
Alexander the Great Mage

The aliens kidnapped human beings to conduct experiments. And of all people, they chose to kidnap Alexander the Great at the peak of his glorious campaign, right before he invaded Arabia. He's pissed off. So I can't invade Arabia now? Fine! I'll invade YOU instead!! Witness Alexander the Great wreaking havoc in the alien experimental world as he tries to stop the aliens from massing and launching an invasion on earth! The action begins at chapter 3! The first two chaps are abit slow, but hang in there, it'll be worth it, I promise. :) Check out also my other novel - Speed Is King! It is participating in WPC 242, please support it by giving it powerstones :) This novel is the backstory of Primal Alexander from Speed Is King. It has no impact on Speed Is King's story, so you don't have to read this to enjoy SIK. :)

mrant12 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
159 Chs


Chapter 1

Somewhere deep within Persian territory, Alexander the Great stood alone by a sheer cliff. He gazed out into the horizon set afire by the setting sun. A cold breeze blew and the smell of firewood wafted by. In the distance behind him, he could hear his men making merry.

Babylon was finally within a week's march. They could almost taste the wine and hear the bards singing. The dreaded Indian Campaign was finally truly behind them. Arabia was next, but heck, that wouldn't happen for at least another half year. Who could know what would happen in 6 months? Maybe their general will take fancy to being a family man and stay in Babylon for good!

As good soldiers, their job was to kill the enemy mercilessly and live every single day as if it was their last. Because well, it could very well be. 6 months of downtime? That's an eternity! Huzzah! Praise the General! All hail Alexander the Great! All hail Alexander the Merciful!

Alexander closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he savored the sensation of being alive. And not just alive, but in power at the greatest era in human history, as humanity's strongest fighter and greatest general.

He was Alexander the Great! His feats were legendary and the entire world knew his name. If he claimed he was second, nobody would dare claim to be first. He was the King of the world. Not technically true yet, but it wouldn't be too long till it was.

"Ahh.. Life is great. If only I could relax like this every day!" Alexander thought. He was actually a really laid back person. When he was not ferociously killing his enemies, of course.

"The view is great. Insects all around are singing different tunes, all celebrating life. All sorts of birds are flying. And there's even a weird... circular one? What on earth is that?!"

A beam of light shone down on him. Above him, metallic, black, round and ominous, was a flying construct of sorts. It was shining some sort of light on him.

"What's happening?!" Alexander felt a weird sensation, as though his existence was leaving his body behind.

"Wait, that's my body! Why am I slumped down like that? Wait! Why am I rising up! What's happening! WHAT'S HAPPENING!?!?"

And then everything went dark.


Experimental World - Arcanus 26

Rin-Turah Royal Palace

Alexander opened his eyes and darkness greeted him. Pitch black, impenetrable darkness stretched out before him, solid and silent. "Where am I?" he thought. Alexander tried to sit up, but to his surprise, his body did not respond. He tried to lift his hand up. His hand did not respond! The first wisps of panic began to appear in his heart. But Alexander quickly gathered his wits and ruthlessly suppressed it.

He was the Undefeated King, Alexander the Great. King of Macedon. Pharaoh of Egypt. King of Persia. Lord of Asia. Soon to be King of Arabia. He dealt with emergencies for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

He took a deep breath and prepared to twist his body around with all his might. Poof! Nothing happened!! He had lost control of his body! What happened? Alexander tried to think back to the last thing he remembered, but as he triggered his memories, a huge deluge of information began to flood his mind in blinding and unending waves of pain.

"AARGHHHHH!" Alexander's voice echoed in his own mind. Through the pain, Alexander saw another person's life memories.

He was a King, like him.

King Aloxandros, was his name. King Aloxandros of Rin-Turah, Red Archmage of Ice, Swordmaster of the Tulip. He had just ascended the throne two days ago amid great fanfare and celebration.

However, although Alexandros's ascension to the throne was peaceful and full of cheer, powerful undercurrents were raging beneath the calm surface. Palace politics.

And now, those undercurrents were probably the reason why he was lying here like a dead log, wherever 'here' may be. The last thing he remembered was going to bed after the 2nd day of celebrations. He had entertained the other 11 Kings of the Conclave on the first day. They had come with broad smiles, bearing precious gifts as they congratulated him on his ascension.

On the second day, he celebrated with his ministers, generals and the nobles of the Kingdom. He had drunk to countless toasts amid the merriment.

And so the 11 Kings, his ministers, generals and nobles were prime suspects.

Those sneaky, slimy, slippery little snakes! Alexander raged amid the pain. Once I free myself from this, watch how I take my revenge! Flames of anger filled his heart as he grimly thought of several gruesome methods to make them confess their sins. But that was it. Visualizing revenge was all he could do at this point. What was happening?

After several moments, the pain receded and Alexander had full access to King Aloxandros's memories. Alexander quickly came to a conclusion. Somehow, he was in another King's body. One that was unconscious. Not only that, he was also in a different world. One where magic existed.

Alexander sat quietly in his lonely and dark world. Well, technically he wasn't sitting down since he was just a soul with no control over a body. But he liked to think that he was actually sitting down, cross-legged with his eyebrows scrunched up deep in thought.

"So I am now stuck in a Mage King's body. Judging by how I can access his memories, I have probably replaced his soul. So that means this dude is dead. WAS dead. Now that I am here, he should still be alive... right? Let's assume that he is alive, and that I am this body's soul. So why can't I wake up? Hmmm, his body is probably in a coma. Poisoned by his rivals in court, most likely. Whatever the reason, the crucial thing for me right now is to wake up. How do I wake up...? One step at a time. Let me try to sense my hands first."

Alexander "closed his eyes" and tried his best to sense his hand.

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 1%!]

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Alexander was shocked! "WHO?!!" He tried to jump up and raise his hands up in self-defense by reflex.

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 10%!]

His right leg twitched. Alexander was not a stupid man. He was, afterall, a legendary hero of humanity. He immediately realized 2 things:

Firstly, the weird, stiff voice that sounded in his mind had no intent. It was merely providing information. So, no threats there.

Secondly, his soul needed to 'synchronize' with his body, whatever that means.

He tried to sense his legs and other parts of his body.

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 16%!]

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 20%!]

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 22%!]

Alexander's eyes began to twitch. Here we go! He screamed internally.

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 24%!]

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 25%!]

However, he soon realized again that sensing his body parts could only 'synchronize' so much. He needed to find a different way to quickly finish synchronizing. Wait a minute, that initial jump from 1% to 10%, how did that happen? Reflexive movements?

Let's try executing spear techniques.

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 32%!]

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 37%!]

Yes!! It's working! Punching techniques!!

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 49%!]

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 67%!]

Dodging techniques!!

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 75%!]

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 86%!]

Dancing techniques!

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 96%!]

Singing techniques!

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 99%!]

Finally, somersaults!!

[Ding! Soul-body synchronization rate: 100%! Body unlocked. Body status is poisoned. Unable to move. AI support system initiated. Hello Alexander. I am your personal AI. Please give me a name.]

"SUCCESS!! Alexander screamed ecstatically. "100% in just a few minutes! I must be the best body-soul synchronizer there is!" Alexander's competitive spirit burst forth inappropriately in overflowing amounts.

[Hello Alexander. I am your personal AI. Please give me a name.]

"AI support system? What on earth is that?" Alexander thought. "However, it can communicate with the soul, and it can detect soul-body synchronization rates. It must be really powerful. I wonder what else it can do? But more importantly, MOST importantly, who put it in me??"

[Hello Alexander. I am your personal AI. Please give me a name.]

"It repeated itself with the exact same words and tone. It must be automatic, like a mechanical system." Although it was a completely foreign concept to him, Alexander instinctively believed that this "AI" is something that is beneficial for him.

"Hmm, let me just give it a name. AI! Your name is Buccephalas!"

[Acknowledged. Buccephalas greets you, Alexander. Would you like to acquire control over your new body?]


[Acknowledged. Body control acquired. Body is in a coma. Unable to move.]

Can't move? Well, at least it's still breathing. Alexander could feel his body breathing. He sighed internally in relief. The air in his lungs. Ahh, sensation.

He could feel his arms and legs. And he could feel a slumbering power deep within him which is apart from his body. It was like as though there was another dimension within him, one that can unleash the power of ten thousand men at once. What was that? Magic?

"Buccephalas, there is some... thing within me. A power. I feel like I can unleash the power of many men at once."

[13 men, to be exact, Alexander.]

"What? This power can be measured so specifically? It is what they call 'Magic' here isn't it?"

[Yes, Alexander. This power is magical power and it can be measured in various ways. For your sake, I have translated that to multiples of earthling men.]

"Okay, you've just created more questions than you've answered. I need a full explanation. What is going on here? Where am I? How can I get back? And what exactly are you?"

[Of course Alexander. You are a great General from Earth. Your recent exploits have gained the attention of Prince Flario of Symphonia and thus he had ordered for your capture.

Your soul is currently placed within King Aloxandros of Arcanus. This Arcanus is the 26th magical experimental world owned by Symphonia. Prince Flario owns Arcanus 26 – 30.

You can get back to Earth if Prince Flario releases you.

I am an Artificial Intelligence, a man-made magical construct capable of thought and processing information, attached to your soul. Consider me a gift from Prince Flario. I will aid you in your mission so that you can join Prince Flario as soon as possible.]

Alexander's mind reeled from the absurdity of the information presented to him.

He was a captive.



Great general or not, Alexander took a full 2 minutes to process this particular information.

And not just any alien, an alien race that has earth under full surveillance.

And one owning multiple 'experimental worlds'. Wait a minute, what about Earth?

"Buccephalas, is Earth an experimental world?"

[No, Alexander. It is a naturally formed life planet.]

"What is Earth to this Flario and Symphonia?"

[Earth is a densely populated life planet within Symphonia's jurisdiction. Once Earth reaches 10 billion people, it will be harvested to work in Symphonia's construction and mining departments. Of course they will be assigned to Prince Flario, considering that Earth is within his area of jurisdiction.]

"What the hell? HARVESTED?!" Alexander cried out internally in shock and anger.

[High levels of anger detected. Poisoned body in danger. Releasing dopamine. Alexander, please calm down.]

A surge of happy feelings flooded his body as Alexander calmed down. However, although his anger dissipated, his mind remained crystal clear. As a renowned general, Alexander knows there was a time for everything. There was a time to be bloodthirsty and ferocious. And there was a time for cold rationality. Now is the time to be rational. He needed all the information he can get.

"So let me get this straight. First, Prince Flario wants me to work for him. As what?"

[As a general, of course. You have been chosen as a candidate to lead his glorious armies in his pursuit of the Throne of Symphonia.]

"How do I become that general you just mentioned?"

[Take over Arcanus 26. Lead Arcanus 26 to victory in the Arcane Wars to be held among all 5 Arcanus worlds 20 years from now. Then lead your Arcane Army to victory in the General Wars to be held among all 5 divisions 25 years from now.

With your final victory, you will be given the position General of the Armies. Of course, If you do not win the General Wars, you will still be given the Arcane Generalship if you win the Arcane Wars, but it is subordinate to the General of the Armies.]

"What is Symphonia?"

[Symphonia is a Universe Empire. It is in control of 500 life planets and 1000 experimental and slave worlds.]

"How many Universe Empires are there?"

[The number is unknown.]

"How many Universe Empires are known?"

[There are five.]

Damn. This is not good at all. Earth is basically an ant, in the grand scheme of things.

"Buccephalas, tell me about my body."

[Would you like to see your status page?]

"Yes." A status page? Interesting!

A screen appeared in his mind.

[Name : Aloxandros Arcanus

Age : 25

Arcane Power : Black Archmage (Strength of 13 Earthling Men)

Martial Power : Nil

Technological Power : Nil

Psychic Power : Nil

Condition : Poisoned

AI note : Unknown Power detected.]

"Black Archmage? Unknown Power?"

[Arcane power levels are divided into 6 in Arcanus. Black, Grey, Blue, Red, Yellow and White. The Unknown Power is not within my capability to identify and measure. It is a unique power Symphonia has never encountered before.]

Alexander took a deep breath and started to process the new information. He was a rather powerful mage, and he had a secret weapon! This will be the power he will depend on to take Symphonia by surprise and defeat them! As he was thinking, Alexander was filled with battle intent and unknowingly, his body began to glow very slightly.

[Ding! Status change detected. Updating Status Page.

Name : Aloxandros Arcanus

Age : 25

Arcane Power : Black Archmage (Strength of 13 Earthling Men)

Martial Power : Nil

Technological Power : Nil

Psychic Power : Nil

Condition : Poisoned

AI note : Unknown Power detected. Unknown Power level rising.]

What? Power level rising?

Hi guys, hope you're enjoying this novel.

Don't forget to check out my newest novel Speed Is King for some hyper epic Beast Apostle System and Survival Racing in Apocalypse! :)

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