

  “Dad, Uncle Bob…” Howard called quietly after Eleanor had left the ward.

  “Yes Howard. Do you feel any pain in any part of your body or do I just call the doctor?” Dad asked him worriedly.

  Howard nodded no and then kept mute. He was wondering if he should spill what he saw and knew or not. His only sister now feared him. The flash of what her eyes had looked like seconds before she pushed him flashed in his head. It was like a sparkling fire. He had never seen his sister act so strange and unusual. But then he worried that telling their dad and uncle could cause more trouble for her.

  “You must speak to save her, what if she is sick or in trouble…what if she hurts someone else out there…you must speak to save her…” another voice told him.

  He groaned.

  “Howard? are you sure you don’t need the doctor?”

  “Eleanor is behaving strange….and different…” he blurted.

  His dad and uncle squinted in confusion at him. “What do you mean by strange?” uncle Bob asked curiously.