
Chapter 144

Audie frowned when Jacques still didn't move, wondering what he said wrong this time. "You want to be his best friend too? That's not fair, you've got Nael..." He trailed off, seeming to think about nothing.

He made a sound of displeasure when Jacques didn't react, pushing himself off the wall to keep moving. "Fine, you can follow me, just don't be annoying." He grumbled, noting that Jacques did move this time.

Was the idiot drunk? When had he ever listened to Audie?

He pushed it out of his mind though,  walking down the rapidly darkening passageway. Was he a little too drunk or was it starting to get darker?

He turned around to glance at Jacques who was still silently following behind him. Why was he so quiet now? Audie never did well with silence.

"Let's call a truce." He blurted out, needing to touch the wall to guide himself, that was how dark it had gotten.