
Allewenia The World that got saved before the Heroes even existed

This is not necessarily a normal novel. Because it is the story of my DnD world. And this is still not finished, so I can not promise when, where and how it continues. In this novel the heroes have to cope with the fact that the evil one has been dead for years. Defeated by someone else. How they react to this and what this has for consequences can be read in the course of time in the novel.

Loler_221 · Fantasi
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2 Chs

002 - The first Mission

As Lilliana looked around behind the counter, she saw the host also sitting there looking at her and saying, "This happens here almost every day." He knocks on the bar, dong dong dong, "that's steel, nothing gets through that fast."

She continues to look around, noticing the dark elf Iloresora next to her. Behind him is an exceptionally drunk dwarf, Alastor. After some time, the brawl stopped. There was no winner only very very drunk. The host looks at the 3

"They are really calmer today, aren't they?"

What are you doing here in this humble town?

"I'm looking for adventurers because there's a contract for 3 in the local adventurers' guild. But I'm alone, unfortunately," Illoresora said.

"So I have nothing to *hick* do."

"I might be able to spare the time for that."

Alastor and Lilliana said.

The innkeeper laughs. "There you have your 3 Mr. Elf!"

He looks at the high elf. "A high elf? Seriously? You want me to work with a high elf?"

"Oh *hick* that's going to be *hick* very funny, I'm sure."

"I wouldn't mind that, shame you have such prejudices, typical of you dark elves."

But they finally decided to go off together. Money is money, after all.

"Ah welcome welcome! You must be here because you want money and all. Am I not right? I'm sure I am."

Everyone nods.

"Very nice! Are you already registered?"

Again, everyone nods.

"Do you already have an assignment in mind?"

Again, everyone nods.

"Which one do you want? And don't you dare nod again! Words! Sentences! Speeches! Talking to mirrors is no fun!"

Illoresora says: "We would like to have the order with the disappearing goods in Inhadir".

"Ah the order in Inhadir! Are you 3 old enou-.... Forget it, I think you 3 are each OLDER than me and my staff. But let's get on with the text! For the order in Inhadir you must logically go to Inhadir. Do you have a map?"

Heads shaking.

"I could... ah forget it! Here you have one. Inhadir is northeast of here. Just follow the trade route. Impossible to miss. There you need to talk to the harbormaster, Inhadir. Yes, his name is the same as the town. He has his fun with it. He likes to shout 'In the name of Inhadir, you're under arrest! He's a funny bird, but very very careful. That's why this mission is so urgent. So, will you take it?"


"Then out you go! And learn to talk!"

That's a short one, but the next one will be very interesting. Would love opinnions about the Novel and about the guesses about the Characters

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