

I walk past the fried metal detectors, then listen for sounds.... Not knowing if I've killed all the Alphas yet.

Let me explain the library.... You have a two story building, with so many different rooms.

It feels like you're in a maze from hell. Besides that it connects to two other buildings, and I still had the rest of the campus to search.

"Great.... Time for hardcore hide and seek."

I think to myself, then start walking towards the smell of betas.


I yell, thinking maybe someone might hear.


I keep following the scent, then look at the basement door.

It's covered in blood and has something written on it.

"Kill room."

I say to myself, then open the door...

I hear a scream, but it's silenced short after it starts.

I go to take a step down, then decide to try and use the tendrils as scouts.

"Well..... Here goes nothing."

I say and stick my palms out, then focus on using the tendrils to search the floor.

I feel the tendril come out, but I focus harder and close my eyes....

I can see a room, then realize I'm seeing through the tendril.

"Holy fuck, this is different."

I think to myself, before following the beta's scent.

I come up to a room and see that it's locked, then I hear another scream from behind it.

I close my palms, then look around, as I go back to seeing normally.

"What the fuck did I just do?"

I think to myself, then start walking down the steps.....

I get to the bottom and instantly I see a body, then I look down the hall.

There's blood spatters everywhere, I don't think a spot was missed.

"These guys are a lot fucking sicker than I thought."

I think to myself, as I walk towards the door.


I hear, then see the world spin.

I climb to my knees, then look down and see pellets in my chest.

"Hey fuckwad."

I hear before seeing five people walk out, then watch stare at me."

"Nice to meet you too, dick."

I say and look up before scanning the area for anyone else.

"So... You gonna kill us all like you promised?"

He smiles and fires another shot.


I'm ready, and time it just rips my chest to pieces.

"I don't break promises."

I say and look him in his eyes.

"Looks like you're breaking this one."

He fires again, but this time I let it knock me on my back.

I lay back and let the darkness flood my body, wanting to feel the power inside me.

I close my eyes, then open them again and see all five Alphas above me.

"Any last words?"

He says and raises the shotgun to my head.

"Yeah..... Save me a spot in Hell."

I blow slightly into the barrel, before going to lean up.


The barrel explodes and the pellets fly backwards.


I hear as his face is ripped apart, then his friends go to run.....

I think about blocking the hallway, then turn and see the Alphas banging against a black wall.

"What the fuck did you do?"

I hear someone tell, then see the leader laying on the ground convulsing.

"I'm keeping my promise."

I say and stab him in the chest with my tendril, then drain his void and smile.

"Please.... He forced us too."

The other four say, then turn to face me.

"That's a lie..... I can see all the horrible things you've done.... Don't lie to me."

I say and watch them.

"Fine.... We did it, but we wanna change."

One of them says and starts crying.

"Bullshit..... I can still feel the evil coming off of you..... You wanna get back to killing Betas."

I take a step forward.

They all look at each other, then turn to face me.

"You think you can take us all?"

"Fucking seriously? I'm tired of hearing that damn phrase."

I start laughing and watch them.

"If you think y'all can kill me, then do it."

"You think we're scared?"

The guy says and steps forward.

"Finally..... Someone with some fucking balls."

I swipe my hand upwards, then watch as he's cut in half.

"To think, you were kinda growing on me."

I say and look at the other three.

"Please..... We'll serve you just like we did him.... We'll

Be your Alpha army."

He says and looks down.

I double over laughing, before having to wipe tears form my eyes.

"What's so funny? We're strong and will be loyal."

He stares at me, trying to figure me out.

"Gotta love that word....Loyal."

I say and put air quotes around it.

"Why the air quotes?"

He looks at me confused.

"Because, if you were truly loyal then you'd already be laying on the floor dead. You would've fought for our leader, even after he died... Plus, I don't need an army....

I am the army."

I say and start spinning my hand, watching as the tendril starts corkscrewing.

"Every great king needs an army.."

He says, still trying to save his life.

"A real king... Doesn't take advice from the help."

I say and jab my hand, watching as the tendril begins to drill into him. Then, feeling his void be transferred to me.

"I'm not a king.....

I'm The Alpha Omega."

I flatten my hand, then swipe and decapitate the rest of them.


I say and start draining their void, then once done I think about the hall being unblocked.....

The walls disappear instantly.

I go to walk out, but still smell one more Alpha.

"Either come out or I impale you without thinking."

I say loudly, then listen...


"One more chance, before I find you myself."

I say against

"Ok.... I'm right here.."

I hear a small voice in front of me, but I see nothing.

"Where are you?"

I keep looking, but see nothing.

"Oh shit, sorry.... I'm right here."

A girl appears out of thin air, then flickers slightly.

"What the fuck?"

I say and stare at her... She was maybe 18 and weighed about 120 pounds.

"Please.... Don't hurt me... They truly did force me."

She looks down, looking ready to die for what she's done.

"What's to say you're not lying?"

I look her up and down again.

"I can show you....."

She says sheepishly, embarrassed and scared.


I say and get ready.

"I'm sorry..."

She grabs my arm and I begin to see the memory.....

She's standing there... Watching as the fire guy burns someone alive.

I can hear someone crying, then realize it's me.

"Who's next?"

He says and turns to me.

Before, pointing at me.


I start walking, but it's not me. I'm just watching.


I hear a quiet voice say.

I look up and see someone be dragged in front of me.

"Kill him."

The fire guy says and looks at me.


I say sheepishly.

"Yes, kill him. You're an Alpha."

The guy says and cuts his eyes.


I can feel something in me sadden.

"Yes.. KILL HIM."

He puts his hands up.


I say again and start crying softly, before the memory fully opens..... This is her BF of 5 years.


He says and I can feel the heat begin to hit my face..

She looks into her BF's eyes.

Searching for a way out of this.

"Do it."

I watch him mouth.

"No... No.. No."

I can hear her thoughts, as she's looking at him.


The bf mouths, then closes his eyes.

I'm sobbing now, but the heat intensifies as the leader gets ready to kill her.


I hear her scream, then her hands fly up and the BF lifts into the air.

"I love you....."

Is the last thing I see him mouth.

"I love you too...."

She says under her breath, as she slams her hands close....

He crumples to the size of a paper ball...

I feel her hand leave my arm, then I pull back and look at her.

She's looking at me, in tears as she had to rewatch it too.

"I'm so sorry...."

I say and look at her.

"It's ok...."

She looks down, still scared.

"I can show you where the betas are... Just be ready for a fight."

She says and looks up at me.

"I'm ready."

I say and look at her.


She gets up and walks to the stairs.

I follow behind her, then step out into the library.

"Thank you..."

I hear her voice say softly.

"For what?"

I say confused.

"For keeping your promise.."

She says and walks ahead.

"No problem."

I say as we come to the first door and step out.

I watch her walk up to a guy, then pick him up with her telekinesis.

Before, throwing him against the wall so hard he pops.

"That's for Tim."

She says quietly, then starts walking towards the pool.

"You ok?"

I catch up and look at her.

"I'm fine, but show no mercy to these horrible people.

They don't deserve it..."

She looks at me for reassurance.

"I won't.... You won't either."

I say, then look at the pool.

"What kind of hell have you created in there?"

I think to myself, then get ready to kill.....