
Chapter 62

Henri answered the knock on his door with a sour expression, why did the field trip have to begin so early?

A bright-faced Valentin stood on the other side of his door, he was already dressed for his days in the wild.

They were provided a backpack filled with everything they could possibly need to survive out in the woods. Food enough to feed ten students for four days would be given to each group but they were encouraged to fish and forage for fruits in the forest to improve their experience.

Henri thought it was fanciful rubbish, why bother hunting for more food if enough was provided?

"Ready, Henri?" He beamed.

Henri winced at the brightness of the Alpha's smile, resisting the urge to protect his eyes. "No, I'd avoid it entirely if I could." He muttered, going to pick up his backpack. 

Valentin watched him struggle to pick it up a few times before offering. "Let me help you with that." He said cautiously.