
43. The Nobles' Ball

“You lied?” The interviewer said bluntly, barely bothering to add in the inflection that would give it the pretence of a question.

“Well… I… I think… that… um… I-” Mike stuttered, his entire face turning a blistering red as he began to blink rapidly to dispel the tears of humiliation that inevitably came with finding out the world was no longer going to dance to his pretty little tune.

“How many times have you watched that?” A familiar sweet voice asked with an amused lilt from behind the Queen.

Lena was sitting on the couch in their private living room watching Mike’s confession that his relationship with, and his depiction of, the soon-to-be Theonian princess was completely fictitious.

“I’ve lost count.” Lena replied without a modicum of shame, before closing her laptop and getting to her feet, “Are you ready for-”

The question died on Lena’s lips alongside every single coherent thought in her head upon turning to see her fiancée for the first time since they had separated to get ready for the ball. Kara had wanted to surprise her and dear god… it was like Christmas and her birthday combined. 

“Do I… look okay?” Kara questioned falteringly, starting to anxiously wring her hands together and bite her bottom lip.

It was Kara’s growing discomfort that broke through Lena’s stupor and made her realise that, for nearly a full minute, she had been staring unabashedly: jaw dropped, green eyes nearly pitch black with desire, all tense muscles and sharp breaths. 

“You look…” Lena started, swallowing thickly to try and regain some much needed moisture which did little to stop her voice coming out croaky and at least two octaves lower than usual. “You look…” Lena licked her lips, blue eyes instantly honing in to track the movement, “absolutely divine.” 

Lena began to take measured, purposeful steps towards Kara, who merely gulped at Lena’s focused approach and reverent description.

Kara was in a suit … 

A black suit, with gold patterning and a crisp white shirt, the buttons of which were undone to an almost scandalous degree. She had foregone her glasses for the night and put in contacts so that there was nothing stopping her blue eyes from drawing Lena in, and her golden hair was loose and curling around her shoulders as if begging Lena to run her fingers through it.

She looked like every single dirty dream Lena had ever had rolled into one.

“Where did you get this?” Lena asked once she was close enough to run her hands down from Kara’s shoulders to the lowest parts of her lapels, which she gripped onto, rubbing between thumb and index finger on either side.

“Um…” Kara murmured, her hands instinctively moving to Lena’s hips, where thumbs tapped against the beading of her gold dress that complemented Kara’s suit perfectly. “Sam might have suggested that you would like it.”

Lena hummed appreciatively in reply, immediately planning on giving Sam a long overdue raise. "Do we have to go?" Lena inquired, only partly joking.

"We have been putting this off for months…" Kara reminded her, even as her fingers crept away from her hips, seeking out the bare skin of her small back made easily accessible by the backless design of Lena's dress.

"That wasn't a no…" Lena drawled, running her nose under Kara's jaw to entice her to look down into green eyes darkened with need.

"We… uh… RSVP'd…" Kara murmured weakly as Lena's hands snuck under Kara's jacket.

"Still not a no." Lena whispered, pressing a soft kiss just behind Kara's ear that evoked a full body shudder from the blonde.

"Hey! Enough of that!" A sharp voice yelled out, causing Kara to jerk backwards in shock and Lena to let out a loud groan of frustration. "I will get a spray bottle to douse you both with, don't try me!"

"And to think I was going to give you a raise…" Lena grumbled at her chief of staff, who strode into the room wearing a simple yet incredibly flattering red dress that she accompanied with her signature amused smirk directed at the engaged couple.

"I'm guessing you liked the suit then?" Sam guessed, with a wiggle of her eyebrows that had Lena rolling her eyes and Kara blushing a vivid red. "Lena may or may not have mentioned having an inclination to seeing you in a suit." Sam revealed conspiratorially to Kara; Lena immediately shoved her best friend hard on the shoulder, merely causing Sam's grin to widen impossibly further.

"God, you are the worst. Why do I put up with you again?" Lena groaned.

"Ruby, mostly…" Sam shot back whilst Kara merely chuckled at their sisterly dispute. "Come on, let's get going," Sam ordered with an energetic clap of her hands. "The Queen can get away with being fashionably late but any later than we are now and even I won't be able to spin it in your favour."

Lena huffed out a disgruntled breath but relented, moving to take Kara's hand and make her way downstairs.

"Actually,” Sam began, sidestepping to block the couple’s exit, “can I talk to Kara for a moment?" 

Kara and Lena shared a perplexed glance.

"We'll meet you downstairs in a minute." Sam urged, shuffling to the side and eagerly gesturing for Lena to carry on.

"Alright.” Lena murmured slowly, squeezing Kara’s hand once before letting go and heading out the door. “Don't steal my date." Lena called back over her shoulder as she disappeared around the corner.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Sam yelled after her.



"So…” Kara coughed nervously, tilting her head to the side, “What's up?"

"Okay, so…” Sam exhaled deeply,  “I don't really know how to tell you this but I need to give you a heads up about a couple of people you might meet tonight."

"Oh… don't worry,” Kara reassured, confused crinkles disappearing in a relieved flash, “Lena's already given me the rundown. Oliver's a flirt but one of the good ones. Avoid Edge at all costs-"

"I lied.” Sam interrupted sharply with a wave of her hand. “I said a couple but I actually meant one." 

Kara frowned at that and the sheer awkwardness emanating from the Queen’s best friend.

Sam looked up at the ceiling to fortify herself before meeting Kara’s eyes, "What do you know about Andrea Rojas?"

"Uh…” Kara blinked in surprise, “Lena mentioned that they had a really casual thing for like a week at the start of the war but that Andrea's been a good ally."

"Yeah, she's great… ummm… but…" Sam winced.

"But?" Kara prompted, suddenly wary.

"Lena is one of the most intelligent people I know and has incredible intuition when it comes to people's political intentions but she has a blindspot.” Sam explained, with a fond shake of her head, “A huge, enormous blind spot."

"Which is?"

"She can never tell what people really feel about her.” Sam revealed, jaw clenching with simmering fury, “She's been burnt a lot in the past - if I am ever in a room with Veronica Sinclair she better pray that I am physically restrained because that's the only way she's getting out of there alive… “ Sam seethed, hands clenching into tight fists.

Kara took careful note of the ferocity of Sam's reaction, marking - without need for evidence or reasoning - Veronica's name in her black book forever. She instantly wanted to march over to Lena and demand answers; when Lena had shared a high level overview of her previous relationships, Veronica had been little more than an offhand remark, a 'unsuccessful relationship that her father had approved of'. Now, she felt a familiar dark twist in her stomach that only ever came up when Lena hinted at the trauma she had experienced.

Kara pushed it down, though. She had made her commitments to Lena, she would be a willing ear when Lena was ready to tell her and would never be someone who demanded her to bare herself when she wasn't comfortable.

“I'm getting off track…" Sam sighed, effectively bringing them both back to their reality. "Lena doesn't always see how… see, she… what I mean is-"

"Sam, you're starting to scare me,” Kara soothed, reaching out to calm Sam’s jerky movements. “Just rip off the band aid."

"Andrea was - is - in love with Lena." 

Kara flinched at the revelation, "What?"

"Yeah…” Sam murmured apologetically. “Lena didn't realise - still doesn't know - and before you panic, Lena never felt that way about Andrea in return. You're the only one she's ever… you're the only one that she truly wanted for herself." Sam smiled gently at Kara which eased the nervous hum to the blonde's nerves. "But… Andrea always hoped that she could… you know… eventually..."

"Oh…” Kara muttered quietly, before asking, “why didn't you ever tell Lena?"

"Because whilst Andrea is nice…” Sam’s gaze went distant, lost to the past or a darker future that might have been, “she fell in love with the Queen, not Lena… and I…” Sam sighed before admitting, “I wanted Lena back and Andrea didn't, she wanted the dream, not the real girl. Not like you."

Kara nodded once in understanding before stepping forward to hug Sam, so unbelievably grateful that even in those dark days someone was there to protect the woman wearing the crown, not just the crown itself.

"So… Andrea is going to hate me, right?" Kara guessed, causing Sam to snort out a laugh before stepping out of Kara’s arms.

"I'd say she already does.” Sam confirmed, “She'll be polite but cold. I just wanted to give you the heads up. In all honesty, she won't do anything but she'll be off with you and I know you well enough to know that it will set you on edge all night if you don't know what you've done wrong."

"Thanks Sam."

"Anytime." Sam promised.



Lena was waiting patiently in the atrium as her best friend and fiancée wandered down the stairs to meet up with her. Kara stepped into Lena’s space, pressed a kiss lightly to Lena’s cheek and muttered a quick reassurance in her ear to stem her curiosity. 

Lena nodded once in acceptance, trusting Sam and Kara implicitly, before asking, “Ready to go?”

“Ready.” Kara confirmed, interlacing her fingers with Lena.

“Ready.” Sam added, making to step around the couple, enroute to the car only to be abruptly stopped by Lena swiftly blocking her path. 

"Oh, you're not coming." Lena announced with a smug smirk.

"What?!" Sam huffed. "Are you being serious?"

"Deadly." Lena shot back with a dramatic wink that had Kara chuckling fondly by her side.

Sam’s eyebrows shot up, her jaw dropping in total outrage. "I got all dressed up for this! I got a babysitter!"

"I know and you look fantastic." Lena complimented before looking pointedly over Sam’s shoulder, "Doesn't she look fantastic, Alex?"

"Beautiful." Alex agreed, soft and utterly sincere, causing Sam to whip around only to find the older Danvers dressed in a dark blue dress and black heels, hair styled to perfection, make-up immaculate and brown eyes totally transfixed and mesmerised.

"Alex, you look…” Sam gulped, eyes sweeping up and down Alex’s form, “wow…"

"I hope you don't mind,” Alex said, stepping shyly forward, hands clasped in front of her to prevent fidgeting, “I wanted to surprise you and Lena offered to help and to give me a much needed kick and-"

"Surprise me with what?" Sam interrupted gently and so hopefully.

"A date." Alex replied, "If you want that is? Please don't feel obligated or-"

"Yes, I want." Sam declared eagerly, reaching out for Alex’s hand who immediately flushed a pleased red at the contact.

"Yeah?" Alex squeaked.

"Yeah…" Sam breathed, inching closer to the redhead.

"You look so beautiful." Alex repeated sounding completely awestruck. "Shall we go?"

Sam nodded immediately causing a radiant smile to light up Alex’s face as she led the Chief of Staff out of the Palace.

"You're such a hopeless romantic." Kara teased as they strolled leisurely towards the car.

Lena merely shrugged, replying proudly, "You bring it out in me, my love."



“How are you doing?”

“I’m good.” Kara assured with an amused roll of her eyes and a fond smile as she glanced over at her anxious fiancée. “I was also good two minutes ago, and two minutes before that and the two minutes before that.”

Lena exhaled heavily, her hands that had been reaching out to provide a reassuring touch every few seconds stilling for the first time since they had stepped foot in Queen Manor that evening. 

“I get your point.” Lena murmured, grimacing slightly at her over-protective behaviour. “I’m sorry. It’s just… the very worst of Theonia is in this room and I…” Lena shook her head, green eyes suddenly rueful and apologetic. “I’m being too much, aren’t I?”

“I love you. And I love that you’re looking out for me.” Kara murmured, pressing a quick kiss to Lena's lips to soften the blow of her following admission. “But yes… a little bit.”

“I’m sorry.” Lena said sincerely, expression guilty and pained.

“Don’t worry about it.” Kara insisted, reaching out to squeeze Lena's hand.

They had arrived at Duke Queen's annual ball an hour ago with all the fanfare expected of the monarch, especially one that had been noticeably absent at a number of social events following Kara's reveal. Nobles had clamoured for the Queen's and Kara's attention from the second they arrived. 

In all honesty, it had been overwhelming and Kara had been grateful for how Lena tightened her grip on Kara's hand to ensure they weren't separated in the swarm. As time ticked on though, and the event settled into the normal swing of things it became noticeable how Lena stuck to her side, checking in excessively and barely mingling with anyone else. 

Kara knew Sam was originally coming to ensure Lena interacted with the right figures and contacts that she needed to. Lena's effectiveness as Queen was dependent on her social capital and ability to charm and right now she wasn't doing that. Kara loved that Lena cared so much about her and was acutely aware that the nobles were the only group that Lena would really struggle to fight against if they decided to truly oppose her. 

But Kara needed Lena to be herself, to trust - like she had time and time again even when there was limited reason to do so - that Kara could stand on her own two feet.

Lena nodded once in acceptance and stepped back from the blonde, her Queenly guise appearing and slipping into place.

“I am going to go and catch up with Kate and Andrea," Lena asserted more to herself than to Kara, "whilst you-”

“I am going to chase after that tray of canapes I saw a minute ago.” Kara replied with a beaming grin, eyes wide with excitement at the prospect of more food.

The Queen’s mask slipped for a second, green eyes twinkling with affection. “I love you.” 

“You better." Kara winked, "I’m a catch.”



Nia had made Kara practice her small talk skills every day leading up to the ball - she learnt to say ‘hello’ fifty different ways and how to gracefully make an exit from a conversation, something Kara had been unbelievably grateful for. Meanwhile, Ruby taught her all about Theonian pop culture whilst Lena had given her a rundown of the key guests in attendance (mostly who to avoid and who to really avoid). 

But the one thing no one had prepared her for... was the lack of food.

Why hadn’t Nia taught her how to steal multiple canapes in one elegant swoop? That was crucial knowledge and definitely should have been the priority.

Kara shifted between conversations as quickly and politely as she possibly could as she stealthily followed after a silver tray loaded up with Strawberry Cascades that Kara could have sworn were calling out her name. She hurried after the tray carried by a blonde haired server down one of the corridors off the ballroom, finally able to breakaway from her conversation with a Lord that had stared almost exclusively at her breasts. 

It wasn’t until Kara was away from the throng of guests and noise of the party, that she realised how tense she had been under the intense scrutiny of the nobles. It was like an enormous weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

“Hi, can I?” Kara inquired as she approached the server who had put the tray down on a side cabinet, clearly needing her own break from the more lecherous nobles.

The blonde server jerked around at the sudden voice, and Kara held up a hand in an apology and greeting.

The server's eyes went wide at the sight of the instantly recognisable future princess before recovering impressively quickly and stepping easily aside, “Of course, go for it.”

“Thank you." Kara exhaled loudly in relief as her stomach let out a roar of gratitude. "I’ve never had to work so hard for food at an event in my entire life." Kara huffed, hands immediately seeking out and loading themselves up with the heavenly desserts. "Like they give out one at a time and each one is tiny! Who thought that was a good idea?”

“I know, right?!” The server concurred with matching fervour.

Kara shifted her pile of delicious treasures into an impressive tower one one hand so that she could extend a free hand out to the other blonde. “I’m Kara.”

“Oh… I know who you are.” The other woman chuckled, accepting Kara’s proffered hand and giving it a firm shake.

“Right!” Kara exclaimed, before muttering, “Still not used to the whole… fame… thing…”

“Yeah, I would not cope well with that." The server winced sympathetically before rambling, "Like… I already don’t handle the postman knowing my name very well, it makes me feel like I need to make small talk with him every morning and I am really bad at small talk.”

“Ditto!" Kara replied excitedly, swallowing the Cascade she had been in the process of scarfing down. "Oh my god, I completely get you. I used to always invite the Amazon delivery man inside my apartment because he knew my name and it felt like we had some kind of connection… and it just felt weird to shut the door in his face…”

They both laughed at their shared experiences of awkward social interactions that connected them on a far more personal level than their current locale. As their laughter died away, the server finally introduced herself. “I’m Felicity.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Felicity.” Kara responded, for the first time that night totally sincere. “How long have you worked here?”

“Oh… a year…" Felicity answered, her expression flickering with momentary surprise at Kara’s genuine interest in her. "I’m getting my degree at National City University in computer sciences.”

“That’s awesome." Kara declared prompting Felicity to smile sheepishly, obviously shy about her achievements. Not wanting to make her new acquaintance uncomfortable, Kara seamlessly changed the subject with a sweep of her hand, "Do you enjoy working at the manor?”

Felicity's face froze and when she next spoke her words were stuttering and halted. “Uh… it’s a… complicated…”

Kara arched an eyebrow in concern, stepping closer to ensure Felicity felt like their conversation was private. “Compli-”

“Good evening, my lady…” A new voice interrupted. 

It was low and masculine in tone, it would be considered rough if the words hadn't been spoken so softly as if to mitigate the surprise that would accompany their arrival.

Kara and Felicity jumped apart and turned to find none other than the host for that evening, dressed in a dashing tuxedo. Duke Oliver Queen bowed his head respectfully towards Kara, green eyes examining her critically as his signature frown settled stoic and ever present on his face. Kara could appreciate that the Duke was handsome in a dark, broody way and Lena had spoken highly enough of his character that Kara knew to look past the glower he always wore.

“Duke Queen.” Kara greeted immediately, Nia's lessons so ingrained that she didn't even need to think before responding.

The Duke then turned his gaze towards Felicity and if Kara had not been studying the man as closely as he had been scrutinising her, she would have missed it. 

The Duke and Felicity made eye contact and for a second… just a single fleeting second… the frown on Oliver Queen's face ticked upwards into the barest of smiles and his green eyes twinkled with affection.

“Felicity.” The Duke's voice rumbled and there was no denying the warmth conveyed in that single word.

'It's complicated' suddenly made so much more sense...

“Oli-... uh… Duke Queen." Felicity stammered turning a  blistering red. 

(Kara prayed she hadn't been as much of a disaster as Felicity when she and Lena were starting out but a rather loud and accusatory voice in her head told her that she was probably a hell of a lot worse). 

"I should… uh…" Felicity grabbed the now empty silver platter, looking like she was on the precipice of holding it up to hide behind. "Get more tiny foods.”

With that declaration, Felicity turned on her heel and marched determinedly away in the direction that Kara could have sworn did not lead towards the kitchen.

“Oh….” Kara murmured as she watched Oliver stare after the rapidly disappearing Felicity with no small amount of longing.

“Oh?” Oliver inquired.

“Nothing… it’s nothing…”  Kara coughed, swinging her arms awkwardly at her sides. “You know how to throw a party. This is great.”

“The stories about you are true…” Oliver commented drolly; Kara’s eyebrow rose curiously prompting the Duke to somewhat smirk and murmur, “You are a terrible liar.”

“I…” Kara squeaked, unsure whether that was a compliment or insult.

“It’s not my thing either,” Oliver continued smoothly, “but I’m afraid events like this are a necessity to ensure they don’t take your nobility membership card away.”

Kara pursed her lips, holding in a chuckle, “The stories about you aren’t true…” Oliver tilted his head to the side as Kara leaned forward to whisper secretly, “You do have a sense of humour.”

The duke shook his head in amusement, and held out a hand, nodding his head back towards the ballroom, “Would you like to dance?”

“I would love to.” Kara replied honestly, accepting Oliver’s hand.



“So…” Kara began, dragging the word out as she looked up at the Duke, trying to ignore the stares being directed her way at her slightly stilted dancing. “Felicity?”

“Subtle.” Oliver remarked gruffly.

“Never really been my strong suit.” Kara admitted with a wince, before smiling encouragingly up at her dance partner. “She’s sweet.”

Oliver’s frown faltered for a moment before he muttered a simple yet sincere, “She is.”

“Nothing else to add?” Kara teased mischievously, thoroughly enjoying having found this renowned dour man’s soft spot.

“My lady-” Oliver sighed with a weary shake of his head.

“Kara.” She corrected, lifting her chin to deter any challenge to this.

“Kara,” Oliver accepted after careful consideration before bowing his head forward to whisper sadly in her ear, “not all of us have the capital required to survive breaking social norms like Her Majesty does.”

“Oh.” Kara exhaled in understanding, finally recognising the heaviness to Oliver’s brow for what it was. 

Kara kicked herself at failing to see why Oliver and Felicity’s interaction was so reminiscent of her and Lena. Time and happiness had made her look back fondly on those early days; a side effect of which was hiding away the heartache and helpless longing that had been a hallmark of that time. She wouldn’t wish those uncertain days on anyone, those days where she was in a constant state of fear of the future, of believing that every shared moment with Lena could be the last.

“It is what it is.” Oliver said, his voice empty and hollow.

“But it shouldn’t be.” Kara insisted gently, squeezing their joined hands together to provide some comfort. 

At the sudden spark of surprise that appeared in Oliver’s green eyes, Kara wondered how rarely the Duke must receive comfort in any form. If everyone assumed that since he appeared for the most part gloomy and miserable that they believed this was his constant of being, that he didn’t need comfort. Kara’s heart broke a little bit at that and the thought that maybe… maybe… this is what Lena would look like if not for Sam. 

“You are a wonderful dancer.” Oliver complimented, though it sounded more like ‘thank you’ than anything else.

Kara rolled her eyes and shot back in amusement, “And you are a very good liar.”

And to the shock of nearly the entire ballroom, Oliver Queen laughed.



After her dance with Oliver, she found herself in demand as a dance partner - she danced with a few: Lord Allen and Earl Snart were particularly wonderful dancers and conversationalists. She had to put up with a couple of nobles and businessmen who had attempted to have wandering hands - Kara had forcibly deterred them with a well-placed knee to the groin pretending her poor dancing skills were at fault.

Whilst she danced, she kept an eye out for her fiancée, wanting to ensure she was also having a good time. 

She needn’t have worried.

Lena moved seamlessly around the ballroom, wrapping whoever she was in contact with around her little finger with intelligent words and gracious acknowledgements. Lena had spoken with Kate and Andrea before starting her rounds but it now looked like Andrea had managed to catch the Queen for a private conversation. Kara kept an eye on their interaction, not because she didn’t trust Lena - her faith in Lena and their relationship was unshakeable after everything they had been through - it was just Lena was starting to look a little uneasy. She had tried to leave the conversation a number of times, but a well-timed light touch on her forearm by Andrea thwarted each of her escape attempts.

Kara finished her dance with Earl Snart’s brother, who was almost as terrible a dancer as she was but surprisingly sweet despite his gruff exterior, and made her way over to Lena.

“Hi…'' Kara interrupted cheerfully, sliding effortlessly into the space beside Lena, hand reaching out to wrap gently around Lena’s waist in a supportive and familiar manner. “Er… I mean hello…” Kara amended upon seeing Andrea’s rather taken aback expression, unsure if it was due to the informality of her greeting or her easy and open affection towards the Queen.

“Kara, my love…” Lena murmured, pressing a quick kiss to Kara’s cheek to soothe her anxiety before gesturing towards the woman opposite who was watching the couple’s interaction far too intensely to be mere passing interest. “This is Andrea. Andrea, this is-”

“Kara.” Andrea acknowledged, tone sharp and expression carefully blank.

Andrea was without a doubt beautiful. She was dressed in a black, strapless dress showing off flawless skin and toned arms. She emanated poise and style in a way that Kara knew she would never be able to achieve. Her gaze was cold as she gave Kara a once over, but it was clear that she was trying to keep her expression neutral, no doubt not wanting to make the situation uncomfortable - something Kara was appreciative of. 

“Nice to meet you.” Kara replied, deciding not to hold a hand out to shake; recognising that forced contact between the two of them would make the awkwardness palpable enough for Lena to detect.

“Likewise.” Andrea acknowledged with a small dip of her head, before turning to Lena and flashing her a truly dazzling smile. “It was lovely seeing you again, your majesty. I should get back to my date.” Andrea gestured to a rather bored looking man across the dancefloor.

Lena smiled in return and said her own farewell. Once Andrea’s back was turned and she had started to walk away, Lena allowed her Queenly guise to slip.

“Are you okay?” Kara asked gently.

“Yeah… it was…” Lena huffed out a breath, brows pulling together quizzically, “that was just a bit odd.” 

“Should I not have interrupted? You looked uncomfortable.”

Lena sighed, confusion eeking away as she turned to face Kara directly, green eyes fond as she reached up to cup Kara’s cheek. “You were perfect. Thank you.” 

Kara beamed at that, thinking about how far they had come since their last ball where even extended conversation between them was something they’d had to avoid at all costs.

Lena must have been having similar thoughts as she grabbed Kara’s hand and tugged her towards one of the exits. “Come with me, I want to show you something.”

“Okay.” Kara accepted readily, always happy to go wherever Lena wished to take her.

Lena guided her out of the ballroom and down a couple of corridors, nodding confidently to anyone she passed - not that anyone would dare question the Queen about her intended destination.

“Where are we-” Kara began to ask, her curiosity starting to get the better of her when Lena pulled open a door on their right and dragged her inside. 

The second the door shut, Lena was on her: mouth pressed hard against Kara’s and eager hands working to untuck her pressed white shirt to gain access to the skin underneath.

 “Golly.” Kara squeaked as her back was pressed against the door.

“I have wanted to do this since I saw you in this suit.” Lena husked, her lips dragging away from Kara’s as she made her way down Kara’s neck and chest. Lena’s quick fingers plucking teasingly at the button to Kara’s trousers - asking for permission.

“Lena, are you sure?” Kara asked, head flung back in pleasure as Lena played her like a fine instrument.

Green burned with desire as Lena dropped carefully to her knees, “Absolutely fucking certain.” 

“Good…” Kara gasped as Lena wrenched her trousers and underwear down in one sharp movement. “Oh… oh my god…”



Kara redressed and with Lena's help wiped away the red marks of lipstick littered across her body. Lena had turned down Kara’s offer to reciprocate then and there, flashing a wink and promising that they could continue their activities when they got home later. 

Kara instantly took to watching the clock, counting down the minutes until she could justify throwing the Queen over her shoulder and running them both home. Her and Lena parted ways after a couple of slow dances, planning to do a final round of conversations before finishing off the evening. 

Kara chased down another couple of platters to feast on and spent some more time with Oliver, Barry and his wife Iris, all three of which expressed sincere interest in her new charity and offered support in any way they could. Kara appreciated the offers and promised to get in contact with them for any events that might come up in the future. 

It was nearing midnight when Kara experienced a minor lull in people approaching her for conversation, and she took advantage of the opportunity to find a quiet corner for herself to catch her breath and see out the last fifteen minutes of the event before she could make her exit with Lena. 

It was then, however, - trapped with no easy escape route - that Kara made the acquaintance of the one person Sam and Lena had stressed to her to avoid at all costs.

 He stalked towards, a smirk that looked far too much like a snarl when the light hit his sharp features just right. His hair was cut in a short, military fashion to lean into the war-hero persona many had cast him as. From afar, Kara would never have found him intimidating, he puffed up his chest too much with his own self-importance and he walked with his nose slightly in air belying how used to sneering down at others he was. 

Up close though…

Up close, Kara could see his eyes.

And the only word Kara would use to describe them was cold .

“Duke Edge." Kara greeted, polite yet terse. 

"Lady Kara,” The Duke replied, bowing graciously as his gaze swept over her from top to bottom, making her feel exposed and vulnerable in a way that other lecherous nobles could never hope to achieve. 

Edge’s smirk merely grew wider at her obvious discomfort and he took a discreet step forward, encroaching on her personal space and forcing her further into the dark corner. “How do you like your new home?" He inquired with a patronising tilt of his head as he looked down his nose at her.

Kara side-stepped effortlessly around the Duke - Alex’s many lessons paying off - freeing herself from the corner and his looming frame as she answered, short and clipped. "I love it."

Edge chuckled cheerfully in response to the harsh glare she directed towards him, shrugging it off like it was normal banter between them. "Do you know what my favourite thing about Theonia is?” 

Kara had never felt more uncomfortable in her entire life; the way he was looking at her and speaking to her like they were old friends, set Kara’s teeth on edge. Lena may have never gone into detail about her history with Edge but she knew that there was an abundance of bad blood between them. Knew that Lena tensed almost imperceptibly whenever his name was mentioned. Knew that when they had arrived at the ball that night, Lena had gone out of her way to point Edge out to her and insist that Kara keep her distance. 

It was obvious in the curl of Lena’s lip and the tempest that rose in her eyes that Lena hated Edge.

Hated him to such an extent that she went out of her way to hide how much she hated him from Kara. 

Lena was always so careful whenever she described him - careful to make her dislike and distrust apparent but to prevent her fully fledged loathing from showing. 

Kara, therefore, hated Edge on principle and his chummy manner was merely incensing that hatred even more.

“The stories.” Edge answered when it was clear that Kara was not going to engage. “All cultures have their own myths, legends and folktales. Little fables we whisper to children before bed, hoping they will glean some wisdom from the words handed down from generation to generation.” The Duke quirked his head to the side, cold eyes glinting malevolently, “Do you know any?"

"Her majesty has told me a few." Kara acknowledged but didn’t expand.

Edge bounced up and down slightly on the balls of his feet in delight at garnering an actual response, "Have you got a favourite?"

Kara smiled coyly up at him, "I found the story of the greedy merchant that robbed from the poor only to get his painful comeuppance particularly enlightening.”

"Ah… a big believer in justice and fairness for all are we?” Edge winked at her like it was a long standing joke between the two of them before he bent his head forward and murmured conspiratorially in her ear like she was an actress who had forgotten her lines. “This is the part where you ask me which one is my favourite…" 

Kara recoiled sharply away from his sudden closeness, jaw clenching and fingers curling into tight fists at her sides.

 "Ooh,” Edge merely grinned gleefully at her simmering fury,. “I can see why Her Majesty likes you so much. Girl of steel, indeed.” He sighed heavily, fluttering his eyelashes and looking like he was on the verge of pouting, “It's no fun if you don't play the game…"

Kara ground her teeth together, refusing to back down, "What's your favourite?"

Edge’s cold eyes flashed triumphantly at the question and Kara knew in that moment that she would never regret anything more than playing his little game.

"I've always had a fondness for the tale of the two toy soldiers…” Edge replied, clasping his hands behind his back, “have you heard that one?"

"You already know the answer." Kara grunted, all attempts at civility dashed.

"Then, please, allow me to enlighten you.” Edge requested with a flourish of his hand as if he was a performer setting the stage. “There was a kind and gracious Queen married to a cold and tempestuous King. The Queen was smart and cool headed, she could see that the King was not well loved by his people nor his allies. He had enemies; enemies that would eagerly shed the blood of an innocent if it meant inflicting damage on the King.” Edge began, his voice inflecting perfectly to match that of a narrator reading a story to a group of rapt children. “The Queen understood the dangers and had accepted a certain level of risk to her own life. She had, of course, known what she was getting into when she married him for power instead of love. 

“But…” Edge drawled, his smile shifting to predatory, “then came the Prince and Princess. Two innocent souls, damned by right of birth. The Prince was something out of a fairytale. Sandy blond hair, cerulean eyes, strong jaw, intelligent and quick-witted but a coward. A coward with his father's temper. The Princess, on the other hand, was hidden away in shadow: dark hair and piercing emerald eyes. She was her mother's daughter through and through, with a pure heart that was far too weak to survive the King's cruelty. The Queen adored her children more than anything in the world and she wished more than anything to keep them safe… from the king's enemies…” Edge’s voice dropped to a whisper as he added, “and the King, when necessary.”

Kara barely suppressed the shiver that his words and knowing eyes invoked.

“So... she bought each of them a perfect toy soldier.” Edge continued, returning to his light, airy tone from before. “A toy soldier to be their sword and shield. She hoped to give them something to stand in for the king's love and protection. As the toy soldiers watched the Prince and Princess grow, they in turn grew to love their charges. Love them like a father should love their children.

“The Prince's toy soldier taught him to play rugby without the need to keep score, taught him compassion and tenderness. Tended to the wounds inflicted by the father. He made the Prince kind and wise. Whilst the Princess' toy soldier carried her around on his shoulders, taught her how to fight and how to see the lies on people's faces. He made the Princess strong and capable. 

“It was a good life.” Edge remarked with a smile that would have appeared tender if Kara didn’t see him for what he really was. “Safe and sheltered. The Prince and Princess were shielded by their toy soldiers as the Queen intended…” Edge’s faux-smile shifted into his true smug smirk as he murmured, “I would stop here but that's not how stories work.”

Kara swallowed thickly, wanting to tell him to stop, to shut up, to leave her alone but… there was something captivating about his tale and the knowing glint in his eye. He was telling her a secret. Something twisted and evil, yet impossible to turn away from. 

Morbid curiosity kept Kara rooted to the spot that she was so desperate to run from. 

“Tragedy struck - as it always inevitably does.” Edge explained, his timbre dropping an octave as his tale fell into the shadows after he had led it off the necessary cliff. “The Queen fell ill and passed. Her death reminding the King of his own mortality and need for a legacy. His once lazy, disinterested gaze turned towards the Prince and Princess. He assessed them and found them wanting…”

Dread pooled in the pit of Kara’s stomach and a chill ran down her spine.

“He didn't like his daughter’s sharp tongue and her inner strength. He especially didn't like how she refused to act afraid of him. He tried tirelessly to earn back her fear but his attempts failed to pierce her well crafted armour and leave any mark on her skin. One day, though, when the Princess had shown overt disobedience, he tried to break her again but this time… this time…” Edge chuckled sinisterly, “he forgot to wait until the toy soldier had been packed back away in its toybox. He didn't understand what it was like to love a child like a father. He didn't understand that the toy soldier wouldn't be subservient when it came to protecting his charge.

“The toy soldier stepped between the Princess and the King, and held his ground. The King was livid . He ripped the uniform from the toy soldier and banished him. He was never to see the Princess ever again. The Princess was to be alone and in darkness for the rest of her life.”

Kara exhaled shakily trying desperately to push away the images his story brought to life and how it ripped her heart into tiny pieces of confetti.

She wasn’t stupid.

She knew.

She knew who the Princess of the story was and she wanted nothing more than the tale to be over. For the happy ending to arrive like it should.

Like she knew it did.

Edge, though… Edge wouldn’t share this story unless he was certain it had the potential for devastation. And no story with a happy ending could invoke the devastation the Duke was so obviously gunning for.

“Now, see the Prince's toy soldier had also not been put back into his box that day.” Edge revealed, blatantly ignoring the emotional turmoil he was inflicting. “He watched as the uniform was ripped away from his counterpart, watched as he was banished away from the child he loved like his own and on that day the Prince’s toy soldier made a promise…

“He would never let that happen to him. He would stay by the Prince come hell or highwater. He would not let the King send him away and rip away his beloved uniform.

“With the Princess suitably broken and locked away, the King turned his endless ire towards the Prince. The Prince was weak, too kind and soft hearted to be of any use. That had to change. The King dragged the Prince into the shadows, the toy soldier following loyally after, and worked to undo everything the toy soldier had taught the boy. He undid the self control the Prince had put in place around his temper. He poked and prodded at the Prince's fear, slowly but surely taking away the bravery he had built up until he jumped at shadows and saw enemies peering around every corner.

“He remade the Prince in his own image and removed all traces of the toy soldier. Once the work was done, he unleashed the monster Prince he had created on the weak Princess. He whispered in the Prince's ear, ensuring that doubt would forever be a barrier between the siblings.”

Kara ducked her head, finally unable to meet Edge’s cruel, lifeless eyes; her own blue ones filling with tears at the unnecessary loss of innocence pushed unfairly onto the siblings. 

Edge merely grinned all the wider, sensing the blood in the water and going for the kill. “When the King finally passed, he had left a legacy he could be proud of. A Princess that kept her eyes downcast and a son that wanted to conquer."

"I'm not quite seeing the moral of the story." Kara murmured, trying to sound defiant and failing.

"That's because we haven't got to it yet." Edge sing-songed.

"It's not exactly a short tale." Kara shot back once she was sure no tears would fall.

Kara would not allow Edge to see her tears - he had no right to that, especially for a story she knew she should have heard from Lena first and foremost. 

"No. No, it's not.” Edge practically giggled. “But even you have to admit… it definitely packs a punch." The Duke winked at her and Kara barely resisted the urge to slap him. "Years pass, the Prince, now the King has become everything his father wished him to be. Whilst the Princess… now… the Princess hadn't been as broken as the past king believed. She remembered everything her toy soldier had taught her and how the toy soldier had stood up for her. She remembered being saved and that… that meant she could never forget the toy soldier’s lessons.

“The new King hated this. Hated that she had remained untwisted by her father's cruelty. Jealousy further stoked his cowardice. He started to see the Princess as a threat and began to whisper his concerns to his most trusted ally… his toy soldier, still so proud in his uniform.

“The toy soldier did not like the new King but still loved the Prince. Could still, on occasion, see flashes of the kind hearted boy he had watched grow in those cerulean eyes. He may not have loved the Princess but he cared for her, he had watched her grow too. He had watched her remain true to herself even without her toy soldier and that… that eat away at him. Guilt. Endless guilt and shame. He no longer thought he was a good toy soldier. He wished that it was his uniform that had been ripped away and him that had been banished. Maybe then the Prince would still be the Prince, maybe then he wouldn’t have been forced to slowly watch his first child disappear with each atrocity he committed. But he made his choice. He had chosen to follow into the shadows. To become truly inanimate. There was no turning back.

“The day finally came…” Edge arched an eyebrow at her, pointed teeth flashing menacingly as he bit into his bottom lip with poorly restrained excitement. “The Princess had pushed the Prince too far. Her inner strength unbending to the new King's will. The once Prince who had adored his sister more than anything in the world looked at her... and saw little more than a monster .

“He was a conqueror. She was a monster.” Edge explained, tone dripping with condescension. “He had to ensure she was vanquished. And who was the new King to trust with such a task? He trusted no one really, saw demonic red eyes in everyone he met. There was only one, one that had never left him… had followed him into the shadows. One that was built to be loyal to him above all else. His sword, his shield… his little toy soldier .”

Kara flinched at cold, cold eyes that burned bright and awful.

“He gave the toy soldier the order and the toy soldier who had promised to protect him, to never be taken from his side… accepted the command." 

Terrible understanding dawned in Kara’s mind like the nightmarish spreading red stain that haunted her every thought and dream since she had seen the scar that had almost taken the love of her life.

"Two toy soldiers gifted to the Prince and Princess committed to protect their charge. The Princess lost her toy soldier. Whilst the other toy soldier lost his Prince. They were forced to face each other, disparate pieces of broken pairs. Which would triumph? The uniform or the lesson?" Edge quirked his head to the side, "So, did you like the story?"

"What happened to the toy soldier?" Kara questioned sharply.

"Which one?" Edge asked innocently despite knowing exactly who was the focus of the fire in Kara’s eyes. "The banished one sought power to combat the king, still set on saving the Princess. The Prince's toy soldier… well… it's not for me to say." Edge mimed zipping his lips taking great pleasure in how Kara’s nostrils flared with fury. "Not interested in what happened to the Prince and Princess?"

"It's a children's story therefore I already know the ending.” Kara shot back her voice heavy like thunder. “The Princess wins and all those that hid in the shadows with the new King stayed there for the rest of their lives. Alone and in the darkness." 

Kara lifted her chin and turned on her heel, intent on finding her fiancée, taking her home and making love to her until she could no longer remember Edge’s words and the dark thoughts that had come with it.

"Do send my regards to the Queen, I hope she is doing well…" Edge called after her, the smugness radiating off of him even as Kara continued to put distance between them. "I've heard the cold weather can be particularly killer on scar tissue…"