
Chapter 148

Dio frowned when there was no response, was Henri not in?

Alois immediately picked up on this and tried the door, sharing a look with Dio when it opened, a matching frown on his face. His frown morphed into a horrified expression as he took the scene in front of him, marching forward.

Dio stopped him with a firm hand on his collar, "Look closely, it's Henri that has a death grip on my boyfriend." He said lowly.

Alois shot him a look of disbelief, "I'm not fucking worried about that," He muttered, slapping Dio's hand away. "Have you ever seen Henri willingly hug anyone?"

It was Dio's turn to look concerned, "Do you think he's sick?"

They quietly moved closer to the bed, just hovering and trying to decipher what they were looking at.

"Or drunk?" Alois frowned, trying to remember a time he could remember the Prince being drunk and coming up with a blank. It was either he avoided alcohol or had a really high tolerance.