
Chapter 57

Somehow, within the short span of a few days, whatever odd arrangement they had, evolved into a game that had Cecil constantly asking himself why he kept playing.

The rules of their arrangement had been changed and the lines blurred. "Hmph!" Cecil put his nose in the air. "I'm not going to run." He said disdainfully.

A knock on the door cut Alois' response off, providing a distraction for Cecil to break free from his hold and dash for the door. He was upset about losing but was unable to explain how Alois' punishments made him feel.

He already knew who was behind the door before opening it, it was always those two…

Cecil's eyes widened when he threw open the door to find a total stranger standing on the other side.

The tall Alpha glanced down at Cecil's state of undress and cocked a brow. "I'm looking for Alois."