
Chapter 80

Errol immediately fished the Omega out, Valentin apologizing profusely when his head popped out of the water.

Henri found his footing again thanks to Errol's help, glaring at Valentin with his face half in the water.

Valentin apologized again, bowing so deeply that his face broke the water's surface.

"Go fish with Jann." Errol chased him off, Valentin immediately obeying.

A little distance away from them, Cedric was clapping happily as Nael tried to drown Audie who cheated on their race.

"I'll be right back." Errol apologized anxiously, hurrying over to them before someone truly got hurt.

Louis caught up to Henri at this point, a sheepish smile on his face. "Do you want to watch us catch fish?"

Henri straightened up out of the water, displeased at how high the water level was on him compared to the others. He glared covertly at Valentin who was laughing over something with Jann.