
Alien in a world of magic

Miku Hara was your typical goal-orientated and driven kind of person. She was the CEO of her own small company and was living her best life when one day tragically while out for a jog she got killed by a falling piece of space debris. Now finds herself in a warm dark space with no idea of what's going on except a strange dark instinct to feed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, peeps Author here. A few things to start with I don't own anything except the generic fantasy world, if you own the cover image and don't want me to use it just send a message to me. With that, all done this will be one of my first ever stories like ever XD so I don't mind constructive criticism Key word is Constructive! I understand that some stories aren't for everyone so if this isn't yours then so be it. There's going to be 700-1000 words per chapter (hopefully) the story will be sporadic at first as I figure out a release schedule.

Demonicgundam · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 5: Biomass System

Blinking at the slightly transparent screen in front of her, Miku shakes her head ' ok, that's it. I've gone crazy; it's official. What am I even looking at here? Eyes drift over the status screen, and as it lingers on the body stat, a voice resounds in her head 'Body: represents the overall state of one's body' Miku blinks again before she growls

'What the hells that supposed to mean!!, just great does that mean five is good or bad' Miku slowly calms down and starts thinking in a sarcastic tone to no one in particular 'thanks a lot, whoever you are, very helpful' she the looks at the Agility for a few seconds and another voice rings out 'Agility: represents the ability to use one's body to it's fullest.'

Miku looks at the rest of the stats 'Resilience: Represents the toughness and hardness of one's own body. Mana control: represents the ability to gather control and use mana. Mental power: represent the control over one's mind and the ability to use it well. Willpower: represents the firmness of one's will and the ability to go against hardship.'

Miku's mind starts to race after reading up to Mana Control. Miku then continues through reading the rest before grinning from ear to ear, which happens to terrify the nearby birds causing them to scatter and fly away ' OMG ok, calm down, but I'm sure the Derek used to say that for one to use magic one needed to be able to control mana.'

Miku's heart starts to race at the thought of magic, but she then thinks about it more. It races faster ' Holy shit, maybe I can find a way back home through the magic I can learn,' but then reality hits her like a ton of bricks as she looks at the number value ' oh come on, that is just cruel punishment' just as she was about to sigh another voice rings out.

' hosts may use Biomass to improve themselves to become even stronger up to the next threshold. The host can also view the total amount and what can and can't be upgraded' Miku watches in silence as her status is updated, and a new window opens beside it.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Miku Hara

Age: 1 day

Race: Protomorph





Mana Control:0

Mental Power:5


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The second screen showed a list of sorts, and as Miku saw it, she scoffed.

Improvements: Body: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Blood, Agility: Legs, Arms, Tail, Resilience: Exoskeleton, Claws, Tail Spike, Internals.

'Really, that's it!!!!, no explanation, just here you go now figure it out on your own, huh' Miku huffed out, visibly angry now as her claws dug into the moist and soft earth ' well, whatever, let's see what we can do with this Biomass stuff that seems so essential and after that see if it will tell me what I am.'

After heading back to her little tunnel that leads to the cave, Miku noticing a few more orange creatures along the way fluttering about Miku finally sits down and calls out her status and looks at the second screen more closely ' ok, I think I'll start with eyes as I would like to be able to see differently' she then looks at the eye's section for a bit before a few options show up.

Eyes: Forest goblin eye genome= 15 BM, Forest Almiraj eye genome= 10 BM

Blinking at the options, Miku looks confused 'ok, well, this is ridiculous, only two choices' Miku then opens the other sections in the Body tab.

Ears: Forest Almiraj hearing genome=20BM

Nose: No enhancement detected

Tongue: Hidden enhancements detected reach threshold 3 to unlock

Blood: Hidden enhancement detected reach threshold 2 to unlock

' Scratch that. Some of the others don't even have anything in them' Miku then opens the rest of the tabs looking at the other upgrades in the background. A slight dripping can be heard from deeper in the cave

Legs: Joint reinforcement Lvl1=5BM. Other hidden enhancements detected reach the next threshold to unlock

Arms: Joint reinforcement Lvl1=5BM. Other hidden enhancements detected reach the next threshold to unlock

Tail: Muscle reinforcement Lvl1=15BM. Other hidden enhancements detected reach the next threshold to unlock

Exoskeleton: Skin hardening Lvl1=10BM. Other hidden enhancements detected reach the next threshold to unlock

Claws: No improvements detected

Tail spike: hidden enhancements detected reach the next threshold to unlock

Internals: no improvements detected

Miku, after looking over the list multiple times, notices a few things as her tail gently sways behind her 'ok, so that child-like thing with the ugly face was definitely a goblin, but what the heck is an Almiraj' Miku thinks a bit more ' we'll these are the only two options, so maybe it's that rabbit-like thing I hunted down, which would explain why their the only two options in all the categories that have proper names'

' As for the rest of the enhancements, they seem to be just improving on my body's structure, but that has me wondering more about my body in general' Miku looks at the Eye section again and ponders. 'I don't know what determines what each upgrade costs, but at least I figured out that some upgrades come from what I eat.'

She still shudders at the thought of eating raw meat but tries to take her mind off it ' Now the question is if I get one of these now, does that lock me out of anything better later? Maybe I mean, I don't even know how those creatures see things. It might be altogether weird or something, although I at least know they are improvements and not detrimental.'