
Chapter 183

Claude stood very still, his expression not changing when Henri reached past him to lock the door. He was doused in a cloud of Henri's scent though, It felt like he had just downed a jugful of the Omega's scent.

He waited patiently as Henri stepped back self-consciously, avoiding his gaze. Now he could look him over properly and he almost wished that he didn't. Henri was wearing nothing but a black dress shirt that barely skimmed his wet thighs, the wetness from his body dampening the silk shirt in patches that clung to his skin.

His black hair was sticking to his heated face, defined collarbones peeking through his unbuttoned dress shirt... Claude could feel his blood pressure spike.

After a few endless seconds of silence, Henri's hold on his shirt tightened further and he seemed to curl in on himself a little, making Claude take a small step forward. "Henri?"