
Alpha from the Abyss

The Ground shook, the sky darkened, thunder roared, creatures emerged from the deep/hell just to see the magnificent rise to the kingdom In the mortal world. James looked on in fascination and joyful cries could be heard everywhere. Join us as we explore this new world brought back by a young werewolf/hell hound who was a weakling until he awakened. Join us he defiles all odds to become emperor and save his people from humanity..... Note. This story is based on fantasy, a world full of mystical creatures and unrealistic events, Enjoy...

Lucky_Nkwazi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Hell breaks Loosep

With a look of horror written all over his face, James calmly approached the unwavering living abormination.

He studied it's figure, it was disfigured, unbalanced, balanced, it was confusing and he couldn't help but shiver from the goosebumps creeping up on him. What he wanted to know who was that worried about him to start sending unknown demons for his head.

The creature was alive but wasn't living in the mortal world as it couldn't act efficiently and the longer it stayed in the mortal world the fast it's strength was weakening but of course James didn't any of this, so what was his way forward?, He couldn't see any weaknesses nor any way he could initiate an attack. So he was willing to wait for it to make the first move and rely on his element of surprise.

James had to make sure his timing was perfect otherwise he would be risking his life for nothing, his plan was to lure it into him by attacking it's hinges if it had any at all and he would leave himself defenseless while he kept moving inside the it to look for anything important to it's weaknesses but to his surprise it was waiting for him to attack, it had fed when coming to find him and so it grow weak any time soon.

Lunar was feeling restless and didn't know or couldn't just put a finger on it but the absence of emotiona and colours was something she had seen or heard somewhere but remembering proved to be quite a hard task and so she turned and headed to look at the missing Moon, Tonight of all nights lunar thought but if she was being considerate, this was a bad sign. The missing of the moon meant bloodshed and horror but for some reason lunar couldn't seem to remember this point.

Elizabeth on the other hand was tending to the elderly when she felt a cold breath as if it was on her, she felt suffocated but she wasn't losing her breath, she felt weak but she could move and yes she was still strong but what was this feeling. She finished with making sure the Elderly are well sorted out with accessories and food. Then she went in search of lunar, finding her staring at the black sky which was weird but things weren't what they were supposed to be right then and so they had to find some balance but what was happening that they couldn't even sense it nor could they feel any danger, this was confusing all the same and yes they'd just have to wait for what he was to say.

James was fighting for his breath, it had strangled him without touching him and he was having a hard time fighting with this thing, he made a grab for it's hideous hands but that didn't do anything for him as it wouldn't budge even for one bit. Soon he was going to fade out if he wouldn't find a way out, James thought for a plan but this time he was unable to think not even for a single moment.

It had drained James's power from him but inorder for it to take his power and make it it's own, it had to eliminate him and that James was taking failure so easily. With his sudden burst of motivation he woke up and I meant the other him.

Fire like a furnace roared to life and James's moment of truth arrived, gripping the creatures hand and this time a voice came through, it was shocked and then out of nowhere it was hoisted up into the air and was thrown to the near by store breaking it to pieces, before it had regained it's momentum, James pounced on his prey and while he was charging, he started to evolve into an Alpha Hell HOUND adorned in red claws and massive red eyes peering into your very soul, it was absolutely fast and incredibly strong that the unknown creatures face began to materialize and in actual sense the HOUND and this unknown creature had natural bad blood as James could feel it engraved in his very being.

Charging at high speed James did back flip confusing the creature and creating a big pool of fire circling down the middle of the road, screams could be heard everywhere and cars crashing, people dying, flames roaring and big demons never seen before fighting to the death, as time went on they, were getting tired of exchanging blows for blows and even if James had leveled up in his power grade, the creature was equal to the task and it put up a good fight.

Their strength was waning rapidly but their pride and bad blood between these two demons from down below couldn't just let this one slide and they went at it again, the city was in flames all around, it was an avengers movie with the hulk fighting against battle aliens with machines destroying everything in their paths.

Eventually the creature's time was due as it faded from the mortal world leaving James feeling worse than ever, he couldn't put his greatest enemy down. Unfortunately no one could best the other as they were evenly matched but what James wanted was to not be matched but rather unmatched and so this fight was a lose to him which meant he wasn't the strongest nor was he the fastest and that revelation only made him boil inside and the earth grumbled and shook then he vanished.

"I can't feel him anymore, it's like he just vanished." Elizabeth said, they were worried when word got out that the Alpha was in deadly fight with a hideous monster tearing the city to shrades. Lunar was deep in thought when a familiar face approached her, "James vanished after that lifeless creature vanished first, he changed into some Beast I've never heard nor have I seen such horror before." Damian said out of breath living the whole fight all over again in his head. "He has journeyed to the Abyss to claim his kingdom." Lunar said with eyes closed and shimmer to her figure leaving Damian to have the biggest shock in his life as he was gazing upon mother Lunar herself in the flesh or so he thought.

To be continued....

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