
42. The Rise of Supergirl

“I appreciate the effort.” Alan Kurtzmann murmured into the phone, his wife tenderly squeezing his hand as he listened dully to the person on the other side and listlessly watched the crackling flames in the fireplace. “I understand.” He replied when there was a pause that necessitated his response. “Thank you, Mrs. Lane. Have a good evening.”

With that farewell, he hung up his phone and gently deposited it on the coffee table in front of him before settling back into the cushions of the sofa, his devoted wife, Leslie, lifting their linked hands to kiss his fingers, providing comfort and support without crowding him.

“When does the news break?” Leslie inquired gently causing Alan to turn his head and smile sadly at her.

“Tomorrow. Noon.” Alan answered simply.

Leslie hummed in response but didn’t say anything else. She knew, from years spent of them loving each other during the best and worst times of their lives, when Alan needed quiet, needed time to process his emotions first before speaking them into existence. Leslie, had learnt patience, had learnt that her husband would (as soon as he had the words) share the depth of his emotions.

Their marriage was strong and neither Leslie nor Alan doubted that it would survive what was to come. Leslie, though, still wished that her husband who had proven himself selfless and dutiful beyond measure would be spared from what was to come. She knew he wouldn’t and there was little she could do other than hold his hand and listen when he was ready to speak.

“I should call the prime minister and Her Majesty. Give them the heads up.” Alan muttered as the fire started to die down to a more moderate glow.

“Not tonight, my dear. It will wait till the morning.” Leslie suggested, her heart tightening in her chest as Alan’s forehead furrowed.

“But…” Alan began to argue, ready to put his needs to the bottom of the pile as he tended to do.

“Call them in the morning.” Leslie repeated, “You need to sleep first.” She got to her feet and gently tugged on their joined hands; Alan rose to his feet but his expression remained conflicted. Reaching out to cup her husband’s cheek and guide him to meet her eyes, Leslie said quietly, “There is nothing more you can do. Lois won’t let them run it until tomorrow, we have time and you need to look after yourself first.”

Alan chuckled drily, “Aren’t we in this problem because I was looking after myself?”

“No. Never.” Leslie declared, her tone firm and hard-edged. “It’s them that are wrong. Not you.”

Alan dropped his gaze whilst also wrapping his arms around his wife in a comforting embrace, “Yeah, well…” Alan whispered, “I can’t see anyone changing their mind about that, do you?”

Leslie opened her mouth to assert that yes, plenty of people would come to Alan’s aid. That his friends would rally around him. That experts, ministers and those in power would finally, finally speak up…

But the words died on her lips because of how inherently untrue they would be,

“No.” Leslie admitted before rocking onto her tiptoes to press a kiss to Alan’s cheek, “But I know. And I’m not going anywhere.”

“For better, for worse, huh?”

“For better, for worse.” Leslie affirmed, readying herself for the days ahead.



“I won’t be gone long.” Lena reminded her fiancée who was pouting like a toddler denied their favourite dessert as she packed her suitcase.

“A week, a whole week, Lena.” Kara whined, flopping heavily on the bed beside Lena’s open luggage, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing out a displeased breath.

Lena rolled her eyes fondly, folding the black shirt in her hands and laying it on top of her already packed clothes before shifting to stand in front of the laid down blonde, who quirked an eyebrow at her. That was all the invitation Lena needed. She clambered onto the bed, knees either side of Kara’s thighs, leaning down so Kara was fully surrounded by her, Lena’s chin lifted up by the palm of her hand, elbow resting beside Kara’s head. 

“We’ve been apart longer than a week before, my love.” Lena said softly, her free hand reaching out to stroke Kara’s cheek.

“I know,” Kara breathed, turning her head to the side so that she could place a kiss to the palm of Lena’s hand, “and I hated every second of it.”

Lena blushed at the tenderness of Kara’s actions whilst her heart clenched painfully in her chest as it always did whenever she was reminded of those weeks when they thought they would never see each other again.

“It’s different this time.” Lena murmured quietly, leaning down to press a sweet kiss against Kara’s lips. “We’re not really apart this time. Not truly. Not in the way that really matters.”

“I know.” Kara reassured, rubbing their noses together as she admitted, “I just like having you around and…” Kara trailed off, her gaze going distant for a fleeting second.

“And?” Lena prompted, tracing her fingertips down from Kara’s cheek to the tendons of her neck causing the blonde to inhale sharply at the teasing touch.

“Is it weird that I can’t sleep without you now?” Kara blurted out, cheeks turning a blistering red in an instant, blue eyes wide and teeth biting nervously into her bottom lip.

Lena’s brow furrowed at Kara’s sudden embarrassment which she immediately soothed by kissing her, effectively freeing the blonde’s bottom lip from anxious nibbling. “I hope not because it's the same for me too.” Lena confessed as she pulled away.

“Come back soon.” Kara requested, wrapping her arms tight around Lena and pulling them tight together.

“Nothing could keep me away.” Lena promised, burrowing into Kara’s warmth and enjoying the simple pleasure of being in each other’s arms.



“She’s been gone less than twenty-four hours! Stop moping!” Alex admonished as she fell into the empty chair beside Kara, who was shifting her lunch despondently around her plate with her fork whilst intermittently sighing heavily.

“I can’t help it, I barely slept last night and…” Kara whined, pushing her barely touched food forwards and out of reach so she could slump down and rest her forehead on the table. 

Lena had finished packing and left early evening yesterday, delaying her departure to the last possible second to maximise cuddle time with Kara. Sleeping in their bed without Lena had been a futile task and merely resulted in her tossing and turning, her body unused to the sudden space and lack of warmth. Also, without Lena by her side, the heavy thoughts and anxiety that Lena’s soothing touch was able to kick back to the shadows enough for Kara to fall asleep were able to scream to the forefront of her mind utterly unabated.

Kara knew Lena had a plan and that, hopefully, by the time she returned, Kara’s Mike problem might have been solved, but in all honesty, Kara would rather have had the mud thrown at her as long it meant Lena was in her arms in their bed every night. 

“And?” Alex prompted, once it was clear that Kara was determined to bury her face into the wooden table-top of the Palace dining hall (Kara didn’t feel comfortable eating in her and Lena’s kitchen).

Kara deflated impossibly further before turning her head to meet Alex’s curious gaze with a somber one of her own as she whispered. “The Children’s Breakfast Club cancelled.”

The Children’s Breakfast Club was the next charity that Kara had been planning to get involved with, they provided breakfast at schools for children that might not be receiving proper meals at home. Kara had been excited to get involved; the original plan being that her and her team would meet the charity organisers today to identify key ways that Kara could provide support. The charity had cancelled last minute that morning as the negative media blitz surrounding Kara continued to grow with fervour with each passing day. 

“Oh…”  Alex breathed, her expression turning painfully sympathetic as she reached out to wrap a comforting arm around her sister. “Kara-”

“Don’t…” Kara requested, politely shrugging off Alex’s kind touch, she was getting sick of the pitiful gazes and the light shoulder squeezes to convey support that merely reminded her of funerals and too dark days. 

Alex’s hand hesitantly returned to her side, the apologetic smile on her face showing that she didn’t take offence to Kara’s rejection. “Lena will sort it.” Alex said instead, shifting back to fierce and fiery, her faith in Lena causing Kara’s heart to warm in her chest.

“Yeah, I know.” Kara replied, pulling her plate back towards her merely so she could aggressively stab a piece of lettuce as she huffed out her frustrations, “And in the meantime, I duck and cover.”

“We’re not hiding,” Nia reminded her, appearing with her own tray of food before settling into the seat opposite Kara, quickly followed by the other members of Team Underdog, “we’re just being careful with our exposure.”

“Nia, that wasn’t…” Kara started, not wanting Nia to think her frustrations were aimed at her or the plan that Nia and Sam had agreed upon. 

Without evidence to disprove Mike’s claims Kara was a sitting duck to the media. She released a statement asserting that Mike’s claims were false but without anything to back it up, it served as much purpose as a chocolate teapot. Therefore, the plan was to carry on as normal but avoid media attention as much as possible, not staying after events to answer questions and minimising time out in the public eye. The media filled Kara’s silence with more vitriol, playing Mike’s various interviews on loop on all the key channels as if that might summon her out of hiding. As Mike’s lies continued to be believed, all of Kara’s hard earned respect and popularity in her new home continued to take hit after hit after hit. 

 “You and everyone in team Underdog are doing fantastic.” Kara declared with complete sincerity, looking gratefully at all of her dear friends who had been the best support system she could have asked for. “I wouldn’t want anyone else by my side whilst going through this.”

“We know.” Nia reassured, proving this very fact by lifting a slice of chocolate cake off her tray and passing it over to Kara, who accepted it with a wide, watery smile.



Lunch was a relatively somber affair and no one was in a rush to get back to the repurposed Fairham room which served as Team Underdog’s headquarters. Not that there was anything for Team Underdog to rush back to in the first place, with events being cancelled on them left, right and centre. Kara stayed behind, choosing to take solace in her sister’s company, who was attempting to boost her already low mood before returning to the offices. 

When she finally found the resolve to return to the Fairham room, she had expected to find her friends in much the same state they had been in the last few days. Nia and James, making endless calls only for their allies to bury their heads in the sand and constantly decline their calls. Winn staring gloomily at a computer screen whilst Brainy paced almost endlessly.

That was not the case this afternoon.

This afternoon, Kara walked in to find her entire team crowded around Winn’s laptop and bleak expressions on their faces. Kara’s stomach sank, her throat tightening and all she could think was… 

Please, please, please… give me a rest .. . Please...

Kara took a second to compose herself, clenching her hands into fists to hide the tremor running through them before stepping forward and forcing out a surprisingly calm, “What’s going on?” 

Four sets of eyes snapped over to her immediately and Kara barely resisted the urge to gulp as they all studied her with worried gazes that did little to prevent the abyss from growing in her chest.

“Look for yourself.” Winn said calmly, turning the computer screen round and pushing it towards Kara, who approached it warily - wishing Lena was there with her more than anything in that moment. “It’s not pleasant viewing.” Winn warned, his eyes so sad and pained that Kara couldn’t help pausing for a few seconds to mentally prepare herself before investigating the screen before her.

Winn had multiple tabs open, each one for a different major Theonian news group and every single one of them were reporting on the exact same thing, and… for the first time in nearly a week… it wasn’t Kara.

Alan Kurtzmann - an honoured governmental figure responsible for revolutionising the Theonian justice system - was being raked over hot coals by the media. They were calling him weak, pathetic, an affront to Theonian values, unable to fulfill his responsibility, cowardly…

The descriptors went on and on… the cruelty of the language increasing as the news site became less and less reputable. Even the Theonian gold standard for news ‘The National City Chronicle’ that Kara had always admired was casting serious doubts about Kurtzmann’s ability to carry on his current position of Home Secretary.

And what was the reason for a national hero’s sudden fall from grace?

What could warrant the calls for his immediate resignation seemingly out of nowhere?

Alan Kurtzmann had gone to therapy.

That was it. That was what warranted the Theonian people’s ire.

Kara read the story, the story of a man she greatly admired with tears in her eyes and her heart splintering in her chest. A man that told terrible jokes, dressed like every event was designated as smart casual and adored truly horrific ties. A man of sharp intellect and incredible humility.

A man that had lost his young son during the war and yet, despite that immense loss, managed to not only keep moving forward but was able to turn his grief and earth-shattering pain into a desire to make the world a better place. 

Alan Kurtzmann was an incredible man and Kara truly believed in that moment that Theonia did not deserve him even slightly.

“They’re ripping him to pieces… for getting help ...” Kara whispered, her voice harsh and seething with barely restrained fury at the injustice being carried out in front of her.

“Theonians aren’t… uh… as forward thinking when it comes to mental health as the rest of the world.” James replied, trying to keep his tone tactful and polite; unfortunately, this only succeeded in breaking Kara’s already flimsy barrier holding back a tsunami of rage.

“Yeah, no shit!” Kara snapped, nostrils flaring and teeth grinding together as she banged a white-knuckled fist onto the table causing everyone in her team to jerk backwards and seemingly shrink under her burning gaze. “He lost his son… and… this…” Kara slammed the laptop closed to punctuate her point, “ This is disgusting…”

James lifted his hands up into a surrender position, as if he was approaching a skittish creature, keeping his voice steady and soft, “Kara, I know you want to speak out-” 

“Damn right, I want to speak!” Kara exclaimed, “This is wrong. Just… wrong .”

“Kara, this…” James tried again.

“What?!” Kara shouted in return.

“It’s social suicide.” James replied bluntly, wincing at the truth of his own words. 

Kara opened her mouth to declare that she didn’t care. That she was going to speak out and screw the consequences. But James’ placating expression and the knowledge that her friend, who only ever wanted the best for her, just wanted to ensure she had all the information before making any rash decisions made her hold her tongue momentarily.

“You can come back from Mike,” James said carefully, “but there’s a good chance you won’t be able to rebuild from this. I’ve…” James cleared his throat awkwardly, his gaze going to the floor, “some of the stories that Lucy has told me… this is deeply ingrained in Theonian culture.” He looked back up with a resigned expression that Kara had never seen before, like he had finally found something he wasn’t convinced they could overcome. “Just ask them…” James suggested, jerking his chin towards Nia and Brainy, both of whom had remained unnaturally quiet from the moment Kara had stepped foot in the room.

“Nia? Brainy?” Kara prompted, turning a curious gaze towards the born and bred Theonians among them.

Nia shifted uneasily, her eyes flitting around the room, “Kara, I’m with you, it’s wrong but…”

“But?” Kara pushed.

Nia flinched under Kara’s hardened stare before deflating in on herself, “You can’t go near this one. When I was in PR… we never brought a client back from this and I know from school…” Nia sighed, shaking her head miserably as Brainy placed a comforting hand on her shoulder which she didn’t hesitate to lean into. “I wish it was different.” Nia admitted quietly.

Kara could see that Nia was holding something back, that her experience of this wasn’t just secondhand so Kara dropped it with her chief of staff without complaint, instead she turned to the most honest member of their team who, unlike everyone else met her blue eyes with a steady gaze of his own. “Brainy?”

“Speak.” Brainy said simply and without hesitation as if he had been waiting to be called upon from the moment that Kara walked into the room. “You should speak.”

“Brainy!” Nia squeaked in surprise, her face going slack with shock as she swivelled round in her chair to look at the academic.

“She should speak,” Brainy repeated, though now he directed his words at Nia, his speech crafted more for the chief of staff than for Kara, “because that is how change happens. Every major event in history, every cultural and moral shift, happened purely because people spoke up for what was right and…” Brainy took a deep breath and Kara watched him straighten up, lift his chin and reach out with shaky fingers to take Nia’s hand in his. His voice when he spoke was tender in a way that Kara had never heard it before, “And what happened to you, should never have happened.” Brainy asserted causing Nia’s cheeks to heat up to a bright red. “She should speak out.”

Brainy glanced back over at Kara and gave her a determined nod of support.

“Kara…” James murmured, breaking the moment by gently lowering the bitter curtain of reality back over them. “This is the longest they’ve gone without talking about you .” 



“My love?”

“You saw the news?” Kara asked, not able to look up at the laptop screen and see Lena’s knowing green eyes. 

Kara had agreed to sleep on the events of today before making any decisions;  knowing that no action that could potentially destroy her reputation and any chance she had of Lena being able to take her out in public was worth not rushing into. She was now tucked up in bed, her laptop settled on her lap, Lena having picked up after only one ring despite it being the middle of her workday.

“Yes.” Lena responded earnestly.

“Alan was one of my favourites when I was interviewing the ministers when I first came to Theonia.” Kara revealed, “He… You could just tell he genuinely wanted to make a difference. To make things better.”

“He’s a good man.” Lena stated evenly, and Kara knew Lena was being quiet to encourage her to speak, was giving her space and time. Wasn’t pestering her with questions or pressing for answers. She was Kara’s solid support, quiet and unfaltering. Kara adored her and let the words tumble out, nonsensical and somewhat illogical. Just an outpouring of truth that Lena listened to just as attentively as she would Kara’s most thought-out sentiments.

“He’s been mentoring Alex, and she…” Kara cleared her throat, “she says she’s never known anyone who better exemplifies what it means to protect and serve a community.”

“How is Alex?” Lena inquired, her concern for Kara’s sister obvious.

“She’s angry and sad… and I think…” Kara trailed off, biting down hard on her lip, desperate to keep the next words from tumbling out. So afraid of what would happen once she said what she was really feeling. Afraid of how it might change things between her and Lena.

“Kara, you can say it.” Lena encouraged; Kara’s head jerked upwards so that teary blue eyes could meet affectionate and understanding green. “I won’t love you any less.”

Kara’s heart clenched in her chest at Lena’s affirmation and she pushed hard back against the whispering doubts in her head. “This is the first time I have ever felt ashamed of this country. My new home.” Kara confessed, wincing instantly after the admission. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologise.” Lena said firmly, before exhaling deeply and running her fingers through her hair in a way that Kara always would when they were speaking heartfelt truths to one another whenever they were wrapped up together in their bed. “I love my country, I do,” Lena continued, shaking her head morosely, “but I’m not going to lie and say there haven’t been days where my pride in it has faltered…”

“Days like today?” Kara guessed, with a humourless smile.

Lena pursed her lips as her eyes went downcast, “And many others.”

“Lena…” Kara breathed, her fingers itching with the instinctual desire to reach out and pull the raven haired woman close.

“What?” Lena prompted, able to see the question lurking in Kara’s demeanour even when they weren’t physically together.

“After everything you’ve been through, have you ever…” Kara began before cutting off sharply, not wanting to poke and prod at Lena’s hidden truths like this… through a screen in the middle of a busy day.

“Have I ever?” Lena prompted, showing no signs of insecurity. It was in that moment that Kara remembered their numerous long distance conversations where Lena felt more comfortable sharing her secrets when there was an element of space. Space to breathe and share whilst still having Kara’s comforting words on hand.

“Did you get any help? Professionally?” Kara questioned, trusting Lena to keep her promise that if there was something she wasn’t comfortable talking about she would say.

“No.” Lena answered immediately, “Sam… wanted me to. Her and Ruby, they go. Not me.”

“If it was more accepted, would you?”

Lena’s expression turned melancholic, and for the first time since accepting Kara’s call, she looked away, “I would like to tell you yes but… whilst a large part of my reason for not seeking out help is the fear of how my people would view me afterwards - no longer their strong, stalwart Queen unbreakable in the face of terror…” Lena added drolly and with a self-conscious chuckle that made Kara’s heart ache unpleasantly. 

“It’s not the only reason.” Lena whispered, lifting a hand to hide her face behind, clearly not comfortable with how vulnerable her next words would make her. “My father… as you have probably gathered was not a… kind man. He was cruel and…” Lena inhaled a shakily, and when she next spoke her words were strained and Kara could tell that Lena was holding back the harsh edge of tears. “I still hear his voice sometimes in my head and… I… He would see it as weak.”

Lena’s voice was barely audible but her confession was still powerful enough to break Kara’s heart and incite a pure hatred for a long dead man that Kara would never have thought herself capable of until today.

“Lena, you are the strongest person I know.” Kara asserted.

“No, Kara.” Lena laughed drily as if Kara had suggested something truly absurd. “When it comes to this… I am rather weak.” 

Lena dropped her hand away from her face, having succeeded in her battle of wills against her inner demons this time. Or she simply didn’t feel secure enough to fall apart and put herself back together again afterwards.

Kara prayed for the former but knew in her heart it was the latter.

“Maybe one day…”, Lena muttered whimsically.

“Maybe one day, what?” Kara asked, hugging the laptop closer to herself in the hopes that Lena could in some impossible way feel Kara’s desire to hold her close.

“Maybe one day,” Lena muttered, green eyes equal parts hopeful and lost, “I will be strong enough to ask for the help I need. To face the nightmares and finally silence my father’s voice. Maybe one day.” Lena shook her head ruefully before revealing, “It would be nice to have the option at least if that day ever arrives.”



“Are you sure about this?” Sam checked for the last time.

“Yes.” Lena replied curtly, tucking the folders more securely under her arm, as her gaze narrowed at the double doors that led to the conference room at the Metropolis hotel she had arranged to meet Mike in. 

He was in there now, confident and undoubtedly proud of his actions when it came to hurting the woman Lena loved. 

Lena loathed him in every way it was possible to loathe another human being. 

“Did you set it up the way I asked?” Lena questioned.

“Him and the room are clear of listening devices,” Sam confirmed, shifting anxiously by Lena’s side, “we even set off a tiny EMP just to be safe.”

“A tiny one?” Lena inquired, raising an eyebrow even as her eyes remained locked to the double doors before her.

“One of yours.” Sam replied.

“At least I can be confident it worked then…” Lena said humourlessly, “And?”

“He’s convinced you arranged the meeting because you think Kara’s been lying to you.” Sam scoffed derisively, “I think he genuinely believes that you might be on his side.”

“When Winn said Mike was arrogant, I didn’t realise he meant this much.” Lena commented darkly before straightening the cuffs of her green suit jacket. 

She was dressed in one of her characteristic three piece suits, this one a dark green and her shirt midnight black. The look was commanding and somewhat intimidating which was exactly the effect Lena hoped to convey by the end of her confrontation with Mike, at first, though, she needed to come across as softer and more airheaded. Therefore, her hair was pinned at the back, to ensure dark curls fell down one shoulder. 

“Wish me luck.” Lena requested, preparing to take a step forward only for a gentle hand on her elbow to bring her to a halt.


“Hmm?” Lena glanced over to her best friend who was watching her with deep concern in her brown eyes.

“Just…” Sam smiled at her gently, “look after yourself. Kara wants all of you back more than she wants you to succeed.”

The cold mask that Lena had dorned the second she had left Kara’s side, cracked at Sam’s furrowed brow and understanding smile. 

Lena was going into battle, except Lena had never been into battle. The princess version of herself had and the Queen had fought numerous private wars behind closed doors, but Lena had been kept from the front lines. Buried away and forgotten in a corner, whilst darker versions of herself grabbed a weapon and charged forth.

Therefore, when she knew another fight was coming, that another enemy required vanquishing, Lena was steadily dragged back into a corner so that the princess could step back into the fray. 

Sam could see what had happened. Knew all versions of Lena because she had been there at the conception of most of them. And to be honest, she didn’t like those darker versions anywhere near as much as she loved the true version of Lena. 

The true version of Lena that Kara also loved.

“I understand.” Lena replied, turning to give Sam a tight hug and a reassuring smile before taking a deep breath and marching forward.

Mike was sitting comfortably, practically lounging in his chair when Lena walked in, and he jumped to his feet with a broad grin and dipped into a gracious bow at the Queen’s appearance.

Lena forced a bright, grateful smile in return as she extended out her free hand towards the man and only just about resisted the urge to crush his hand when they made contact. “Mr. Matthews, thank you for seeing me on such short notice.”

“It’s my absolute pleasure, my majesty ,” Mike smirked flirtatiously at her, before putting on an apologetic tone, “though… I wish it was under better circumstances.”

“As do I.” Lena replied, biting her cheek and relishing in the pain as it redirected her bubbling fury.

“How can I help you, your majesty?” Mike inquired, and Lena took the opportunity to move round the long table and take the seat opposite the smarmy young man, depositing her three thick folders onto the table in front of her.

“Well, firstly, I was hoping - if you don’t mind that is and it's not too much trouble -” Lena checked, fluttering her eyelashes and giving her voice a light, airy tone that had Mike leaning eagerly forward to lessen the distance between them, “if you could tell me about you and Kara from the beginning? I have seen the interviews but…” Lena gently swiped under her eyes as if she was holding back tears, “this is obviously personal and I guess I just wanted to hear it first-hand. The story you told and the way you depicted Kara… it just…” Lena swallowed thickly, “I couldn’t fathom it but, who am I to doubt you? You are a well-reputed journalist and such a… charming man.” Lena whispered coyly and with an edge of sycophancy that Mike probably expected to hear, though the words felt like acid on her tongue. “I guess I just need to hear it for myself. To reconcile the truth.”

“Of course, your majesty.” Mike breathed, reaching out to pat Lena’s hand and she only just stopped the flicker of disgust from taking residence on her face at the unwelcome contact. “I am happy to help in any capacity. Now and… in the future .” Mike drawled suggestively.

Lena smiled saccharine sweet in return before carefully pulling her hand away from Mike’s, folding her hands into her lap and making herself look small before giving him a nod to proceed.

Mike spun his web of lies with dramatic flair and added touches of fraudulent emotional vulnerability. Lena listened attentively, nodded along, gasped in incredulity at the right moments and shook her head mournfully whenever the occasion called for it. By the end, Mike had placed a hand on the table extended towards Lena as if expecting her to take it up and never let it go. As if they had shared an experience that would forever bind them together. 

He was utterly unaware that everytime he dared speak Kara’s name, Lena was imagining a thousand different ways to cut him to pieces.

He was completely blind that every negative word he murmured in conjunction to Lena’s love, made Lena dig her nails deeply into the palms of her hands so as to prevent physical retribution.

“Thank you for retelling such a… harrowing series of events.” Lena said, her voice shaking with suppressed emotion.

“I’ve learnt to handle it.” Mike revealed, lifting his chin as if fully taking on the role of tragic hero.

“I bet you have…” Lena assured, tilting her head thoughtfully to the side, “though… I do have some questions? If it's not too much of a bother?”

“Of course not, your majesty. By all means.” Mike encouraged with a wave of his hand as if he was the authority in this room.

“See, the thing is…. I just…” Lena began, smiling brightly, “I don’t believe you.”

Mike’s expression faltered as he slowly registered her words, he frowned at the Queen in confusion, “Your majesty? I-”

“No. I’m speaking now.” Lena cut him off sharply with a brusque tone, sitting up straighter in her chair as she raised an imperious eyebrow, “And unlike you, the words that fall from my lips are not baseless lies, therefore I can be confident that my voice is the only one of any value in this room.”

Mike’s eyes widened in absolute shock and his mouth opened and closed but no words escaped.

“Mr. Matthews, there are a number of very apparent… discrepancies in that imaginative tale you just spun.” Lena continued, lacing her fingers together on the table, exuding sheer, unquestionable power that made Mike shrink in on himself. “And I, after being in a country where the media were gagged or were merely forced to serve as megaphones spouting out endless propaganda, detest lies. And I mean truly detest lies.” Lena spat out. “So, when I see a thread of discrepancy within a story being reported as factual news, I… I just can’t help myself. I have to tug and tug and tug on that thread until everything unravels into a pathetic spool at my feet.”

“I’m not lying.” Mike snarled.

“Mr. Matthews, you have had your turn, it is mine now.” Lena snapped back.. “You will hold your tongue because trust me if I feel I am not being heard, I will just unleash everything I have planned without giving you any choice in the matter. And believe me, you really don’t want that. Okay?” 

Mike opened his mouth to reply but Lena held up a single finger, commanding him to silence.

“Nod if you understand.” Lena ordered.

Mike’s jaw worked as he tried to decide if he should push back but a single, hostile flash of cold green had Mike slowly nodding his head.

 “Good boy.” Lena complimented patronisingly.

Mike slumped down in his chair and glowered but remained blessedly silent as Lena grabbed the stack of folders from earlier and carefully laid them out in the no man’s land between them.

“Now, I have fought in a war - I just thought I should remind you of that because I highly doubt you did any research on me before you carried out that superficial farce of an interview. I have fought in a war and I have fought with and against men like you. Men that think they are better than everyone else purely due to the fact that they exist. They stand on the backs of others to make themselves seem tall. You, like them,” Lena growled, “are an opportunistic parasite. And normally, I would ignore such an insignificant mosquito like you because without attention, you would wither and die . But you did something unforgivable. Something so evil and malicious that you are about to find out that your dream come true is in actuality your worst fucking nightmare. Because Mr. Matthews,” Lena smiled predatorily at the LYNX report, who for the first time looked genuinely unnerved “you have my attention. My full attention and you will never regret something more in your entire life.”

“You hurt the woman I love.” Lena declared, as if it was the single most heinous crime that could be committed by a single human being. “You lied about her. You tried to cut her down. And trust me, Mr. Matthews, if I didn’t have to look Kara in the eye after this and tell her I didn’t go further than her morals would allow, I would do everything in my power to rip you to pieces in this very room and I would not feel a shred of guilt.” Mike audibly gulped as Lena somehow managed to loom threateningly over him whilst still remaining seated. “So be grateful for Kara because right now she is the only thing saving you from extreme harm.”

Lena paused, taking a precious few seconds to take a deep breath and regain a diplomatic tone.

“Now, here’s what’s going to happen. Are you listening carefully?” Lena questioned kindly. “Nod for me.” Lena requested and received an immediate and frantic nod of the head in return. “You are going to go on air, admit you lied about everything and then apologise.” Lena explained, “Don’t worry, I understand that there is nothing to incentivise you to do this the second you walk out of this room. Therefore, I hope you don’t mind but I took the liberty of ensuring you would be properly motivated.”

With this, Lena pushed the first folder on her right towards Mike who eyed it like it might be a bomb - which probably wasn’t far from the truth.

“In this first folder, you will find signed testimonies from at least five different women that you were sleeping with at the time you purported to be with Kara. They have also kindly submitted a number of text conversations that you shared with them where you make rather crude and cruel comments about my fiancée,” Lena’s fingers twitched with the memory of the fury she had experienced when she had read those messages, “mostly about her trying to help you which also discredits a large portion of your story. And just for fun…” 

Lena raised her eyebrows like she was just about to share a whimsical arts and crafts she had made earlier, rather than deliver another devastating blow to Mike’s credibility. 

“I, also, have a number of the complaints that have been filed against you for taking liberties with the truth. So, that’s folder number one.” Lena summarised, tapping the cover of the first folder fondly. “This folder is going to be released to the press anonymously in the next twenty-four hours regardless of if you apologise or not, but my suggestion would be that you do apologise”, Lena winked conspiratorially as if she was merely passing on trade secrets, “because it's always better to get out in front of the scandal beforehand.”

“Now, folder number two and my second… request,” Lena continued, pushing forward the middle folder, “if you will. You will never report on Kara, me or Theonian matters ever again. And I know what you’re thinking… LYNX won’t like that. Which I understand because like you, LYNX feeds off drama, fears and the breaking of people far better than anyone they currently employ. It won’t matter to LYNX that you can in no way be considered unbiased when it comes to those topics, they’ll throw you into my country at the first opportunity because they would hunger for that media frenzy which the merest interaction between you and Kara could create. Therefore, I am incentivising LYNX not to give into its bloodthirsty tendencies. If they keep you away from Kara, me and Theonia, I won’t release the contents of folder two. Do you know what’s in there?” Lena questioned curiously as Mike eyed the middle folder interestedly. “Spoilers… Turns out CatCo aren’t the only people that LYNX have stolen from.” Lena admonished, “Oh, dear. Tsk tsk.”

“Finally, folder three.” Lena briskly moved to the folder on her left, not giving Mike a chance to truly react to the previous revelation. “This is my nuclear weapon for you. See, folder one undoes the damage you’ve already done… somewhat anyway, though, I want it noted that I will take immense pleasure in watching you try and squirm your way out of your lies.” Lena confessed gleefully. “Folder two mitigates retaliation from LYNX. Whilst folder three... mitigates retaliation from you and your family .” 

Mike suddenly jerked upright at that.

“Oh, that got your attention, didn’t it?” Lena hummed in amusement. “It didn’t take much time at all for me to see that your mother is the man behind the curtain and from the research I have gathered, she will encourage you to go on the offensive. I would strongly suggest your mother reins in her desire for vengeance unless she wants all the details of her recurrent abuses of power to come to light. Bribery and corruption.” 

Mike turned a ghostly white and looked on the verge of fainting.

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree now, does it?” Lena couldn’t resist the petty jab before asking, “Now, do you understand my terms?”

“I-” Mike choked out.

“Mr. Matthews,” Lena tersely cut in,  slapping an open palm onto the table which was effective at getting Mike to shut his mouth almost instantly. “I swear to god if I have to listen to your voice one more time, I will publish all three folders myself and damn the consequences. We have a good system. I speak and when I ask you a question, you nod.” Lena sighed, and put on a condescending smile, “Let’s try again. Mr. Matthews, do you understand my terms?”

Mike didn’t move or breathe for a long time, his eyes merely shifted from one folder to the next. Lena could practically see the gears whirring in his brain and wouldn’t have been surprised if smoke began to escape from his ears.

Lena waited patiently for a beat before arching an intimidating eyebrow that had the LYNX reporter defeatedly dropping his head in the smallest nod possible.

“Perfect.” Lena clicked out. “Now get the fuck out of my sight.”



Scott Holcombe was a vindictive and highly opinionated man, he was also the loudest proponent clamouring for the Home Secretary to resign, which wouldn’t have been a problem if it wasn’t for the considerable platform he had to dispense his views from. He hosted a daily talk show where he interviewed political figures and people of high notoriety. He was renowned for his fast-paced conversation, cutting remarks and ability to drag even the mightiest of public figures off their pedestals.

And Kara had agreed to an interview with him; much to Holcombe’s and his producer’s surprise she had stipulated that she was not there to talk about Mike’s claims against her but, in fact, wished to discuss the far more divisive topic of Alan Kurtmann’s therapy scandal. Holcombe had accepted her terms without hesitation, practically chomping at the bit to have the opportunity to be the one famous for delivering the final blow to Kara’s public persona.

The morning after her call with Lena and another disturbed night’s sleep, Kara had entered her Team’s headquarters, walked right up to Nia and said defiantly, “I have a voice and I want to use it.”

Nia had nodded once in understanding and two hours later, after Kara had directed her towards Scott Holcombe, she was booked in to appear on that evening’s show.

Kara had dressed smart for the interview but very much in her own style: dark blue shirt, burgundy chinos and brogues. Her hair was pinned up and her hands settled on the table in front of her to prevent even the smallest chance of fiddling with her glasses as the show progressed. Team Underdog lingered behind the camera, all trying to hide their own anxiousness about the event so that they could instead provide some semblance of support and encouragement.

Scott Holcombe had sandy blonde hair that was styled in a way that merely reinforced the impression that he was an older man trying to appear younger than he actually was. He smiled widely but it was overtly false, and he explained the format of the show and how the interview would work in the thirty seconds before they went live in an apparent attempt to rattle Kara.

She took it in her stride and focused on keeping her breaths even as one of the show’s producers began the final countdown to the interview that would forever determine how the Theonian people would see Kara.






A red light flickered on above the camera and by the time Kara had registered that millions of people were watching her, Scott had already begun his first verbal attack straight off the bat.

“And today, we are joined by Kara Danvers, Her Majesty’s betrothed and self-proclaimed saviour of the Theonian people.”

“Excuse me, I have never proclaimed myself-” Kara interrupted, having promised herself that if this was to be her last hurrah, she would go down swinging.

“Miss. Danvers is here today to talk about ‘mental health’,” Scott continued, blatantly ignoring Kara’s intervention, putting air quotes around the terms he personally placed little stock in, “following recent revelations that the Home Secretary has not been able to fulfill his role without spending a couple of hours a week crying on a couch somewhere in National City. Furthermore-”

“There is no evidence that the Home Secretary has been anything less than exemplary in his position and your assertion that therapy is nothing more than ‘crying on a couch’ is blatantly derogatory and belies how utterly misinformed you are.” Kara argued, catching the host by surprise at the confidence in her voice that he nor the rest of the media had ever seen from her in all of her public appearances over the last few months.

“Wow, you came baring teeth today, huh?” Scott Holcombe whistled in surprise before chuckling derisively, “Running into the fray like the Home Secretary’s very own…” The talk show host snapped his fingers as he thought up the right descriptor. “Supergirl, hmm?”

“The Home Secretary does not need to be saved-”

“I think his therapist would say differently.” Scott interjected.

“And you would think wrong.” Kara declared.

Scott smiled at her like she was a small child that had yet to master basic arithmetic but was willing to indulge her when she belligerently made irrational statements like two plus two actually equalled five. “Really? And why is that?”

Kara tilted her head thoughtfully to the side as she asked, “Would you say someone with a sprained ankle needs to be saved by a doctor or would you say treated ?”

Scott rolled his eyes at the question, “I don’t think you can compare a sprained ankle with someone who lacks any mental fortitude.”

“He does not lack mental fortitude.” Kara rebuked, “You throw around words like weak and pathetic everytime you refer to someone that takes steps to protect their mental well-being and you could not be more wrong.”

“And what word would you use, hmm?”

Kara took a deep breath and lifted her head up high as she stated in a clear voice, “Strong.” 

Scott blinked rapidly in surprise, completely taken aback by her answer and the confidence with which she delivered it. Kara could feel the heavy silence pervading from the rest of the studio at her words and she imagined that the whole of Theonia had been equally stunned.

“That’s the word I would use,” Kara announced, standing by her answer with every fibre of her being, “not that this is something you should even cover in the news since it is a total violation of someone’s privacy-”

“I’m sorry… strong? ” Scott squawked out having suddenly regained the power of speech. “People who can’t hold themselves together? People that break down whilst everyone else can carry on? You would call them ‘strong’ when they lack the fundamental values that define the Theonian people?” Scott pointed an accusing finger at the blonde, “You would call that strong?”

“Yes. Unbelievably so.” Kara said with a self-assured nod of her head as a wistful smile took over her face. “I love this country, I really, really do. Which is something I wasn’t expecting. Her majesty won my heart and I didn’t think I could love something as much as I do her, but this… this wonderful country, filled with passionate people. People that are so strong and kind and forgiving . A country that should… based on the rest of the world’s experience following a civil war… should be filled with suspicion and hatred. And it’s just… not.” 

Kara's eyes glowed with pride as she looked around the studio taking in the sight of Nia, Brainy and Dunn as well as the interested and listening expressions of those working behind the camera. 

“It’s just kind. And I love Theonia. But I will be honest…” Kara shook her head forlornly, “watching how the media attacked - and yes, I would use the word attacked - a grieving man that needed support and then was brave enough and strong enough to ask for it… my love faltered.”

“I want to believe that this cruelty comes from a place of ignorance,” Kara continued on earnestly, “which still doesn’t make it acceptable, but it is better than it coming from a place of hatred. Because if it's ignorance, education is the answer.” 

Kara was no longer speaking to Scott, she barely even registered his presence anymore. She was speaking to the Theonian people directly. Staring straight down the camera and hoping they could see her love for them and the truth of her words. 

“People who seek therapy go for a variety of reasons.” Kara explained, “Some need it for anxiety, others depression and some just for nightmares. Some need help reconciling trauma, others need guidance in healthy coping mechanisms. What is so wrong about asking for support? What is so weak about it?”

“Because to me…” Kara confessed, “there is nothing stronger. And I would know because…” 

Kara hesitated for a fraction of a second.

Hesitated as she remembered all the reasons not to stand up and speak.

She remembered Nia saying that no one had ever come back from this before. Remembered James' careful warning and her chances of recovery if she just stayed quiet. Remembered the seemingly endless vitriol directed towards the Home Secretary.

But then…

But then she remembered contemplative green eyes and the whispers of ‘maybe’. She remembered Brainy saying this is how change happens. She remembered the hopeful flash in Nia’s eyes that quickly extinguished itself before it could grow. 

“Because the hardest thing I ever did in my life was asking for that support myself.” Kara said proudly; glorious and triumphant against the devil on her shoulder.

“You’ve been to therapy?” Scott gasped, obviously not expecting such a breaking news admission from the Queen’s betrothed.

“Yes, and I am not ashamed of that.” Kara replied with all sincerity, looking back down the camera, having accepted that she had probably just burnt everything she had worked tirelessly for over the last few months to the ground and that nothing would rise from its ashes. 

Kara didn’t regret it at that moment and she was confident that she wouldn’t regret it years down the line. She knew the likelihood of winning the majority of people over was slim but it wasn’t about that. It was about reaching those handful of people on the other side of the television screen that felt lost and utterly alone and showing them that they weren’t. That there were others like them and that there was absolutely nothing wrong with them or with the desire to seek support. 

She was speaking to a younger version of herself. To Lena. To Nia. 

And Kara could and would never regret that.

“I saw a therapist regularly after my parents passed away.” Kara said simply and forthright. “They died in a house fire and for a number of months… I couldn’t sleep. I had terrible nightmares and the slightest sight, sound or smell of fire induced panic attacks. I saw a therapist and it helped. It genuinely helped. I steadily became more comfortable with my adoptive family and learnt to lean on them. I started sleeping through the night and I can now enjoy a bonfire as much as the next person.” Kara smiled bright and beautiful and so, so, so full of hope. “I don’t think any of that makes me weak. And I think asking for support is the single bravest thing anyone can do.”



“So?” Kara asked in lieu of a greeting as she walked into the Fairham room the next day to find her team there early, seated at the long conference table flicking through that day’s broadsheets.

Her dependable teammates and dear friends all looked up at her, with carefully blank faces that revealed absolutely nothing.

“Look for yourself.” Winn suggested, as he and everyone else flipped their newspapers to the front page and pushed them across the table towards Kara for her to inspect. 

There, in big, bold letters across the top of the The National City Chronicle and above a photo of Kara from the interview yesterday was: OUR VERY OWN SUPERGIRL.

With shaky fingers Kara examined the other reputable prints all with similar headlines, one proclaiming her ‘THEONIA’S GIRL OF STEEL’. All of them were praising her for bravery and made various calls for a change in position when it came towards mental health. 

“Oh…”, Kara breathed out in awe as she looked up to find her team beaming at her. 

“Well done, Kara.” Brainy congratulated in an understated manner that somehow merely emphasised how sincere he was being.

“So, I did okay?” Kara asked disbelievingly, overwhelmed by feelings of relief, pride, joy, exhaustion and a whole plethora of other emotions she had been battling for nearly a week.

“I think it's fair to say… we have never been more proud of you.” James replied earnestly, “So, what’s next… Supergirl?”

“Well, there is something…” Kara admitted as she sank into a chair and felt, for the first time, like she might just be good at this job after all.



“Hope, help and compassion for all…” Nia repeated, staring up at the words scrawled across the whiteboard in Kara’s curly handwriting with an expression of total wonderment.

“Is it too cheesy?” Kara inquired, moving to lean against the table beside her chief of staff. 

It was just the two of them in the room, the others having head to bed after a long work-day filled with renewed vigour and hope. Nia, however, had lingered as everyone else departed and Kara could tell she wanted company.

“No… no, it's perfect.” Nia rushed to reassure, “Absolutely perfect.”

Kara nudged Nia’s side playfully with her elbow, before allowing them to fall into a comfortable silence as Nia remained deep in thought. 

“Are you okay?” Kara eventually asked, not used to Nia being so introspective.

“Yeah…” Nia sighed, before straightening up and turning to face Kara directly, “I want to help.”

Kara blinked rapidly in confusion, “You do help…”

“No, I…” Nia began before taking a deep breath, glancing over her shoulder at the words Kara had written with great care as she pitched to them her new idea. 

So far, Kara had been supporting already existing charities, helping them grow and thrive but now she wanted to start her own. Build something up from the ground. Provide something to others herself.  

And this… this was something close to her heart. 

Something that she genuinely believed would help people.

A charity to improve mental health awareness, to change hearts and minds, that was her starting goal. She had longer term dreams of being able to make it something that could provide counselling, support and guidance. As such, she had spent a large portion of her day speaking with the Health Minister and a number of doctors she had come into contact with through her other charity work. It was already starting to take shape as her and her team hashed out the details and a well-thought out strategy.

“With the charity.” Nia clarified, “I want to be involved, a lot more involved than normal.” Nia wrapped her arms protectively around herself as she made her pitch. “I know Brainy is keen and he’s kind of become your logistical point person for new ventures but… this… this… means something… to me.”

“Nia?” Kara coaxed, reaching out tentatively, once she was sure Nia wouldn’t flinch away from her touch, and squeezed her arm to help her relax.

“I can make a difference.” Nia said plainly, “I have a position where I can make a difference and I want to use it. I have a voice and I want to use it.” Kara smiled at her chief of staff in understanding. “I was lucky growing up…” Nia explained, “well, luckier than most. My parents were so supportive of me and I had friends that backed me up but that didn’t mean I didn’t face difficulties, cruelty and ignorance. I had a strong support system but I think… having someone else to talk to….”

“Like a therapist?” Kara guessed.

“Yeah…” Nia exhaled, dropping her gaze to the floor as she admitted, “it would have helped. And there are people out there who don’t have the same support system, or do have it but it doesn’t suit them and….” Nia lifted her head back up and met Kara’s gaze with steely determination. “I can make a difference… for them and for me . I want to do this.”

“Okay.” Kara replied

“Okay?” Nia repeated, her head tilting to the side in surprise at Kara’s easy answer. 

“Yeah, okay.”  Kara grinned before pulling Nia into a tight hug, “Let’s make a difference.”



“Hmm…. Lena?” Kara murmured sleepily, lifting her head as the bedroom door opened letting a slither of light in as a figure moved to sit on the edge of the bed, a familiar scent of lavender preventing Kara from panicking about an unknown intruder.

“I’m sorry, my love,” Lena soothed, reaching out to brush Kara’s messy hair out of her eyes and tucking it tenderly behind her ear. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Wasn’t asleep.” Kara yawned truthfully, squirming forward so that she could bury her nose into Lena’s stomach, seeking out her warmth and nuzzling into her softness. “Can’t sleep without you.” Kara reminded her. 

Lena hummed in response, stroking her fingers through blonde hair for a few minutes before nudging Kara back so that she could strip out of her travel clothes. Kara watched her intensely, a heat growing in her centre as Lena’s pale, tantalising skin came steadily into view. The raven-haired woman forewent putting on pyjamas much to Kara’s delight; disinclined to delay getting under the duvet and pressing herself fully against Kara’s body.

“You’re back…”  Kara murmured, pressing soft kisses to Lena’s bare shoulders and elegant neck as she wrapped her arms tightly around her fiancée. “I didn’t think you were back till tomorrow?”

“Yes… well… I missed you.” Lena admitted shyly, her breath getting heavier as the exhaustion from travelling caught up to her. Kara eased off her kisses, there would be plenty of time tomorrow for that and to talk in detail about Mike and everything else.

“I missed you, too.” Kara replied, rubbing their noses together in greeting, “Are you okay?”

“I am now.” Lena assured as Kara rolled onto her back pulling Lena with her so that the Queen could settle into her usual position of resting her head on the blonde’s shoulder with their legs fully entwined. “I didn’t think it was possible.” Lena whispered after a while, pressing a delicate, featherlight kiss to the spot above Kara’s heart.


“That I could I love you anymore than I already did,” Lena confessed, looking up so that Kara could see the expansive love for her in Lena’s incredible green eyes, “but you somehow… you somehow make me fall more and more in love with you every day.” Lena’s voice was soft and husky; Kara shivered deliciously as Lena leaned forward so that her breath was right next to Kara’s ear, “You were magnificent, my love.”

“Yeah?” Kara croaked.

“Absolutely magnificent…” Lena affirmed, before biting gently at Kara’s earlobe and whispering something that had Kara flipping them over and deciding that somethings just could not wait until morning. “My Supergirl.”