
Alone The Strongest One Ryomen Sukuna

In a world where the boundary between the natural and supernatural is thin, where curses lurk in the shadows and sorcerers wield mystic powers, lies the stage for a tale of ambition, power, and the darkness that resides within. "Alone the strongest Ryomen Sukuna: follows the journey of Kaito, a young man reborn into a world of chaos and magic as the vessel for Ryomen Sukuna, the infamous King of Curses. Trapped within Sukuna's cursed finger for what felt like an eternity, Kaito emerges with newfound power and a thirst for dominance that threatens to shake the very foundations of the Jujutsu world. As Kaito embraces his role as Sukuna's vessel, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and conquest, wielding his newfound abilities with ruthless efficiency and cunning. With each curse he destroys and each sorcerer he vanquishes, he grows stronger, his ambitions soaring ever higher as he seeks to carve out his own path in a world teetering on the brink of chaos. Can he truly be the strongest? Possible Crossover. Demon slayers? Dragon ball?

WishzMe · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 12:Wealth and Power

Chapter 12: Wealth and power

As Mato delved deeper into the world of the Jujutsu Society, he found himself ensnared in a web of intrigue and power struggles. Every corner of the society buzzed with activity, from the bustling training grounds where sorcerers honed their skills to the hushed whispers of the higher-ups in their secluded chambers, where decisions that would shape the fate of the world were made.

The training grounds were a sight to behold, a cacophony of clashing blades and crackling cursed energy as sorcerers sparred with one another in fierce combat. Mato watched in awe as seasoned veterans and promising newcomers alike pushed themselves to their limits, their movements a blur of speed and precision.

But amidst the chaos of the training grounds, Mato sensed an undercurrent of tension—a simmering rivalry that threatened to boil over at any moment. Sorcerers vied for dominance, each eager to prove themselves worthy of the society's respect and admiration. And at the center of it all stood Mato, a silent observer in the midst of the storm.

As he made his way through the halls of the society's headquarters, Mato couldn't help but feel a sense of unease gnawing at the edges of his consciousness. The air was thick with the weight of expectation, and Mato knew that he was being watched—evaluated, judged, and scrutinized at every turn. The glances of the higher-ups bore into him with a smile that seemed to conceal a hidden malice, their eyes gleaming with an unsettling mix of curiosity and anticipation.

Despite his outward composure, Mato could sense the undercurrent of tension that permeated the atmosphere, a silent reminder of the power dynamics at play within the society. He knew that he was an outsider in their world, a pawn to be manipulated and maneuvered for their own ends. But Mato was no mere pawn—he was a player in his own right, and he would not be so easily swayed by their machinations.

With a steely resolve, Mato squared his shoulders and pressed on, his footsteps echoing loudly in the empty corridors. He would show them that he was not to be underestimated, that he was capable of wielding power beyond their wildest imaginings. And as he ventured further into the heart of darkness that lay at the core of the society, he knew that his journey was only just beginning.

In the secluded chambers of the higher-ups, Mato witnessed firsthand the machinations of power and influence that governed the society's inner workings. The discussions were heated, the debates fierce, as rival factions vied for control of the society's resources and authority.

But amidst the chaos, Mato detected a glimmer of opportunity—a chance to rise above the fray and carve out his own path to greatness. He listened intently as the higher-ups outlined their plans for the society's future, their words dripping with promises of wealth and prestige for those who proved themselves worthy.

And as he listened, Mato felt a fire ignite within him—a hunger for power and recognition that burned brighter with each passing moment. He knew that he had the potential to be more than just another cog in the machine—he could be a force to be reckoned with, a master of the cursed arts whose name would be whispered in awe and fear by all who dared to oppose him.

But first, he would need to prove himself worthy of such lofty ambitions. And so, as he embarked on his training regimen with renewed determination, Mato pushed himself harder than ever before, determined to unlock the full extent of his newfound abilities.

With each passing day, Mato's powers grew stronger, his control over them more refined. He mastered the art of slowing down time, bending it to his will with a mere thought, and soon, even the most seasoned veterans of the Jujutsu Society were forced to acknowledge his prowess.

But amidst the chaos of his training, Mato discovered new facets of his power that surprised even him. He found that he could slow down objects in motion, bringing them to a near standstill with a focused gaze from his crimson eye. Arrows and bullets seemed to hang in midair before him, their deadly trajectories halted by the power of his will.

Furthermore, Mato discovered that he could manipulate the flow of combat itself, slowing down the movements of his opponents to a crawl with a mere thought. His enemies' punches and kicks became sluggish and ineffectual, their attacks easily dodged or countered with lightning-fast precision.

The higher-ups of the Jujutsu Society looked on in astonishment as Mato demonstrated his newfound abilities, their expressions a mix of shock and approval. They had never seen anything like it before, and they knew that Mato's potential was boundless. While they had witnessed similar techniques before, such as Gojo Satoru's Infinity, they yearned for someone who could wield such power for their own ends, someone who would be loyal to the society above all else.

Mato's display of prowess only fueled their ambition, igniting a spark of excitement within their hearts. Here was a man who could potentially reshape the very fabric of their world, a weapon to be wielded in their quest for dominance. And as they watched him with calculating eyes, they knew that they would stop at nothing to harness his power for their own nefarious purposes.

But despite their admiration, Mato remained aloof, his eyes burning with a fierce determination that cut through the air like a blade. He had no interest in the accolades of his peers or the prestige of the society—he wanted only one thing, a singular obsession that consumed his thoughts and drove him forward with relentless purpose: wealth and power beyond imagining.

And so, as the higher-ups offered him riches beyond his wildest dreams in exchange for his services, Mato nodded in satisfaction, his lips curling into a self-assured smirk. He knew that his path to greatness had only just begun, and he would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, even if it meant delving deeper into the shadows that lurked at the fringes of society.

As Mato returned to his room, Mato felt a sense of anticipation building within him—a hunger for the darkness that lay ahead, and the power that awaited him on the path to becoming a true master of the cursed arts. With each step he took, he could feel the weight of his destiny pressing down on him, urging him forward into the unknown with a tantalizing promise of untold riches and unfathomable power.

Doctor: He is Semi grade 2 now. But seeing how talented he is, in just the past 3 weeks, he managed to control his power is shocking. This kid will be even stronger as time goes on.

Higher-up: Seems like he has other powers as well...

Doctor: Yes, I'm sure he will have more powers when he learns the Reverse Cursed Technique. Maybe he will even have the power to manipulate the speed of time... Thus, the possibilities for his growth are truly limitless.