

Viewer discretion advised. Despite being abused by his mother, Sain finds himself cherishing her even more. But his mother is always ridiculed in their town for being a maniac. How will Sain protect his beloved mother from the disgusted eye of the society?

Akira_Kei_ · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

Chapter 30 Manipulation

(Viewers discretion is advised. The following content may include some explicit scenes which may be uncomfortable for some viewers.)

Flabbergasted, Eclise steps back. "We can't do that Sain! Its criminal!"

I clutch his shoulders. "What should we do then?! Inform the police, huh?!"

"That's what any normal person would do!"

"We'll be the first, taken away as accomplices to the murder! The police won't even listen to us! Now that we've seen it, we can't leave them be! We've already become accomplices!"

He wobbles back. I can see him shattering.

There's no going back now.

"They'll arrest us first!" He has lost all hope.

"Yes. Its better if we pretend nothing ever happened! Let's hide the bodies."

He clenches his head and sits on the bed. "But… I can't do that Sain! I just can't!"

"Then are you fine being arrested for doing nothing?"


"Please Eclise. I need your help! You said you were my friend, didn't you?! Will my friend abandon me at tough times now?"

"No! I'm your friend!" He gives up. "What should we do?"

"I don't know! That's why I called you for help!"

He glances at the dead bodies. "We only need to hide them, right? Should we burn them? The house is already burnt. It wouldn't be too suspicious if we burn them here."

"Human combustion? A very high temperature is required to burn a whole human body. I doubt this house will be able to withstand it. The fire will spread to the whole apartment."

"Then what should we do?"

"Bury them? It is raining. It'll be easier to dig out soil."

"How are we going to take them out? We probably can't just randomly take out a dead body from the front door."

"We can hide them in something." I point at Ivian. "That one is smaller. He should fit into something big enough."

"What about the other one?"

"Throw him out of the window?"

"But the rods.."

"The bathroom shade."

We go to inspect the shade together. Eclise says. "Isn't it too small to fit him whole?"

I tilt my head. "Then we'll just cut him into pieces."


"We can't take two bodies out of the front door! We have no other choice!" I start to tremble. "I don't possess enough strength. Please.. as my friend.. help me Eclise!"

"I can't do that Sain! No matter what you say!"

I stop trembling and glare at him. "So you're saying you won't help me even though you're already in it?"

"I didn't say I won't help you!" He mumbles. "I don't have other choices. I don't want to get arrested."

"Alright. I'll handle the other one and somehow fit him through this."

"Fine." Says Eclise. "I'll bury the smaller one."

I smile. "I'm so glad you're my friend, Eclise!"

"Ye.. yes. We're friends."

The clock hits 3 in the morning. We've been working to hide the bodies for 6 hours now.

After hiding them, we meet somewhere near our apartment, drenched as we are.

"Did you hide it?" I ask.

"I buried it along with the box and raincoat near a pond." He asks me. "What did you do?"

"I buried it. At several places."

He gasps and raises his brows.

Did he actually cut him?!

I turn my head at him. "Wanna come to my place and take a bath before leaving?"

"No!" He wastes no second and replies with a flinch. "I'll sneak into my house."

He intends for me not to hear but I hear him saying.. "I'm scared of your mother!" He hugs himself.

I smack his back and say in my cheery voice. "Let's just forget what happened today. It'll be between us forever. The event today only deepened our friendship." I pat his back. "Come on now. You should go back. Its almost hitting four and we're already drenched."

"Yes." He stands up. "I should get going." There's blankness in his eyes as he keeps repeating. "I should get going. I should get going."

I stand up as well. "I'll leave too."

I see off Eclise and head to my apartment. I climb up the boundary wall and crawl back into my current home through the bathroom shade.

The camera shouldn't have recorded me in front of that burnt house in this way.

I turn on the bathroom lights and stare at myself.

Covered in blood and dirt. There's a lack of life on my face. My eyebags got darker as well. I look so pathetic.

I take off my clothes.

I never liked my face or body. At least my slender body came in some use to me whatsoever.

I walk into the shower.

Whatever. I'll take a good bath.