
Allewenia The World that got saved before the Heroes even existed

This is not necessarily a normal novel. Because it is the story of my DnD world. And this is still not finished, so I can not promise when, where and how it continues. In this novel the heroes have to cope with the fact that the evil one has been dead for years. Defeated by someone else. How they react to this and what this has for consequences can be read in the course of time in the novel.

Loler_221 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

001 - A beer drinking stranger

We are in the year 8 of the 13th Era. The World is at peace. The Demon King is dead. He died 8 years ago in a glorious fight against a hero. At least some call him that. The person that killed the Demon King. But who is he? No one knows. Why did he kill him? No one knows. What happened to his Army? Oh they are dead. The other 6 heroes destroyed it. But this isn't where the story starts. And it isn't the Character the Story is about.

This is a tale of four individuals.

A High Elf, Lilliana is her name, proud of her ancestors and proud of her bloodline.

A Darkelf, Iloresora is his name, as his kind usually is, no one really knows what he thinks, but he is a magician, therefore probably Magic.

And a Dwarf, Alastor is his name, that has a serious alcohol problem.

Where is the 4th one you ask? He isn't of importance. For now.

Our little Story begins in the Kingdom of Thorness. In a beautiful town called Breidger. It is a merchant town. On the east side there is a river, directly outside of the town. With a beautiful bridge spanning it. Our 3 friends meet by chance in a small tavern in the middle of the marketplace. But not in the way you would think they met.

Lilliana is the first that goes into the tavern. She is sitting at the counter. On her right is a guy that clearly has drunken more than enough.To her right, however, the place is free, and there, shortly after she ordered a water, someone sits down, she examines him. He is tall has brown-blond hair and wolf ears! "So he is a wolf man. Interesting." And drinks her pitcher of water. Then a dark elf comes in. Sits down to the left of the wolf-man and orders a beer from the innkeeper and starts drinking it. And now, as they say in German, "All good things come in threes." The dwarf comes in, he also orders a beer. And starts to drink this. Suddenly, the wolfman, as a dark-haired person, looks to the right of the high elf and drinks the beer of the drunk. He puts the jug back down, stands up and leaves.

The drunk wakes up, reaches for his beer, takes a deep draught. Air, it is empty! He looks to the right... Wall. He looks to the left... A high elf, and the handle looks in her direction! For him, the case is clear. She just drank his beer! Not only are these high elves arrogant, they also steal someone's beer just like that! He lunges with his left and knocks her over the counter, much to the dark elf's delight. To his horror, he hears the drunk mumble, "These elves are all the same! Some steal your children and eat them, others just eat your beer! I'll show you! You must have instigated them!" And in his rage he throws the dark elf over the bar. The tavern is silent. Something like this happens every day. But in flight, the dark elf discovers something attached to the ceiling of the tavern with the help of some daggers. A man. There are 4 daggers in his clothes. Which hold him to the ceiling. But to his horror, this now falls down! And crashes on the table of some lizardmen. From there, a beer flies onto the table of the dwarves, who take it as a grave insult to be attacked with beer. That is to be drunk! Not thrown! And a brawl begins. The one lonely dwarf lands in the melee and after a short time ends up behind the counter.

Well there goes the first chapter! Will work on the next as Sone as I can

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