
Chapter 159

The masked duo just ignored their questions, still making their way over.

Cecil took a step back, and was about to take another when tutting sounds stopped him.

"You don't want to be doing that, just stand quietly and we'll have no problems." The talkative one said.

Cecil had to fight the urge to roll his eyes - 'Yeah right' - the longer they spent here, the more terrible their chances of escaping was getting.

It would have been easy to make a dash for it but the Alpha all the way at the back welding a bow and arrow was an obstacle to that plan. He really needed to come up with an idea...

His thoughts trailed off as an arrow whizzed past him, the arrow's trajectory had come from behind him so it could only mean one thing. He could wrack his brains trying to figure out an escape plan or he could just wait for their boyfriends to find them.

Cecil tightened his hold on Louis' hand, already pulling the Alpha before telling him what to do. "Run!"