

  Eleanor broke into a full run after she got out of the hospital. The thought of having her family see her as a monster broke her heart. She thought of going to Elisa but her head wasn’t having it. She couldn’t afford to hurt another person. She wanted to be away from everyone and alone. And so she ran, breathlessly down the street. Even as she ran, the restlessness she felt kept tugging at her chest. She kept having this feeling of a being in her but she strongly shut her head against it.

  She screeched to a stop at a convenience store, dashed in and grabbed a bottled water from the display shelf and walked to the sales counter. She noticed the moment she stepped into the place and headed for the water section, she got unusual stares from people also buying stuff. Eleanor ignored them, she has had a lot for the day to care about people’s stupid stares.

  She grabbed the water and walked down to the sales counter.