
Alone The Strongest One Ryomen Sukuna

In a world where the boundary between the natural and supernatural is thin, where curses lurk in the shadows and sorcerers wield mystic powers, lies the stage for a tale of ambition, power, and the darkness that resides within. "Alone the strongest Ryomen Sukuna: follows the journey of Kaito, a young man reborn into a world of chaos and magic as the vessel for Ryomen Sukuna, the infamous King of Curses. Trapped within Sukuna's cursed finger for what felt like an eternity, Kaito emerges with newfound power and a thirst for dominance that threatens to shake the very foundations of the Jujutsu world. As Kaito embraces his role as Sukuna's vessel, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and conquest, wielding his newfound abilities with ruthless efficiency and cunning. With each curse he destroys and each sorcerer he vanquishes, he grows stronger, his ambitions soaring ever higher as he seeks to carve out his own path in a world teetering on the brink of chaos. Can he truly be the strongest? Possible Crossover. Demon slayers? Dragon ball?

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16 Chs

Chapter 9: First meal

Chapter 9: First meal

As Sukuna retreated from the battlefield, his mind churned with a tumult of thoughts and emotions. Despite his victory over Shadow, a lingering sense of dissatisfaction gnawed at him, driving him to ponder the very essence of his insatiable hunger for power.

"Why do I seek to be the strongest?" Sukuna mused, his voice a low rumble echoing through the recesses of his mind. "Why do I crave dominance and control over all that I survey?"

With each deliberate stride he ventured forth, Sukuna found himself enveloped in a haunting tapestry of memories that danced like ethereal phantoms within the labyrinthine corridors of his consciousness. These were not mere fleeting recollections, but vivid flashes of a tumultuous past, each moment etched with the indelible scars of hardship, betrayal, and unyielding despair.

He delved into the depths of his recollections, retracing the arduous path of his mortal existence—a journey fraught with adversity and fraught with the piercing sting of ostracism. Sukuna's mind became a canvas upon which the poignant scenes of his past unfolded, revealing a time when he was naught but a solitary outcast, shunned and reviled by the very society that had once been his home.

"I seek power because I refuse to be weak," Sukuna declared, his voice tinged with bitterness and resolve. "I refuse to be at the mercy of others, to be cast aside and forgotten like trash."

With a grim determination, Sukuna recalled the countless injustices he had suffered at the hands of his fellow humans—the ridicule, the mockery, the relentless persecution. Each indignity fueled the flames of his ambition, driving him to rise above his station and claim the power that had long eluded him.

"And why do I seek to get everything I desire with force?" Sukuna continued, his thoughts unraveling like threads in the wind. "Why do I revel in the chaos and destruction that follow in my wake?"

As he pondered this question, Sukuna's mind drifted back to the defining moments of his transformation—the moment he had been reborn as Sukuna, the King of Curses, and the moment he had tasted the sweet nectar of absolute power.

"I seek to dominate because it is my birthright," Sukuna proclaimed, his voice resonating with a chilling certainty. "I am not bound by the rules of mortals. I am above them, beyond them. I am Sukuna, the embodiment of fear and destruction."

With each passing moment, Sukuna felt the weight of his desires pressing down upon him, urging him to conquer and subjugate all who dared to oppose him. He reveled in the thrill of the chase, the intoxicating rush of power coursing through his veins.

"And yet..." Sukuna's voice trailed off, a note of uncertainty creeping into his words. "And yet, there is a part of me that longs for more. A part of me that yearns for a challenge greater than any I have faced before."

As he grappled with these conflicting emotions, Sukuna felt a spark of something new—a flicker of curiosity, a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, amidst the chaos and destruction he wrought, there lay the seeds of something greater—a chance to transcend his own limitations and ascend to new heights of power.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Sukuna turned his gaze towards the horizon, his crimson eyes burning with a newfound determination. He may have emerged victorious from his battle with Shadow, but his journey was far from over. There were still greater challenges to face, greater foes to conquer, and greater power to attain.

But as Sukuna surveyed the battlefield, his gaze fell upon the lifeless form of Shadow, the remnants of their fierce clash scattered around him. A sinister grin tugged at the corners of his lips as he approached the fallen warrior.

"Ah, Shadow," Sukuna murmured, his voice dripping with malice as he knelt beside the corpse. "You may have been strong, but you were not strong enough."

With a deranged glint in his crimson eyes, Sukuna's mind fixated on a single, macabre desire: the insatiable urge to consume. The very thought of tasting the flesh of his fallen adversary ignited a primal hunger deep within him, a hunger that gnawed at his insides like a relentless beast.

As he stood over the lifeless form of Shadow, Sukuna's fingers twitched with anticipation, his senses heightened by the scent of blood and death that hung heavy in the air. With each passing moment, the urge to feed grew stronger, driving him to the brink of madness.

Without hesitation, Sukuna lunged forward, his teeth bared in a feral snarl as he tore into Shadow's flesh with savage abandon. The taste of blood filled his mouth, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through his veins as he devoured the remnants of his fallen foe.

In that moment, Sukuna felt a surge of power unlike anything he had ever experienced before. It was as if the very essence of Shadow's being infused him with newfound strength, invigorating his spirit and fueling his insatiable appetite for dominance.

As he consumed every last scrap of Shadow's flesh, Sukuna's senses swam with euphoria, his mind clouded by the intoxicating rush of power coursing through his veins. In that moment of frenzied ecstasy, he felt more alive than ever before, his hunger sated and his thirst for power unquenchable.

With a triumphant roar, Sukuna reveled in the glory of his conquest, his crimson eyes ablaze with the fire of ambition. For in that moment, he knew that he had taken another step towards his ultimate goal—to become the strongest being in existence, no matter the cost.

And so, with the taste of victory still lingering on his lips, Sukuna vowed to continue his relentless pursuit of power, to crush anyone who dared to stand in his way, and to devour all who opposed him in his quest for dominance.

As he consumed the remnants of his fallen foe, a surge of power coursed through his veins, fueling his strength and invigorating his spirit.

But amidst the ecstasy of his newfound power, Sukuna couldn't shake the unsettling sensation that lingered in the depths of his being—a feeling of emptiness, of longing, of something left unfulfilled.

"What is this feeling?" Sukuna muttered to himself, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Why do I hunger for more, even when I am already so powerful?"

As he pondered this question, Sukuna's mind drifted back to the memory of Shadow, his formidable adversary who had pushed him to the brink of his abilities. In that moment, Sukuna realized that his hunger for power was not merely a desire for dominance, but a craving for challenge—a yearning to test his limits, to push himself to the very edge of oblivion.

And so, with a newfound sense of purpose burning in his heart, Sukuna rose to his feet, his crimson eyes blazing with determination.

"I will become the strongest," Sukuna vowed, his voice echoing through the darkness. "And I will crush anyone who dares to stand in my way."

As Sukuna stood amidst the remnants of his battle with Shadow, a fierce determination ignited within him like a blazing inferno. His crimson eyes gleamed with an unyielding resolve, reflecting the flames of ambition that burned within his soul.

"I will become the strongest," Sukuna declared, his voice resonating with a primal intensity that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to listen. "I will ascend to heights of power beyond imagination, and I will crush anyone who dares to stand in my way."

With each word he spoke, Sukuna's presence seemed to swell, enveloping the surrounding darkness in an aura of malevolent energy. The very air crackled with anticipation, as if trembling in awe of the raw power contained within the King of Curses.

"I will not be bound by the constraints of mortality," Sukuna proclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of pent-up rage and longing. "I will shatter the chains that bind me and reign supreme over all creation."

As he spoke, Sukuna's form seemed to blur and shift, his silhouette morphing into something otherworldly and incomprehensible. Shadows danced around him like specters of the night, twisting and contorting in a macabre display of his otherworldly power.

"I will seize control of my destiny," Sukuna declared, his words ringing out like a clarion call to all who dared to challenge him. "I will carve my name into the annals of history, a testament to my unrivaled strength and indomitable will."

With a triumphant roar, Sukuna unleashed a surge of cursed energy that tore through the fabric of reality itself, casting aside all who stood in his path. The ground trembled beneath his feet, unable to withstand the sheer force of his presence as he strode forward with purpose and determination.

"And I will crush anyone who dares to stand in my way," Sukuna thundered, his voice echoing into the depths of the abyss. "For I am Sukuna, the King of Curses, and none shall defy me."

To be continued...

Authors note

I dont know when i will upload next but i will upload another one cuz its almost finish.Btw next few chapters wont be so.. uh sukuna guess what will happen next hahaha.