
Alpha from the Abyss

The Ground shook, the sky darkened, thunder roared, creatures emerged from the deep/hell just to see the magnificent rise to the kingdom In the mortal world. James looked on in fascination and joyful cries could be heard everywhere. Join us as we explore this new world brought back by a young werewolf/hell hound who was a weakling until he awakened. Join us he defiles all odds to become emperor and save his people from humanity..... Note. This story is based on fantasy, a world full of mystical creatures and unrealistic events, Enjoy...

Lucky_Nkwazi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


Different creatures roamed this world of immortals and tyrants, the world that knows no honor. Red coloured sky, skulls everywhere, creatures foul and rotten to the core. The hellhound appeared in a world full of mysteries and power. Not being able to recognize it's surrounding, the hellhound wondered where he was but in here he felt stronger and invincible, looking around he could see damaged lands and ancient bones that were now all over the land.

He couldn't just put everything in one picture and now he was lost all because he couldn't Calm down leaving his girls behind and who knew where they were. He started on his journey to find out where he was and how he got here and also why was he here in the first place, what only was going to prove a challenge was that these people feared him down there like he was a monster (oh wait he is a monster:) it was like they were afraid of him not for being strong but he was feared for being a hound and being ridiculously dangerous.

Reaching towards an area rich in plantations he had never seen before, James wondered and took in the beautiful seen Infront of him but something disturbed his gazing at the jaw dropping scenery around him, "Hound! what in the bucks are you doing out here?, Out for a walk big guy?" A tall and muscled figure with horns and a big black tail with an aura that oozed sin talked to him while closing in on him.

Hellhounds were creatures of extraordinary power and if summoned by a demon and makes a pact with the demon, the creature is forever bound to that person until the demon either sets him free or dies in combat.

"Who are you?, And where am I?" James said which surprised the demon making him stop in his tracks. He was shocked and amazed as he thought of possible reasons why a hellhound was able to talk, but what he came to in conclusion was that this Hellhound was a royal one as only royals were said to have managed to evolve and tap into the language of the immortals, tongue of powerful beasts and now he was seeing one and to his estimations this was the biggest Hound he'd ever seen.

Moving a step back, the incubus thought of a way to trap this beast into becoming his familiar but how do you trap a beast who has the ability to think and see reason to logic, this was no ordinary beast but instead in his home tribe he'd be considered a god.

James saw this cautious movement from the demon and he knew things weren't as they seemed, he needed to pay more attention to this types of things in the world where he knew no one, it seemed here that everyone was on his own and never seemed to care at all. James never once imagined he would be in hell, oh yes he knew the moment he saw an incubus speak to him and looking alike with the research he did about demons while he was still growing up and so this was easy for him to recognize the figure, "You're in the land of lust of course, your lands are in the infernos mountain cove and I hear a king is being chosen today. Wait why am I telling you this? You already know all this." The incubus said, what and who would be so lost as he even forget his own lands. "Hey hound, I hope you are great in fighting because them seeing a Hound is a golden prize as you guys are the best slaves in all the underworld." The demon didn't know why but he just wanted the Hound to know this and he walked off leaving the hound thinking about something and probably what he had been told.

James now knew that yes this was indeed a bad place, if he hadn't been warned by the incubus, he would have been someone's slave by now but no matter, he was going to go to the mountains and see what this king thing was and he started off by shooting off to the north which didn't look like the north at all. These mountains were ancient temples when the gods still chose to visit the place but now that hell had been split into seven parts they stopped coming to visit and give three people gifts in power and blessings.

Passing through strera, a town full of harpies. These were beautiful creatures to James, their wings covered in black shiny feathers, long beaks, long but thick legs, these creatures were epidome of beauty but he didn't have time to sight see some of the most captivating places and types of creations.


Lunar and Elizabeth had so far searched into books on how to go to hell but they didn't find anything useful to use as they were both not mages, it had two weeks now and he wasn't seen nor had he'd been heard from, the girls though didn't relent in their search until she found an article that was written over 2000 years ago..

They didn't know what to do, as the gods were not answering any of their questions, lunar couldn't relax as his link with them was severely destroyed or momentarily weakened, he was all alone down there and no one to guide him through the darkness he was in.

The Article wrote and I quote: "Hell is a place of transformation and mystery. One can not simply go there on his own but give up what it is to be human and embrace your desire. Hell can only choose you and you not he'll." It was a big article but those were the highlighted points, so that meant that they could only do nothing but wait until he came back or not.

As power faded from it's body, it felt it's connection and the it's opponent earlier strengthen and instantly it knew that the hellhound was on fair ground, the Hound was stronger in this wrealm but this creature could use all his unseen powers on the opponent. The creature was developing a face, it's face was that of a woman in a black smoke dress covered in smoke.

The creature looked in the mirror, sizing herself up, it had learned a way of defeating him but it would come at a cost, James on the other hand had changed his form and manipulated his aura into thinking he was just an ordinary but in actual sense HE WAS THE APEX PREDATOR, THE ALPHA, HE WAS NKWAZI BUT MOST OF ALL HE WAS THE ALPHA FROM THE ABYSS.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Lucky_Nkwazicreators' thoughts