
Alpha Adam’s Collateral Mate

“The Alpha has marked an omega?” “Abomination, never has it been heard of in the history of the Shark Pack.” “What’s worse, she was a servant girl, an ordinary omega who was given as a collateral to pay up for a loan.” “Such a disgraceful thing” the other said. Words had traveled faster than anyone ever thought, even the fierce Luna Oksana or the strong Alpha Mesh could not do anything to curb it. One thing is for sure though, both were determined never to let their precious son, Alpha Adam Mesh, be married to a wolf less Omega like Eldora Luther not to talk of Making her the Luna. But all that was before they found out who she really was.

Beautypete · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

1. Alpha To The Rescue

"No way was she my mate, An Omega! This can't be"

Alpha Adam has not yet discovered who his mate was, but it was the blood moon today, and he knew she was here.

He had felt the strong pull, the sweet smell of lavender and rose scent.

The need to just rush down there and claim his mate, whoever she was, had an aura so strong that the Alpha had to physically clench his fist to suppress it.

Despite all these natural traits and excitement that came with finding a mate, Alpha Adam was still reluctant to chase after his own because he knew where it was taking him, it was definitely not the place he wanted to be.

The Omegas quarters.

Instead, he'd rather not even think about it. Maybe he was just hallucinating, if he does not give it much thought, he will not be so unfortunate to end up in the arms of an Omega.

He headed back to the Alpha mansion where decorations were being put in place for the Mate Finding ceremony of the future Alpha.

Entering the hall, he saw many servants on their beck arranging the flowers and chairs, the hall was already mid way finished and he felt proud and satisfied with the work that was going on.

"My Alpha what are you doing here, you should be up stairs in your room getting ready, or in the care room having a massage and beauty treatment, today is after all a very big day for my Alpha"

Lisa an elderly woman who had been working close to the Alpha family and who also happens to be the head servant and the Omega Matron bowed her head and addressed Alpha Adam when she saw him and took in his outfit.

He wore his usual black jeans trousers and white T-shirt that hugged his upper body, leaving nothing to the imagination.

He knew the effect he had on the ladies and even appreciated those that openly gauged him by either winking at them or blowing them a kiss.

Although he looked as hot as always, Ms. Lisa thought that this was certainly not the outfit for the occasion.

Considering the limited five hours left for the occasion, she thought it was best he went for his beauty treatment and got ready for the event, it would be a shame if everyone would come and wait for him again.

"Lisa, don't worry, it doesn't matter if I am late, with or without this ceremony, I would find my mate today"

He was right, today he clocked twenty one years old and by right, today is the day that he would find his mate.

Every other wolf got his or her mate when they were eighteen years old but because the moon goddess probably had a beef with the Alpha family, they would have to wait until they were twenty one years old before meeting their partner.

It was not fair to the Alpha family, but there was nothing they could do, if the moon goddess decided to be wicked to them by punishing them with a mate when they are much older, they would just have to take it like that, after all they could not have an access to the moon goddess to question her.

Anyways, she was right, no matter how careless he was, today was a special day, he was going to make one of the females that came there his.

He had his eyes most especially on the daughter of the Alpha and Luna of Greenwood pack, she was very beautiful and elegant, he even respected her because of her beauty and class and secretly wished she was his mate.


He sighed at the thought of this whole mating thing.

If it were up to him, he could easily just lead the Shark pack without a Luna after all, he is one of the strongest wolves of his time, at twenty, he had single handedly led the pack into conquering two packs already.

And any time he needed a release of his sexual desires, well, not only had the pack made a provision for that by having a group of beautiful omegas at a stand by for such reason,

He had a line of girls who were willing to be his play thing as long as they could be affiliated with him.

Just thinking about affiliations with the alpha, he suddenly got a message from one of his "affiliations" when he was about to enter his room.

It says, "I need you Alpha, am in trouble, come and save me at the old Alpha pack house"

It was a message from Lora Efron the daughter of the former Beta and sister of the present Beta Zach Efron who is the same age as Alpha Adam.

His father Martins Efron was mysteriously found dead a certain morning last year on the bank of the river, no one knew what happened until this day, and since his son Zach was already nineteen years and had found his mate, taking over from where his father left, he already assumed the Beta seat and ruled together with Alpha Adams dad.

Alpha Adam had received a lot of text messages from Lora but all of them were rather different from this one, it would always be a provocative one but this time around, she sounded desperate as if she was in trouble.

Because of the relationship the two shared, he instinctively ran to her rescue, leaving behind his room open and the idea of getting ready for the ceremony and headed for the old Alpha house.

With great speed, he reached there in no time, not that it was far from the new Alpha house, in fact, from the garden at the back yard, there was a shortcut that would lead there in a matter of minutes or even seconds with an Alpha speed such as his.

His hands holding firm to his dagger that was fastened on the left side of his rubber belt, He opened the big house and walked in slowly carefully not to scare the culprits away.

After walking into all the abandoned rooms downstairs without a trace of Lora or any other person, he headed for the stairs quietly calling out her name.

After all he is the future Alpha of the pack, if anything happens to his subject, everyone will suffer it due to the pack link.

"Lora, where are you?"

He called out to be the message he read still ringing in his head, what if she was in trouble and he was late?

After reaching the last floor, he finally pushed the last door open, it used to be his room, and although he thought there was nothing else he could see, and was on the verge of going back, he decided to just open it.

But when he opened the door and entered he saw a very different scene than what he had in mind when he saw that message and ran over to the abandoned Alpha house.

He thought she was in trouble, not knowing that he would soon be the one in trouble.

Hello everyone, thank you for reading Alpha Adam And I Collateral mate, this is my first book on this platform, please like and comment your thoughts

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