the last three days in his head, causing his flush to deepen.

Fuuuuuuck, his mind supplied him. He'd definitely been played by Izuku. How the fuck was that a performance by a virgin? There was no fucking way Izuku was a virgin. The way he just casually dominated him? Sure, it might have been his Alpha instincts guiding things along somewhat, but the way he just effortlessly controlled the pace? That couldn't have come from anything but experience.

Something stirred deep inside him, something that seemed suspiciously like jealousy. Shouta batted it down, telling his heart to behave. What was he doing, getting all jealous over a student? Shouta furrowed his brows when the feeling refused to go away. Something was pinging on his consciousness.

It's only been two weeks since he last saw Izuku. How could he possibly have changed that much within the span of two weeks? Growing up was one thing, but having such a drastic change? The Izuku he knew had been confident in his skills but was still rather unconfident when dealing with the social aspect.

The Izuku he had coming onto him three days ago was a whole different ballpark together. That Izuku had managed to play him like a fiddle, with the ease and casualness that only came with time. Time that he wouldn't have had in a mere two weeks.

A moan escaped his lips involuntarily when a warm hand curled around his naked dick, slowly pumping it up and down. His previously uninterested cock quickly started taking an interest in activities.

His hips bucked at a particularly firm pump, his eyes shooting open to look at Izuku. He heard a low chuckle from his student, sounding particularly seductive with his rough, low voice after just waking up.

"Morning, sensei," his student purred, eyes half-lidded and hungry. "What were you thinking so hard about?"

His cock jumped in his student's hand, causing him to inwardly curse his body for not behaving.

Izuku nuzzled his teacher's face, feeling affection and happiness bubbling up within him. He felt rather doting today, which was rather strange for him. As an Omega, he was usually the one who got doted on, no matter what others may say.

Wait. Omega. Was this some sort of Alpha instinct that he didn't know about? Izuku ran through his interactions with various Alphas, comparing them with both Omegas and Betas in his mind. He didn't seem to notice much of a difference before or after spending his heats with them.

Was it just him then? Izuku silently put away his suspicions, indulging in his urge to dote on his teacher. He pressed feather-like kisses to the other's face, slowly jerking him off. The ex-Hero enjoyed seeing his teacher's face slowly flush redder as his breathing grew heavier.

Shouta couldn't help gasping at the ministrations his student was putting him through. He couldn't even censor himself, dammit, and he didn't realize he had subconsciously drawn so close to the other. He didn't even want to move away after he realized what he was doing. It just felt so fucking good. Why did it feel so good?! Was his body seriously not satisfied after three whole days of sex?

By the time Shouta spilled himself into his student's hand, he had already gone past the realm of consciousness. He found himself in a floaty, calm space, feeling at peace as he basked in the afterglow.

By the time he came back to himself, he had been placed in the tub filled with warm water, being gently washed by his student. He tried to take his hand back, wanting to finish washing himself, but was gently stopped by Izuku.

"Let me take care of you," Izuku said, his voice full of affection, his eyes gentle and doting.

Shouta blushed, acquiescing with a slight nod. He relaxed at the gentle, repetitive motions, allowing himself to indulge in the care his partner was giving him. It wasn't until the two of them had washed off that he realized his inner Alpha was suspiciously quiet. It wasn't pressing up against his instincts, demanding that he do something.

In fact, it felt suspiciously pleased, almost like it was purring under the ministrations. He didn't feel the need to exert any dominance over his partner, nor did he feel the need to growl at being so obviously taken care of.

The teacher jerked when Izuku nipped his neck playfully, feeling himself flush at the involuntary reaction, his cock filling up slightly at the feeling. His blush deepened. His body was so insatiable! Sure, he hadn't gotten laid that recently, but why was his body reacting like he'd never been laid before? Seriously, this couldn't be normal.

Izuku gently tousled his teacher's hair, drying it meticulously. He pressed kisses to his teacher's face again, feeling happy and sated.

"W-" Shouta cleared his throat, feeling the ache as he tried to talk, feeling embarrassed. His voice was low and raspy after three days of moaning. He flushed further at the thought. "Why do you keep kissing that one spot?"

Izuku stared at him, stupefied. He hadn't even realized he was doing something repetitive. "Huh? Where?"

Shouta silently traced his fingertip below his eye, where the scar from two years ago lay.

Izuku's eyes followed the finger, realizing why. "Ah," he said, flushing to match his teacher's complexion. "I – you got that scar from protecting us."

The teacher's eyes widened as the implication hit him. He felt a mild sense of disbelief. Surely, it couldn't be…? Dare he hope?

"That was the day I developed a crush on you. You didn't realize at all?"

Shouta stared blankly at the teen, stunned. His mind ran through all their interactions, trying to see if there was any indication that the teen showed he had a crush on him. He couldn't pinpoint anything at all. Usually, he was able to tell when one of his students developed a crush, but Izuku had shown no such inclinations at all.

"Sensei," Izuku said, reaching out to gently brush a hand across the other's scar. "Will you let me court you?" The green-haired ex-Hero squashed the impulse to lick his lips. His inner Alpha was purring in satisfaction. "I want to court you with the intention of being Mates."