
Alpha Quirks (BL)

Warning: BL, Boy x Boy, Yaoi Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction Izuku went to sleep an Omega and woke up an Alpha. Not only that, he's younger, in an Alternate Universe and his teacher smells really, really good. Quirk!Izuku. Alpha!Izuku. ABO Universe.

Rxel · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 5 (NSFW)

Shouta stared at his student in muted shock. His brain hadn't processed what just happened. On the way back, he'd been thinking about how he would sit the other down to civilly discuss what would happen.

Obviously, that was going out the window now.

Izuku's inner Alpha purred at the look of shock on his teacher's face. He wanted to pull all different kinds of expressions out of his teacher. He nuzzled the other's cheek with his own, feeling like spoiling the other Alpha. The older man's stubble pricked him slightly, but he paid no attention to it.

The green-haired teen pressed feather-like kisses to the other's face, feeling the need to smother the other under affection. His attention was instantly drawn back when he felt the starting motions of the Alpha under him trying to flip them over.

A growl rumbled at the back of Izuku's throat, licking a line up the other Alpha's neck. Shouta gasped, feeling oddly vulnerable in his position. He tensed before slowly relaxing under the other's ministrations. The gentle nips and licks to the side of his throat was undeniably going to leave marks of proof. The Alpha that was usually roaring and ready to go was strangely quiet for once. Once he stilled under the body above him, Izuku returned to giving him affectionate kisses.

"Shouta," his student murmured against his lips, voice low and sensual. Green eyes were half lidded and gazing intensely into his. Shouta inwardly shivered. His green-haired student's voice reminded him of silk. His heartbeat sped up as his lower half started taking a very enthusiastic interest in the events transpiring.

Izuku grinned, feeling the effect he was having on his teacher pressing up against his leg. He reached down to palm at it, drawing a gasp from the other's lips. The green-haired ex-Hero immediately licked into the older man's mouth, his tongue exploring the wet cavern hidden.

Shouta groaned as the hand deviously wiped away whatever thoughts he had, sinking him into an ocean of pleasure. He felt like he was slightly tipsy after a few rounds of drinks. He tried to battle back against the tongue invading his mouth but ultimately lost as the hand rubbing his erection steadily drove him insane. He felt the blow to his ego. Was he seriously losing against a virgin?

Izuku broke away and drew back a little, his inner Alpha purring at the sight before him. The other Alpha's normally indifferent expression was broken by the pink flush dusting his cheeks. His lips were shiny and lightly swollen from what they had been doing earlier. The older Alpha was still panting a little, his pupils blown wide.

"So cute, sensei," he teased, drawing a deeper flush to the other's cheeks. Izuku watched more carefully as he felt the man's erection twitch in interest at his words. The green-haired teen mentally catalogued the reaction, wanting to experiment later.

Izuku tugged on the other's belt, letting go of the other's clothed erection. "Aren't you going to undress for me?"

Shouta groaned, his head thumping onto the blankets under him. This problem student was going to be the death of him. He felt flustered, losing control of himself that easily. He had been led around the nose. Was Izuku really a virgin?

The teacher pushed a hand on his student's chest, having to plaster himself to the other to get up as the green-haired teen didn't move at all. Shouta inaudibly swallowed as the teen's lips pulled into a smirk, making him look devilish.

Izuku slid off his teacher, seating himself on the bed as he watched the little strip show his teacher was giving him. His mouth watered at every inch that was being slowly exposed. He wanted to leave his marks on the pristine looking skin. The older Alpha was pale under his clothes, being covered up most of the time.

The green-haired teen pressed up against the other's back the moment the shirt hit the floor, running cool fingers up the others abdomen. He buried his nose in the other's bonding gland, the scent making his teeth itch. He wanted to bite down, but he stopped himself. He didn't have permission, and he didn't know if the other even wanted him to.

Izuku traced the faint, silvery scars littered on the other Alpha's torso, wondering how he got them. He wanted to leave marks on this man as well. The ex-Hero felt the slightest tremble under his fingertips, realizing that his teacher had stopped stripping. He smirked into the other's neck.

"Need some help?" he asked, unbuckling the belt. He gave a tug, the belt sliding out in a smooth motion, hitting the ground with a light clink. Izuku expertly unbuttoned the other's pants onehanded, the other still playing with the scars littered across his teacher's body.

Izuku felt the breath the older Alpha sucked in, his smirk widening in response. He pressed a firm hand to the clothed erection, drawing a strangled groan from the older male.

"Shit," Shouta gasped involuntarily, his knees feeling a little weak from the treatment Izuku was putting him under. He got his pants off as quick as he could, no longer giving a damn about the false pretence of being unaffected.

The teacher broke free from the other's groping hands and backed his student up onto the bed, collapsing the two of them on it. Shouta framed the younger Alpha with his body, using his elbows to keep his entire weight from leaning onto the younger teen. He leaned down to press a kiss to the other's lips, renewing their battle for dominance.

Shouta panted, his tongue battling Izuku's. The younger teen tasted of something sweet, reminding him slightly of marshmallows.

Izuku ran his hands up the other's back, feeling the firm, flexing muscles. He growled, his arousal hitting him harder than ever. He hooked a leg behind the older Alpha's knee and casually flipped the two of them over, this time him being the one on top.

The green-haired teen clicked his tongue, realizing his teacher had left his briefs on. "You didn't finish the job," he said, pressing his lips to the other's neck, sucking a hickey just under the man's jaw.

Izuku's hand made its way up his teacher's torso even as the other travelled down to relieve the older Alpha of his briefs. Shouta tried his best to smother his gasp as Izuku flicked a nipple. The gasp escaped him anyway when the same hand scratched the nub lightly.

The teen's inner Alpha rumbled in appreciation at how the older man was reacting so prettily for him. He pumped the erection in his hand as a reward, keeping the pace slow and steady.

Shouta's head thumped back onto the pillow as his student's hand drove him insane. He subconsciously threw his head to the side as the pleasure wrecked his body, his student not giving him time to think. Fuck whatever his inner Alpha was screaming at him. This felt too good to even try and resist.

Izuku immediately latched onto the pale skin on display for him, biting marks onto the Alpha's sensitive neck. He licked and blew at the neck lightly, eliciting shivers from the man under him.

The teacher swore in his mind, never having realized how sensitive his neck was. Whenever he had the occasional lover, they were always a Beta or an Omega, so no one had ever come near his neck. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

Shouta groaned. The hand on his erection was moving so slowly. He felt like he was being driven to the edge of insanity with the teasing. He felt like his whole world had been narrowed down to that single hand doing wicked things to him.

The older Alpha couldn't hold back the cry that left him when Izuku pressed a lubed finger into his entrance as he pumped his erection. When had he gotten the lube? Had he seriously been that distracted? Shouta felt another blow to his ego as an Alpha.

The finger retracted, drawing circles around the tight ring, pressing lightly, but not pressing inside. Shouta squirmed at the teasing. He didn't know if he wanted it inside or not. It had been too quick previously and he didn't register much before the intrusion was gone.

Shouta felt like screaming when the hand on his erection slowed down. He was already as hard as a rock. He couldn't remember the last time he had been this hard. He felt like swearing. Just insert the fucking finger already!

Then, the thought registered to him. Wait. He was going to be the one on the bottom? His inner Alpha gave a weak snarl at the thought. Then, the finger pressed in, increasing the struggles of his inner Alpha.

Izuku rubbed the inner walls of his teacher's hole. It was slick and warm. He searched around for the one place that made many Alphas submit to him before while he was still an Omega. He knew he found it when his teacher jerked bodily, his back arching.

Shouta felt like mini explosions were happening in his mind. Any desire he might have had to fight back and be the one to dominate instead was completely obliterated. The finger that was inside arched and pressed down on the one spot again, shooting sparks of pleasure through his entire body.

Izuku deviously rubbed Shouta's prostate gland before backing off, leaving his teacher a panting mess. He felt a thrill go up his spine at the sight his teacher presented. He felt himself getting even harder, if that was possible. The older Alpha's pupils were fully blown with lust. His mouth was slack as he panted, trying to keep his sanity.

The new Alpha pressed bites down the other's front, his inner Alpha purring in satisfaction. "So cute, Shouta. So pretty. We haven't even gotten to the main event yet and you already look this wrecked." Izuku gently scratched a fingernail on the older Alpha's slit, his erection jerking in his hand, leaking precum.

Shouta came back to himself a little as the abuse on his prostate gland stopped briefly. He aimed a glare at the younger Alpha, his cheeks still red. He couldn't stop the bolt of pleasure that shot up his spine when Izuku praised him. Izuku watched, interested as he felt his teacher's insides twitch briefly at the praise he gave freely.

The green-haired ex-Hero pumped the other's erection, watching as the older Alpha descended back into incoherency at the increased attention on his member. He scooted down the bed a little, hand leaving the older Alpha's leaking cock.

Shouta's eyes shot open at the loss of contact on his erection, looking down at Izuku. The freckled Alpha smirked as he firmly anchored down his teacher's hips to prevent him from moving, licking a slow stripe up the other's weeping cock.

A moan ripped its way out of Shouta's throat as he trembled lightly. It felt so good. Izuku sucked lightly on the older man's sac, causing him to blush deeper as he realized he hadn't taken a shower before they started. It was all Izuku's fault.

Izuku made eye contact with the older Alpha as his mouth slowly descended on the erect member, hollowing his cheeks as he let the heavy weight of the erection settle in his throat. Shouta let out an aborted shout, trying to keep his voice down. His hips involuntarily jerked up but was stopped by the heavy hand pressing his hips down. The younger Alpha's throat was wet, hot and tight, the vibrations going straight through him to his core.

Shouta shuddered as the pleasure hit him like a never-ending wave. The moment he started to get used to it, his student changed his motions, throwing him back into incoherency. He couldn't get a grip on his thoughts as every little twitch threw him into disarray.

Izuku worked a second, and then a third finger into Shouta while he was still indisposed. The moment the teacher realized, he had already been clenching around three fingers, his body accepting it as if it couldn't get enough. Shouta felt the rush of embarrassment gush through him at the involuntary reactions. His body was just too honest.

The older Alpha felt lightheaded. As things progressed, Izuku's scent had slowly permeated the room, mixing with the familiar scent of his bedroom. Shouta flinched when Izuku unrelentingly attacked his prostate, rubbing onto the spot hard, as well as deepthroating his erection in time. He gasped as he almost went over the edge from the combined assault of pleasure.

"Ah, no!" the teacher cried out, forcefully stopping himself from hitting a climax, his hands darting down to try and push him away. Thankfully, the green-haired teen stopped the moment he heard the words of rejection.

"What's wrong?" Izuku asked, pulling off Shouta's erection with an audible pop.

Shuota's pink cheeks flushed a dark red. He looked away from the pure, earnest eyes of his student, feeling like he was doing something wrong.

"I was about to cum," he finally muttered, his voice weak. He'd never felt this embarrassed in his life.

Izuku couldn't help his lips from quirking into a smile, unbelievably enchanted by how the older Alpha was reacting. The green-haired teen leaned up to bite a mark into the older man's cheek, licking over the bite mark.

"You can cum, though?" Izuku said teasingly, resuming his ministrations on the man's prostate.

Shouta glared at his problem student, still panting from the amount of effort he had to use to stop himself from cumming. "No," he grit out, "If I'm going to cum, I want it fucked out of me, not like this."

Izuku felt a jolt from Shouta's words, his eyes darkening, feeling the familiar arousal coursing through his veins at a higher pace even when compared to before.

Shouta squirmed, pressing back on the fingers. As an Alpha, he knew he probably shouldn't be enjoying this so much, but fuck if this didn't feel way better than it should feel. He once again wondered if his was how it always felt for the people on the bottom. He didn't seem to recall his other lovers reacting as intensely as he seemed to be reacting, though?

The older Alpha waited as patiently as he could before he felt the pressure building up to his climax again. He gasped, clenching down on the intruding fingers that were wreaking havoc on his state of mind.

"Hurry up and put it in already," he managed to gasp out, trying his best to glare at his student. The effect, however, was ruined by how wrecked he already looked, with his red cheeks and swollen lips. His eyes were slightly glazed over with the pleasure he was feeling.

Izuku decided to take pity on the older Alpha. The heat building up within him was slowly becoming unbearable. He wanted to make sure that Shouta's body was ready to accept him in. After all, he was a lot bigger as compared to when he was still an Omega, and Alphas didn't produce slick.

Then again, Shouta seemed like he liked it slightly rough.

Izuku pulled his fingers out, making sure to graze the prostate on the way out, watching as the older Alpha's entrance twitched close, as if unwilling for his fingers to leave. Shouta twitched, his body feeling strangely empty as the fingers left him.

The green-haired Alpha slowly lubed up, making sure to apply a generous amount. Shouta's eyes slowly lowered down to look at the other Alpha's cock. He swallowed, inwardly screaming. Holy shit. Izuku was just as big as him, who was slightly above average for Alphas, and even slightly wider. Will that even fit into me, he thought, slightly dazed.

Izuku smiled down at his teacher, engaging him in an open-mouthed kiss. Shouta wrapped his hands around his student's neck, drawing him closer. The green-haired teen positioned himself at the unruly-haired teacher's entrance, slowly pushing in. Shouta gasped at the intrusion. The younger Alpha's cock was large and heavy. The older Alpha tried to draw away from the kiss, but Izuku insistently pressed his tongue in, so the whine that he tried to stifle left his lips.

Shouta broke away from the kiss, panting as he tried to adjust to being stretched open on the other's erection. "Hah, hurts," he unconsciously said.

Izuku smirked, biting the other's neck lightly. "You like it though, Shouta. I can feel you twitching around me."

The older Alpha bit back a moan at the other's words as Izuku's cock scraped by his prostate slowly on the way in. The pleasure and pain were mixing together, slowly coursing through his veins. It felt like his blood was slowly being replaced by the feeling of pain and pleasure. It felt like the axis his world would be off kilter if he didn't have this feeling.

Shouta shivered as the other bottomed out, holding still. He'd never felt this pleasantly full before. Izuku groaned as he felt the older Alpha twitch around his length, wanting to start thrusting already, but held back to let his lover adjust first.

Izuku pumped the other man's weeping erection, watching with hungry eyes as the man threw his head back at the increase in pleasure. Shouta clenched down on his student's cock, wanting more.

"So good for me, sensei."

Shouta moaned as his erection twitched. It seems like he liked being called sensei during sex. He never knew that. He usually made it a point not to sleep with his students, so this was news to him.

Izuku drew back slightly, before thrusting back in, ripping a muffled scream from the older Alpha's lips. The green-haired Alpha reached out with one hand to drag the other's hands that had automatically reached up to try and muffle his scream of pleasure.

The green-haired student pinned his teacher's two hands to the top of the bed. "Keep your hands there," he growled out, thrusting a little harder. Shouta tried to fight back and free his hands as his inner Alpha rebelled against the order, letting out a low moan when he realized he couldn't free his hands no matter how much strength he tried to use. The younger Alpha wasn't even using his Quirk to pin him down, instead using pure strength.

Shouta nodded in acceptance, the green-haired student relenting his grip on the other's wrists when he received the nod. The black-haired teacher scramble to grab the bedframe above him as he tried to obey the other's commands. Shouta moaned, the pleasure was steadily drowning out the initial pain. He wasn't sure if he wanted that or not. He liked how the pain and pleasure had mixed together to form a unique combination.

Shouta panted heavily, throwing his head to the side as his body was wrecked with pleasure, sending shivers throughout his entire body. He tried his best to muffle his cries of pleasure, but he wasn't entirely successful.

The black-haired Alpha bit his tongue to bite back his scream when the younger Alpha found his prostate, hammering at it head on, relentlessly. The tidal waves of pleasure steading rocked against the dam that was keeping his sanity. The waves crashed just as relentlessly as the younger Alpha was doing, slowly breaking down his defences.

The teacher shook his head as he tried to keep his composure, the hands that were clutching onto the bedframe were white with how hard he was gripping them. His eyes started tearing up from the unrelenting pleasure that he was experiencing.

Izuku growled, the older Alpha was incessantly clenching down on him on each thrust, as if he couldn't get enough. His inner Alpha was purring from the ego boost that he was experiencing from the other's unconscious reactions.

The green-haired Alpha used 1% of One For All as he thrust in, ripping a scream from Shouta as it abruptly snapped his control over himself, wiping out any thoughts he was still having. He could only concentrate on the pleasure he was experiencing as everything else faded away.

Shouta cried out, trying to scramble up the bed as the pleasure he was experiencing was too overwhelming.

Izuku let out a light laugh as he pinned the other down by his hips, not letting him escape. "You can take it, can't you, sensei?" he purred out, slightly challenging.

The black-haired Alpha took awhile to register the question and gave a jerky nod. He couldn't stop trembling as he endured the overwhelming pleasure, his hole twitching around the member thrusting in and out. "F-fuck," he cried out. He couldn't catch his bearings as Izuku completely dominated him.

The younger Alpha scraped his teeth on the other's scent gland, but not biting down, causing Shouta to tighten up on the younger Alpha's cock as he was sent over the edge from all the combined pleasure.

Izuku purred when he realized his teacher had cum without a hand on his erection, a wave of heat coursing through him. He fucked his teacher through the aftershocks, and even when he was squirming away, when the pleasure became just too much.

Shouta teared up in relief as Izuku changed the angle of his thrusting, making sure not to hit his prostate anymore. He was oversensitive and felt blissed out, but Izuku was still going at it. Being fucked while he was still sensitive caused his eyes to roll back as the pleasure went beyond overwhelming.

"Ah, Alpha!"

The younger Alpha came inside when Shouta clenched down on him when he slipped and accidentally hit the other's prostate. Shouta felt his cock twitch a little in interest when he felt the warm liquid coat his insides. It was a strange feeling. He held his reservations about whether he liked it for now.

Izuku peppered kisses to the other's face affectionately, feeling happy. The older Alpha felt alarmed when he felt his student's knot start to swell, having momentarily forgetten that the other was in rut. The green-haired Alpha's knot swelled, locking the two of them together for an unforeseen amount of time.

Shouta cried out, his head jerking to the side as the knot pressed up against his prostate, sending shocks of pleasure through his oversensitive body again. Izuku pressed bites to the other's lean neck, feeling like he hadn't left enough there while they were preoccupied earlier on.

Izuku brushed unruly locks back as he licked the other's scar under his eye affectionately. When he looked back at it, that had been the day he fell a little in love with the older Alpha, experiencing his selfless actions first-hand. He might have acted like he didn't care about his students most of the time, but he clearly cared about their wellbeing, trying his best to make sure they weren't hurt. He'd been extremely upset at that time, witnessing the amount of damage that their teacher had taken.

"How are you feeling, Shouta? Was there anything I did to you that you didn't like?"

The blush that had died down on the black-haired teacher's face returned with a vengeance at the thought of everything he did while they were having sex, especially the words he blurted out at the end during his post-coital blissful state. He'd never heard his inner Alpha so quiet before.

"Fine. Great. I wouldn't mind doing that again," he muttered lowly, looking embarrassed.

Izuku smiled gently, feeling affection welling up for his prickly teacher. Then, he frowned when he felt the heat building up inside him again. It must his rut be acting up again. He felt his thoughts cloud up slightly, his whole world focusing down on the person in his arms.

The ex-Hero thrust slightly, the two of them still connected by Izuku's knot, pulling out a startled yelp from his teacher.

"Sensei," he purred, "Ready for round two?"