
Alone The Strongest One Ryomen Sukuna

In a world where the boundary between the natural and supernatural is thin, where curses lurk in the shadows and sorcerers wield mystic powers, lies the stage for a tale of ambition, power, and the darkness that resides within. "Alone the strongest Ryomen Sukuna: follows the journey of Kaito, a young man reborn into a world of chaos and magic as the vessel for Ryomen Sukuna, the infamous King of Curses. Trapped within Sukuna's cursed finger for what felt like an eternity, Kaito emerges with newfound power and a thirst for dominance that threatens to shake the very foundations of the Jujutsu world. As Kaito embraces his role as Sukuna's vessel, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and conquest, wielding his newfound abilities with ruthless efficiency and cunning. With each curse he destroys and each sorcerer he vanquishes, he grows stronger, his ambitions soaring ever higher as he seeks to carve out his own path in a world teetering on the brink of chaos. Can he truly be the strongest? Possible Crossover. Demon slayers? Dragon ball?

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16 Chs

Chapter 11: Time's Illusion

Chapter 11: Time's Illusion

As Mato's left eye transformed into a mirror image of Sukuna's, its crimson hue burning with an otherworldly intensity, a sense of unease settled over him. With each passing moment, he could feel the weight of its power pressing down on him, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked within.

One day, as Mato sat alone in his hospital room, he felt a strange sensation wash over him—a fleeting moment of disorientation, as if time itself had momentarily come to a standstill. Frowning, he reached up to touch his left eye, only to recoil in shock as he felt the world around him slow to a crawl.

Inside the domain, Sukuna chuckled darkly, his laughter echoing in the recesses of Mato's mind. It worked, he thought with a triumphant smirk. My power has taken root, and soon, nothing will stand in our way.

As the days passed, sorcerers came to visit Mato, their faces drawn with concern as they questioned him about the events that had led to his discovery in the forest. But try as he might, Mato could offer them no answers, his memories shrouded in darkness and uncertainty.

One of the sorcerers, a middle-aged man with grizzled hair and piercing eyes, examined Mato's eyes with keen interest, noting the strange juxtaposition of crimson and black. "Your eye," he murmured, his voice laced with curiosity. "It's unlike anything I've ever seen before."

Mato shrugged nonchalantly, his expression carefully blank. "I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, his tone devoid of emotion. "It's always been like this."

The sorcerer narrowed his eyes, studying Mato's face intently. "Very well," he said, his voice tinged with suspicion. "But we will need to conduct further tests to ascertain the nature of your... condition."

And so, the next day, Mato found himself in a sterile laboratory, surrounded by sorcerers clad in white coats and solemn expressions. They prodded and poked at him, their instruments whirring and beeping as they attempted to unlock the secrets of his mysterious eye.

But try as they might, their efforts were in vain. Mato's eye remained stubbornly silent, its power refusing to reveal itself to their probing gazes. Frustrated and perplexed, the sorcerers eventually conceded defeat, leaving Mato alone once more with his enigmatic gaze.

As night fell and the hospital grew quiet, Mato sat alone in his room, his thoughts consumed by the mysteries that surrounded him. And then, without warning, an arrow came hurtling towards him, its deadly trajectory aimed straight at his heart.

With a quicksilver movement, Mato dodged the arrow, his movements fluid and precise. The sorcerers gasped in astonishment, their eyes wide with disbelief.

"How did you do that?" one of them exclaimed, his voice tinged with awe.

Mato glanced down at his hand, his expression unreadable. "My eye," he replied quietly. "It helps me slow down time... just enough to dodge."

The power bestowed upon Mato's left eye by Sukuna's influence is a formidable and enigmatic ability that defies conventional understanding. This power allows Mato to manipulate time itself, albeit in a limited capacity. When triggered, Mato perceives a brief moment of time dilation, where the world around him seems to slow to a crawl while he remains unaffected. This enables him to react with heightened speed and precision, granting him the ability to dodge incoming attacks or navigate through dangerous situations with unparalleled agility.

However, the extent of this power remains shrouded in mystery, and its full potential has yet to be unlocked. Mato's control over this ability is rudimentary at best, and he struggles to harness its power effectively without succumbing to its darker impulses. As he grapples with the newfound depths of his abilities, Mato must tread carefully, lest he become consumed by the very darkness that lurks within him.

Name:Sloth of eye

(This power serves as both a blessing and a curse, offering user a means of defense in the face of danger while simultaneously tethering him to the malevolent influence of Sukuna.)

As he grapples with the consequences of his newfound abilities, Mato must confront the shadows of his past and forge his own path forward in a world fraught with peril and uncertainty.)

(Sukuna pov)

Just a little more‚Then i will

(Author note)

This was little short but i needed to set the powers clear btw 3 chapter a day haha and all almost over 1.5k words beside this

And little more sukuna had still yet to fully control the vessel but slowly he will.Maybe next chapter? Who knows yea