

In the year 2020, China accidentally released a bioweapon on its own people, a subcategory of the Coronavirus. The R- Nought was extremely high, a whopping value of 5.7, and was registered as a global pandemic. Expected to disappear by the summer, the world went into mandatory quarantine, and unexpectedly stayed in quarantine for 5 years. In 2025, the virus mutated, killing more than 20% of the world’s population. Shortly after, North Korea, taking advantage of the world’s chaos, released a series of nuclear bombs to major American cities, New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia. Every one of them detonated in the air, but while supposedly harmless, these extremely powerful bombs quite literally ripped holes in the fabric of time and space, causing demons and monsters to appear from other dimensions. In the event of the bombs detonating, the people beneath them began to mutate, gaining supernatural powers and the ability to use magic. A very small population of those few (around 1/50 people) gained the ability to summon weapons forged from their souls, as well as the ability to use magic, taught to them by elves hired by the International Foundation. These people also are said to each be blessed by an individual god, using some powers of them, causing the nonhuman races to call them Allfather Candidates.

Sam_Greene · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Clash of Classes

While Gail had the luxury of sleeping, I had the opportunity of doing the one thing we SHOULD be doing in a school- learning. I was honestly pretty excited, despite the fact that it was probably the least exciting thing that has happened so far.

My excitement dwindled, however, as, towards the end of the lesson, I was assigned the most USELESS class in the world. Adventurer. The Jack of all Trades. It's impossible to be good at everything, so people with this class tend to be good at pretty much nothing.

Even the professor gave me a pitiful look as my results came, as it was the class nobody wanted.

My only upside to my predicament, was I could choose any class to train with. The Cultivator class was unlike any I had ever seen, so I decided to give it a try.

Upon arriving at the stadium the next day, I was confronted by 3 huge, but friendly looking guys in uniform. The uniform was not unlike a uniform you'd see for eastern martial arts, and some had their fists wrapped in bandages.

"Hey, New Guy, wanna join the Raging Sun Sect?" Said the biggest guy. Above his head was his name, Lei Wei, Level 57 Cultivator.


I didn't want to offend him, but I didn't think he knew I was just an adventurer. Aki then buzzed in my head.

'Don't do it Sorren. Just tell him who you are.'

"Sorry man, but I'm just an Adventurer," I said, "You don't want me."

He gave me an incredulous look and pointed above my head, where, lo and behold, said my class.

"I know. I want all the people under me I can get though, you know?" He flashed me a smile, probably meant to be friendly and inviting, but it sent shivers down my spine. I didn't like the sound of his proposal, I didn't want to be under anyone.

"I'm good, thanks," I said, flashing him a cold smile. His eyes darkened.

"You think you're too good for me, is that it?" He glared at me, and I could feel his power rising, getting ready for a fight.

Normally, at this point I would back down. On the other hand, I felt comfortable with my new abilities. I summoned Aki, and took Eteing out of my inventory.

"So that's how it's gonna be, huh?" He took out his soul weapon, a pair of wicked gauntlets, black in color, with spikes on the knuckles. He held up his fists, ready for what was to come.

I summoned my Kobold, and silently ordered it to attack him from behind. As he turned to face him, I fired a fireball, and sliced his unwary back with Aki and Etieng. He destroyed my Kobold, but was rendered incapacitated by his bleeding, flaming back.

"Yeild! Yeild! I yeild!" He screamed, overwhelmed with pain. I put out his back with my water bottle as the system rewarded me.

(Congratulations on defeating an opponent with more than 50 levels in difference!)

(Level Up)

(Level Up)

(Level Up)

(Level Up)

(Level Up)

(Level Up)

(Level Up)

(Level Up)

(Level Up)

(Level Up)

"Wow..." I breathed, taken aback by the rewards. That's an INSANE amount of EXP. I defeated him on luck alone as well...


Level: 12

HP- 1600/1600 MP- 850

Strength- 120

Dexterity- 120

Constitution- 120

Magic- 140

Charm- 117

Luck- 120

Skill Points- 100


Blessing of The Void- (Passive)

Low Rank Summoning Level 5

Blessing of Hecate Level 1

Blessing of Janus Level 1

Basic Fire Mastery 1

Fireball 1

Basic Earth Mastery 1

Earth Shield 1

Basic Water Mastery 1

Water Manipulation 1

Basic Air Mastery 1

Gale 1

Basic Demonic Mastery 1

Mastery of Akashic Records 1

Cultivation Method Lvl 50)

I put my skill points into Mastery of Akashic Records, apparently upgrading my system, an suddenly receive this message:

Upgrading System to Highest Tier- Pain warning pending.

Then I blacked out.