
Alone The Strongest One Ryomen Sukuna

In a world where the boundary between the natural and supernatural is thin, where curses lurk in the shadows and sorcerers wield mystic powers, lies the stage for a tale of ambition, power, and the darkness that resides within. "Alone the strongest Ryomen Sukuna: follows the journey of Kaito, a young man reborn into a world of chaos and magic as the vessel for Ryomen Sukuna, the infamous King of Curses. Trapped within Sukuna's cursed finger for what felt like an eternity, Kaito emerges with newfound power and a thirst for dominance that threatens to shake the very foundations of the Jujutsu world. As Kaito embraces his role as Sukuna's vessel, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and conquest, wielding his newfound abilities with ruthless efficiency and cunning. With each curse he destroys and each sorcerer he vanquishes, he grows stronger, his ambitions soaring ever higher as he seeks to carve out his own path in a world teetering on the brink of chaos. Can he truly be the strongest? Possible Crossover. Demon slayers? Dragon ball?

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16 Chs

chapter 8:Clash of Warrior

Chapter 8: Clash of Warrior

**(Sukuna POV)**

The tension crackled in the air like static electricity as Sukuna and Shadow faced off in the heart of the forest. Each step they took sent ripples through the undergrowth, the earth trembling beneath their feet with the weight of impending battle.

Sukuna tightened his fists, his crimson eyes blazing with primal energy as he locked gazes with his enigmatic adversary. Shadow stood poised and unyielding, his stance betraying no hint of weakness as he prepared to face Sukuna head-on.

With a silent nod of acknowledgment, the two adversaries surged forward, their movements a blur of motion as they clashed with explosive force. Sukuna's fists lashed out with lightning speed, each blow aimed at breaking through Shadow's defenses and finding its mark.

But Shadow was no mere amateur. With a deft sidestep, he dodged Sukuna's attacks with uncanny grace, his movements fluid and precise as he countered with devastating blows of his own.

As the battle raged on, the forest bore witness to a spectacle of martial prowess unlike any other. Sukuna and Shadow danced through the undergrowth, their movements a symphony of power and finesse as they traded blow for blow with relentless intensity.

But even as Sukuna pressed the attack, he could sense a shift in the tide of battle. Shadow's movements grew more fluid, his strikes more precise as he began to anticipate Sukuna's every move with uncanny accuracy.

With a snarl of frustration, Sukuna unleashed a flurry of blows, each strike aimed at breaking through Shadow's defenses and delivering the decisive blow. But Shadow remained steadfast, his resolve unshaken as he weathered the storm of Sukuna's onslaught.

"Frustrated, aren't you, Sukuna?" Shadow taunted in a mocking tone.

Sukuna gritted his teeth. "You think you can win?"

Suddenly, with a flicker of movement, Shadow vanished from sight, leaving Sukuna momentarily disoriented as he searched for his elusive opponent. But before he could react, Shadow reappeared behind him, his fist crashing into Sukuna's back with bone-jarring force.

Sukuna staggered forward, his breath catching in his throat as he struggled to regain his footing. But Shadow was relentless, his attacks coming faster and fiercer with each passing moment.

With a roar of defiance, Sukuna channeled his cursed energy into a devastating blow, aiming to end the battle once and for all. But Shadow was one step ahead, his movements a blur of motion as he deflected Sukuna's attack with effortless grace.

Suddenly, with a flick of his wrist, Shadow unleashed his signature technique—"Shadow Steps." In an instant, he vanished from sight, reappearing behind Sukuna with a speed that defied comprehension.

**(Shadow steps)** "Shadow Steps" bestows upon Shadow the ability to move with unparalleled speed, vanishing into the darkness and reappearing with uncanny swiftness. This elusive maneuver confounds opponents, rendering his movements unpredictable and allowing him to execute surprise attacks from unanticipated angles.

Before Sukuna could react, Shadow struck with lethal precision, his fist connecting with Sukuna's chest with the force of a battering ram. Sukuna gasped in agony as he felt the wind knocked from his lungs, his body trembling with the impact of the blow.

But even as he staggered backwards, Sukuna refused to yield. With a savage roar, he unleashed his own cursed technique—"Dismantle." Channeling his cursed energy into a series of invisible slashes, he lashed out at Shadow with all his might.

(Sukuna's Cursed Technique, 'Dismantle and Cleave', is his most used tool and allows him to send out invisible slashes of cursed energy that can cut opponents open.)

But Shadow was prepared. With a graceful sidestep, he evaded Sukuna's attacks with ease, his movements fluid and precise as he countered with a barrage of blows that left Sukuna reeling.

With every fiber of his being, Sukuna fought to maintain his composure, his senses sharp and his reflexes honed as he sought out weaknesses in Shadow's defenses. But Shadow was a master of deception, his movements a blur of motion as he danced around Sukuna with lethal grace.

As the battle reached its climax, Sukuna knew that victory hung in the balance. With a final, desperate effort, he unleashed his technique—"Cleave." But before he could strike, Shadow countered with a technique of his hitting sukuna with trap of shadow basically freeze him with shadow

"Trap of Shadow" allows Shadow to manipulate shadows, creating a cage-like structure that immobilizes or traps opponents, making it challenging for them to escape.

As Shadow executed his retreat with the trademark agility of "Shadow Steps," Sukuna's keen senses caught the subtle shift in the shadows. Anticipating Shadow's next move, Sukuna swiftly channeled his cursed energy into a series of precise slashes, meticulously aimed to carve an escape route from the encroaching shadowy prison.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sukuna's voice rumbled like distant thunder, sending shivers down the spine of anyone within earshot. His words carried an ominous weight, a promise of impending doom for anyone foolish enough to cross him. With a chilling edge to his tone, Sukuna stood tall and unwavering, his presence dominating the battlefield.

With a deft flourish of his fingers, Sukuna's slashes sliced through the darkness like a blade through silk, carving a path to freedom amidst the stifling embrace of the shadow jail. Each motion was calculated, each strike executed with the precision of a seasoned warrior, as Sukuna skillfully dismantled the constraints that threatened to ensnare him.

As the last remnants of the shadowy prison dissipated into nothingness, Sukuna emerged unscathed, his resolve unbroken and his senses heightened. He stood poised and unwavering, a testament to his indomitable will and unwavering determination to emerge victorious in this titanic clash of forces.

With a triumphant roar, Shadow unleashed the full power of his cursed technique—"Arrow Shadow." In an instant, a barrage of shadowy projectiles rained down upon Sukuna, each one aimed with deadly accuracy.

("Arrow Shadow") enables Shadow to generate shadowy projectiles that can be launched at high speed towards targets. These shadow arrows possess sharp edges and can pierce through opponents with precision, inflicting damage upon impact.)

But Sukuna was prepared. With a swift flick of his wrist, he unleashed Web of Dismantle," slicing through the incoming projectiles with pinpoint precision. As the shadows dispersed, Sukuna surged forward, his fist glowing with primal energy as he prepared to fight shadow again

As the shadow arrows found their mark, Sukuna gritted his teeth against the searing pain. Ignoring the agony, he propelled himself towards Shadow with determination blazing in his eyes. With a swift, decisive strike, Sukuna unleashed his cleave technique, aiming to land a devastating blow. However, Shadow countered with equal swiftness, deflecting Sukuna's attack with a shadow punch that sent him staggering backward. Seizing the opportunity, Shadow unleashed his reverse crush technique, channeling cursed energy to heal himself as the wounds began to close before Sukuna's disbelieving eyes.

Sukuna, feeling the urgency of the moment, tapped into his own reserves of cursed energy, channeling it to heal his wounds. With renewed vigor, he launched another assault, unleashing a web of Dismantle towards Shadow. However, Shadow was swift to react, dodging Sukuna's attack with a fluid motion. Yet, Sukuna was relentless, closing in on Shadow with determined ferocity, ready to continue the fight until only one remained standing.

But even as his fist connected with Shadow's chest, Sukuna could sense a surge of power building within his opponent—a power unlike anything he had ever faced before.

With a triumphant roar, Shadow unleashed his own cursed technique—"All Crush." The shockwave of energy tore through Sukuna's defenses, sending him reeling backwards with the force of the blow.

Bloodied and battered, Sukuna fought to remain standing, his body a testament to the brutal intensity of their battle. Yet, amidst the carnage, he summoned the last ounces of his strength to face Shadow once more.

Their eyes locked in a silent exchange of determination and defiance. Sukuna, with grim resolve, called upon the fiery wrath of Fuga, while Shadow, equally determined, invoked the lethal power of his arrow.

With a mutual understanding of the impending cataclysm, they unleashed their final techniques. The clash of their arrows echoed like thunder, sending shockwaves rippling through the surrounding landscape.

In an explosion of unprecedented magnitude, their cursed energies collided, creating a shockwave that tore through everything in its path. Trees splintered, the earth trembled, and the very air crackled with the intensity of their clash.

Both Sukuna and Shadow, consumed by the sheer force of their powers, pushed against each other with unwavering determination. It was a battle not just of strength, but of wills—each refusing to yield, each fighting for supremacy.

As the dust settled and the echoes of their clash faded into the ether, only one question remained: whose arrow had prevailed in this ultimate test of power?


A deafening roar reverberated through the air, akin to the detonation of a nuclear explosion. Sukuna, battered and wounded, gazed upon the prone form of Shadow, his own body trembling with the aftermath of their cataclysmic clash.

In the eerie silence that followed, Sukuna's victory hung by a thread, his triumph overshadowed by the toll exacted upon him. Yet, amidst the wreckage, he found the strength to utter words of acknowledgment to his fallen adversary.

"Stand Proud"You were strong," Sukuna rasped, his voice a testament to the respect he held for Shadow's formidable prowess. Though victorious, he knew the battle had taken its toll, leaving both combatants forever changed by the crucible of their confrontation.

Sukuna's voice echoed through the clearing, heavy with both reverence and finality. he uttered, his gaze unwavering as it fell upon Shadow's near lifeless form, still defiant in its stance.

As Shadow's breaths came ragged and strained, he managed to utter a few words, barely audible amidst the echoes of their clash.

With a solemn nod, Sukuna acknowledged the end of their clash. "This is goodbye," he murmured, his hand crackling with the energy of his cursed technique, "Dismantle." In a swift and decisive motion, Sukuna unleashed the full force of his power, severing Shadow in half and bringing their battle to its solemn conclusion.

As darkness closed in around him, Sukuna knew that he could have been defeated. But even in win, he could sense a grudging respect for his opponent—a respect born of the fierce battle they had waged together.

For in the heart of the wilderness, amidst the tangled undergrowth and towering trees, two titans had clashed—and only one had emerged victorious.

To be continued...

(Author)rip shadow hahaha too soon? Maybe . but damn why am i not sleeping...